Custom Skins Not Showing in Car Selection Screen

What file do I need to ensure custom skins show up when selecting a car? I hate having to select a car and load the showroom just to see which skin I selected.

Note, I think I'm installing the skins in the correct place: \\UserData\player\settings\<CarNameHere>. If I'm not, please let me know I'm an idiot :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You mean car preview in UI right?
That's only working with those skins of a mod that have a preview pic included. Unfurtunately custom skin preview images don't work currently. S397 is working on the UI so this should be solved with the new UI. A workaround would be to collect custom skins into a mod package, because then the preview images would work.
The GT3 cars will not appear right now unless you load the skin as an alt via the screen you were talking about. There is some issue and S397 is looking at it. So if you have custom skins, they only car they will appear on is your driving vehicle. Something to do with the new materials
they are still loking in 2022 lol still not working for some cars, just a grey cloth
If you are talking about the tarp that covers some of the car on the menus, those are 3rd party cars that the original mod maker has not included icons. S397 will not touch other peoples work so it is up to whomever made the cars OR interested 3rd party artists to add the icons necessary for cars to be displayed on the menus.