Hi all! I am new to this forum and to modding. My goal is to make my own billboards. I over-rid textures trying to customize my billboard Spa 2022 since a few did not have one. I took the Adv_ads.dds and opened with paint and changed each banner, it shows only 2 show for the entire track (same 2 on all structures). I even tried putting it in a texture folder to show before default dds or even my custom skin folder with no luck! Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong with Spa 2022? I have done this same steps with Spa and other tracks and all billboards show separately for each structure? Even confirmed that ext files the correct mesh/file name as it appears on Spa_2022.kn5. Opened using ks-converter. Been at it for a week now and can not get it work. Please advise!