Dedi Server Setup

Evening all,

Recently i have been trying to setup a dedi with me and a few friends, unfortunately im getting the following error. What have i missed or not done correctly.

DynamicTrack: first session, resetting grip
Trying to load DRS zones from: content/tracks/glensheil/data/drs_zones.ini
open content/tracks/glensheil/data/drs_zones.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Weather update. Ambient: 19.524868 Road: 26.801277 Graphics: sol_05_broken_clouds
Wind update. Speed: 1 Direction: 44
CHECKSUM: system/data/surfaces.ini=41949b9f7045cad2af3f5eb951d170a9
CHECKSUM: content/tracks/glensheil/data/surfaces.ini=7c4f3a9f1e91362681db841072434979
CHECKSUM: content/tracks/glensheil/models.ini=873f434ecb26c5f7e6bf44e4a080b05a
CHECKSUM: content/tracks/glensheil/models_bigroad.ini=da1714a1812b1b608e023bca945e99da
CHECKSUM: content/tracks/glensheil/models_lochrace.ini=38d7840a9e9b1374c79e5e8d7aab7efc
ACD CHECKSUM:081fff2cb4f8a827588c5a2606f9467d
ACD CHECKSUM:b7b8df3772ef48d33843b85fa8c531f9
ACD CHECKSUM:049513bfc5e5cbc077ed7c0b54299014
ACD CHECKSUM:3ff3d11c576f3556891f7ff547d2fb47
Loading blacklist
Opening entry list: cfg/entry_list.ini
Found car CAR_0
CAR: 0 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (0) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 0 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (0) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_1
CAR: 1 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (1) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 1 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (1) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_2
CAR: 2 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (2) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 2 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (2) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_3
CAR: 3 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (3) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 3 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (3) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_4
CAR: 4 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (4) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 4 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (4) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_5
WARNING: Entry list has more clients than allowed by the MAX_CLIENT value in server_cfg.ini
Random seed: 1924733015
Starting TCP listener at port 9600
Session has 0 laps, will not save json
SESSION: Practice

Thanks in advance!
Its a bit late, but look at the LOG in yellow it says whats wrong on CM
You just need to fix the cars and where they go. Your server cant find the cars.
Found car CAR_0
CAR: 0 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (0) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 0 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (0) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_1
CAR: 1 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (1) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 1 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (1) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_2
CAR: 2 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (2) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 2 lotus_elise_sc_s2 (2) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/lotus_elise_sc_s2.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_3
CAR: 3 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (3) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 3 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (3) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_4
CAR: 4 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (4) [ []] [] Ballast: 0 kg
CAR: 4 ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r (4) [ []] [] Restrictor: 0
open setups/ks_mazda_rx7_spirit_r.ini: The system cannot find the file specified.
Found car CAR_5
WARNING: Entry list has more clients than allowed by the MAX_CLIENT value in server_cfg.ini