CSL Elite base Handbrake pin out?

Does anyone know the pin out of the hand brake (rj12) connector on the CSL Elite base?
Either its top secret or my google-fu is failing me...
Only 3 wires needed. Have not broke out the DVM yet.
Thanks in advance.
That wasn't too tough, didn't let the magic smoke out yet.

RJ-12 (end of connector tab up) 1-2-3-4-5-6
6 - 5 vDC
5 - Signal
1 - ground

10 Kohm linear pot

Get a nice linear sweep throughout the rotation.

The hard part will be getting the handle and linkage on the pot and in a substantially rugged assembly.

I'll probably just end up bailing and purchase the Fanatec HB. But at least it's do-able.
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Did anyone really connected the 10K linear potentiometer to the base and it worked?

I was thinking in buying a handbrake but 130€+postage is a bit expensive for a potentiometer and a metal frame, specially when you see hall sensor handbrakes for 60€ on ebay...

I also enjoy to make this kind of work and can print some 3d parts. Just want to make surr that it will work. I was afraid that the base didnt recognised a simple potentiometer but it looks like there is no other electronics inside the fanatec handbrake...
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I just tried it on my Fanatec CSL wheel. attached a 10k poti, and tried it in the settings. Basically, it works, but I saw the following:
When I have the poti at max resistance and open it, the handbrake bar will go immediately to 100%, and stays there while going down, and when I regulate the poti back, I will get a nice linear sweep. When I move it between 9k and 0, I will get a nice linear sweep up and down.
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