CSW 2.5 Centre Notch Feel


Can I ask people about their CSW 2.5 experience?

I got one in February and I sometimes notice a centre notch feel half way through a race usually on Monza or Spa.

I think it's to do with the wheel spending a lot of time at centre down the straights. I notice a definite feel when I initially turn in and have to overcome the slight notch feel.

I don't get any notchy feel when I first switch on and go into a game.

I also notice a slight notch when I leave it off overnight and initially turn the wheel from it's rest position but that goes away once I move the wheel back and forth a few times.

It seems like it could be the effect of the belt stretching or relaxing into a position but I don't really know for sure.

Anyone have some info. or experience on this?
My T500RS was like this when I first got it, it was 2nd hand or old stock (I forget which, too long ago now) and had been sitting for some time I think (perhaps years!). The belts had sort of settled into position and I had exactly the sort of notch, or extra force needed to move away from that spot - and annoyingly it was not actually at the centre but rather a few degrees off of it.

What I did to resolve it was to get into the practice of leaving it at full lock when I am not using it - I try to remember to alternate which direction I do that in. With the way the belts are in the T500RS that moved any new notch that might have formed out of the working rotation of the wheel, so the centre feels the same as the rest of the rotation now.

I am not familiar with how the belts are arranged in the CSW, but you could try something similar perhaps.
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Might not be related but check the bolts in the middle of the quick connect shaft , remove the wheel and on the inside of the wheelbase shaft you can see 5 allen key head bolts , on mine they became slightly loose after a year of use and gave me a notchy feeling on quick direction changes or strong FFB in the opposite direction , it took me a while to track it down but once I tightened these 5 bolts it completely fixed it.
There should be no notch felt at anytime as mine didn't after doing this.
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I've done quite a few long races (45min and 60 mins) since last week.

I can't seem to re-produce this issue. Would ACC simulate some sort of steering fault after a crash?

I'll keep my eye on this. Not sure if I have an issue or not.
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