

I race in cockpit view and race at 36 FOV. In the defview file I can see my 36 FOV setting in the cockpit area of the defview file and on the latter of the actual line like so 112: 36. Great, what does the default 112 represent as once I used HQ CMD and it set the numbers to 30: 36.
first value X is not used by gtr2 as it is automatically adjusted by graphic engine to suit your display resolution, so only second fov value Y is used. You can try by yourself, set any number at first X value and you will see no change.
Curious for monitors: On monitors changing the first default number doesn't change anything for me but when I change it down to 30 in VR it changes everything and things don't disappear like the guys waving you out of the garage and when you look slightly to the right he vanishes until you look back. I think your command set it to to 30 for me on one occasion (maybe I had VR active rather than monitor - can't remember) so whatever your command did it sorted out VR for me and it's now been memorized as a fix.
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when I change it down to 30 in VR it changes everything and things don't disappear like the guys waving you out of the garage and when you look slightly to the right he vanishes until you look back
I do not see that!
Never seen that the first parameter has any function as I looks to be overridden by the set resolution aspect ratio.
Using Hp Reverb G2 headset.
For sure it does it for me; 30 on the first numbers and then 100 on the second (cockpit view 30:100) works for me no issues - using HTC Cosmos.

The Cosmos has a setting which tells and sets the rez in steamvr - a cpu saving setting it goes under funnily enough. Can still change the steamvr setting from the pre-set one, but if you're a Cosmos user having the same VR issue with GTR2 as described then try number 30. Good headset for simming the Cosmos, runs cool and no sweatfest.
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