Cutting track and vehicles ?

Hello to everyone.

My attempt is to leave, just one vehicles and some my track.
But when I cut some track or car, the game doesn't want to start, it is easy like in rf1.
For now I just need, F_Extreme car and some track,
If somebody have solution please to tell me. Another problem, I can't find the hdv file for
F_Extreme MOD.

I want to thank in advance, for any help.
screenshots and modding GID plugin
Steam will replace the files that are missing, not sure if u can delete stock content, you should have no problems removing mods though.
I was found the next solution, for edith content for car and track.
Last evening I was delete, all file in each folder and sub folder for car and track.
The folder name and sub folder need to stay, otherwise the game will not start.
Because the game before start, checking the each map for Locations and Vehicles
I don't know maybe is the line in Config.ini Revision=1
in my case this work OK, so if you are not crazy like me and you don't like to modding the game, you don't need to do this.