curious why hasnt "Trois Riveres" been made for AC??? IS IT A COPYRIGHTS ISSUE OR SOMETHING ELSE?
SOMETHING ELSE!!!curious why hasnt "Trois Riveres" been made for AC??? IS IT A COPYRIGHTS ISSUE OR SOMETHING ELSE?
we all started like that knowing nothing, but we sat down, got the (free) software and started off. Make it your project"IF" i knew how to make tracks, and combine it with all this stay at home stuff....there would be alot more tracks out there, jus sayin....
i just figured that the track was/is a very popular track in most other games it would have been done in AC by now...
on another note:
there was a track back in rF1 that was amazing... Glen Hellen MX Track but it was paved and obviously the jumps and berms were taken out... the elevation changes were amazing and racing there was close and fierce... that would be a great track to see in AC... but...
if i were to start learning how to make tracks it probably wouldnt be done till 2022 lol