Default+ setup

Ok, so this is just an idea but I think it would make Multiplayer a bit more balanced and fun. So what if there was a default+ option in the setup option where players could only make 2 clicks of adjustment to any setup parameter. This would allow racers to make some small changes based on the track and car combo while keeping the cars balanced in performance. When the cars get balanced with default setups, this would keep drivers from finding setup exploits and level the playing field.
I take this as because you - as you has said yourself - dont know much about setting up a virtual car, then instead of learning it yourself you want to restrict others who have used some time to get this skills.

Because I have some leg injuries I cannot use pedals - so I want to restrict others from using exactly the pedals they want. Is that the way to go?:rolleyes:
@Kurupt CDN Good answer :thumbsup:
@JohnyUtah Be aware Im not trying to be harsh or "smart" here. But I genuinely dont understand why people like you who for one reason or another isnt able to set a virtual car up allways want to restrict others.
Others who take it as some part of the "game" or hobby to use a bit more time than just start the game and turn the wheel.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: My personal explanation of this wish to restrict it for others is that instead of admitting to oneself that I am only so "good" as my results does show - then if the circumstances for others could be restricted then I could show my real potential and skills.
But that is only my own private internal explanation - ofcourse :thumbsup:
I get what @JohnyUtah is driving at ;)

A lot of us would like to be good at setups but for a lot of people that just not going to happen (like being a creative in art/music some of us just have a bit more of a natural talent for that). Some people just aren't that tuned in to be able to do it or have the time to invest in it.

So they don't want to feel like they have already been beating off the track before the race starts.

In ACC I gave up as I just don't have the time to learn all the knowledge to do it right and bought some setups with real money FFS.

Therefor an option to limit some of the setup options could be a good idea (which would be the million dollar question).

If you don't want to play in a lobby with limited setups then play in one with full setups :)

Full setup Lobbies / Limited Setup Lobbies / Default Setup Lobbies

But turning off all setup options is problem as you lose settings like break pressure and I know I do tweak this in AMS2 (I don't in ACC just AMS2 for some reason) so when jumping in a lobby with no setup options I find I then have a a bit of a problem and have to relearn the car a bit.
I guess the two guys at the top of this LB dont moan or demand restricting others to get their way to the top.
They just show that using default setups dont handicap you if you instead of moaning and want to restrict others use some time to adjust your driving to the car/setup instead.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Its allways people who for some reason or excuse cannot afford the time to learn to setup a virtual car - who does believe that using a custom setup gives a lot of unfair advantages.:roflmao:

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OK, first of all ams2 doesn't have the most competitive player base yet, it needs to grow more.

Don't games like RF2 have physics exploits where cars can be setup in unusual extreme ways, maybe ams2 could also see this. In which case limiting setups can keep things more real in a way.

Also ams2 has gone though alot of changes making it extra time consuming to keep up with setups.

In ACC a good setup makes alot of difference, the player base is very competitive.

The 2 guys at the top of that lobby can race where they please and so can the rest.

This is about adding another way to play/race not taking the others away. If you don't want a default or limited setup then don't play in a lobby setup that way.

"Its allways people who for some reason or excuse cannot afford the time to learn to setup a virtual car" - Yes this exactly, these people want an option because they are time limited, I'm glad you see that too :)
CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Its allways people who for some reason or excuse cannot afford the time to learn to setup a virtual car - who does believe that using a custom setup gives a lot of unfair advantages.
For some reason or another you forgot to quote me correct.:roflmao:
Didnt the rest of the quote fit into your story?
And hectically trying to find ANY "argument" that can delete the sign of the list above - then you for some reason or another use a lot of effort to refer to other racing games.
I dont give a damned if people in other racing games does exploit some bugs in their physics engine.
We are talking about AMS2 here and beside all the BUGS I still have to see any sign of exploits.:roflmao:

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: You cant even see that your reference to the low player base in AMS2 makes it even more crucial for serious and skilled drivers if fewer lobbys does allow setting up the car. Because if a larger part of the number of lobbies does restrict setups then the number of unrestricted lobbies etc etc ...
Not actually rocket science to conclude :roflmao:
It does not take a genius to understand how to play a video game. The issue is that it is just a game. The setup parameters allows for a driver to take a very fun realistic feeling car and turn into a jetson mobile that maybe faster but has lost any connection to reality. I am not a race car driver or an engineer, but adjusting the ARB of a car would not allow the car to rotate twice as fast. In honesty, this idea seems to be a good way to keep the cars in a realistic state while allowing for a REALISTIC amount of adjustment. It is also simply an idea for them to consider that I believe would help with multiplayer. I am tempted to be rude here but I will simply say I starting to see a pattern of behavior.
The setup parameters allows for a driver to take a very fun realistic feeling car and turn into a jetson mobile that maybe faster but has lost any connection to reality.
Completely misunderstood - if you ask me :cool:
It IS often possible to drastic change the behaviour the way you describe - BUT then the car will both be a lot slower and more or less terrible to drive.

As I have said before both you and the others in the setup restriction camp "does believe that using a custom setup gives a lot of unfair advantages".

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Without patronizing too much then this misconseption is based on completely ignorance conserning setup tweaking. And tweaking possibilities.
End of story - for my part.:cool:
There is no question that the level of effect in terms of trading off good and bad is the most complex part of any sim game. An adjustment to the aerodynamics that gives you grip at the cost of speed and how much those quantity are is I imagine the most difficult thing to get right. The issue with setup parameters doing too much or too little is in every sim game. AMS2 does a better job of getting this right than any other game, however, in my opinion it is something that can never really be nailed down. With over 100 cars and each car with 100s and thousands and millions of permutation the opportunity for exploit is obvious. Moreover, some cars seem to have nervous characteristics as the quality aimed to balance them, think GTE Corvette GT3 720. In principal this makes sense, however, in practice a driver can simply us setup options to dial this out while keeping the advantage in speed, hence you get unbalanced cars. The hope with a setup+ option is. First the cars get balanced in baseline setup. I know it can be done they have done it with GT Classic, which has made that class extraordinary. Then if you say give the 720 a bit of speed advantage for being hard to drive, a player simply can not change the setup option to nullify the balancing element. All this being said, it is just an idea and I enjoy coming up with things like this so of course I have no real stake in what happens to AMS2 beyond playing the game and these suggestions are aimed to be just that.