Hello i have spent nearly 2 days trying to get my head around this issue but it still it persists.
I got a server with elitgameservers .. installed it tested worked fine ...
However now after many reinstalls of ac custom shaders patch and the server itself .. The server will not ping .. i have checked log for errors and cant seem to find anything causing it .. when i join the server it says server unavailable ... However a friend joined and it was fine
I have tried using just steam launcher to connect the ping is 0
also tried many times with content manager and still ping is 0
there is no checksum error or missing cars etc..
Please any help i would be very grateful
the log from server
Shuffy [] changed tyres to M
TCP packet 13
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Recieved P2P Count: 0
TCP packet 68
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Checksums received from Shuffy []
system/data/surfaces.ini ok
content/tracks/spa/data/surfaces.ini ok
content/tracks/spa/models.ini ok
Car checksum ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro true
TCP packet 67
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Clean exit, driver disconnected: Shuffy []
I got a server with elitgameservers .. installed it tested worked fine ...
However now after many reinstalls of ac custom shaders patch and the server itself .. The server will not ping .. i have checked log for errors and cant seem to find anything causing it .. when i join the server it says server unavailable ... However a friend joined and it was fine
I have tried using just steam launcher to connect the ping is 0
also tried many times with content manager and still ping is 0
there is no checksum error or missing cars etc..
Please any help i would be very grateful
the log from server
Shuffy [] changed tyres to M
TCP packet 13
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Recieved P2P Count: 0
TCP packet 68
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Checksums received from Shuffy []
system/data/surfaces.ini ok
content/tracks/spa/data/surfaces.ini ok
content/tracks/spa/models.ini ok
Car checksum ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro true
TCP packet 67
Dispatching TCP message to ks_audi_r18_etron_quattro (0) [Shuffy []]
Clean exit, driver disconnected: Shuffy []