I only play on AMS so I can't comment on rF2.
Only time will tell if the new loadcell holds up in the long run. But yes you need to buy a new pedal if the loadcell fails.
If money is an issue and you don't need a clutch the pedals without the lc is already a big stepup from a g25 pedalset and for only 90€ well worth it imho.
I bought the csl, haven't tried the v3's
3 bits of extra info:
1) you will need to hardmount the pedals or else they lift when braking.
2) you don't need the usb rj12 converter if u buy the loadcell brake pedal. There is a new converter box delivered with it that has a usb port to connect directly to your PC. On the box you will find 4 rj12 ports (brake, clutch, gas and handbrake.
3) You can't change the pedal plates since they are made of the same piece of metal. No screws to swap them.
You'll be happy either way I think. Customer service and build quality is really nice.
Hope this helps.