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Por motivos de tiempo no estaré agregando más paquetes para juegos. agradezco a todos los que agradecieron mi trabajo. saludos

For reasons of time I will not be adding more games packages. I thank all those who thanked my work. regards
JuanBonX updated More vivid and Realistic Colors with a new update entry:

More vivid and Realistic Colors

General instructions (Added)

The following information will be updated in all games starting today.

Reshade 3.0.8 y SweetFX 2.0


Description: Preset v1.9.1 offers better contrast, color and a more realistic color temperature. No false lighting increases (FakeHDR.fx) for increased performance, compatibility with many Games and Mod...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hiya, thx for sharing your mod.
It's kind of late here in Europe, so i'm a little dumb dumb cause i'm tired, sorry for that.
I just tried your mod, but when the car selection menu should appear my game crashes.

Main Question: Is your mod compatible with the EVOhud mod?

I have the EVOhud installed on my game (not GIDhud. I used to always have GIDhud, even with the old rFactor, but i'm very satisfied with the EVOhud, so i want to stick with that one.)
I say this because it is the only explanation i can think of now why my game crashes with your mod installed.

How i install:
I removed the files which you asked for in instructions (i copy them to a backup folder offcourse).
I changed the config.exe file the way you discribed.
I have all settings on Ultra, except for shadows, because my GPU doesn't like them (framerate drop) r9 Fury.
I copy all the files except the GID files (in shared folder and the .ini), and put them in AMS gamefolder.

For the EVOhud i think we also get a d3d9.dll file. So i'm thinking maybe because i replace it with yours it could be the reason for crash?

Thx in advanced
Hiya, thx for sharing your mod.
It's kind of late here in Europe, so i'm a little dumb dumb cause i'm tired, sorry for that.
I just tried your mod, but when the car selection menu should appear my game crashes.

Main Question: Is your mod compatible with the EVOhud mod?

I have the EVOhud installed on my game (not GIDhud. I used to always have GIDhud, even with the old rFactor, but i'm very satisfied with the EVOhud, so i want to stick with that one.)
I say this because it is the only explanation i can think of now why my game crashes with your mod installed.

How i install:
I removed the files which you asked for in instructions (i copy them to a backup folder offcourse).
I changed the config.exe file the way you discribed.
I have all settings on Ultra, except for shadows, because my GPU doesn't like them (framerate drop) r9 Fury.
I copy all the files except the GID files (in shared folder and the .ini), and put them in AMS gamefolder.

For the EVOhud i think we also get a d3d9.dll file. So i'm thinking maybe because i replace it with yours it could be the reason for crash?

Thx in advanced

EvoHUD is not compatible with eFX. For less complications I have left my preset v1.9.1 to use it with the default SweetFX of Automobilista. Regards
Is this normal? When I load a car, it starts to glitch out.
La verdad ni idea, por lo que vi pasa con todos los autos, pero después de entrar y salir a pista muchas veces se soluciona. Gracias por el plugin! La verdad gráficamente se ve de 10, y consume menos (un par de fps jeje) que el SweetFX por default.
La verdad ni idea, por lo que vi pasa con todos los autos, pero después de entrar y salir a pista muchas veces se soluciona. Gracias por el plugin! La verdad gráficamente se ve de 10, y consume menos (un par de fps jeje) que el SweetFX por default.

Ese error nunca lo vi en mis pruebas. Sobre el preset 1.9.2, para mi es un placer compartir mi trabajo sin pedir nada a cambio.

Gracias por valorar mi trabajo. saludos ;)
Reshade and SweetFX: More vivid and Realistic Colors v1.9.2 By JuanBonX


Descripción: El ajuste personalizado v1.9.2 ofrece mejor color, contraste y temperatura de color más realista. No aumenta el brillo y resplandor (Bloom), para gráficos más realistas, compatibilidad con muchos Juegos y Mod Gráficos.

Recomendación: Evitar modificar el brillo y contraste por defecto del monitor*, jugar en Full HD (1920X1080) o superior y utilizar las configuraciones Gráficas que recomiendo para obtener el mejor resultado posible en el juego.


- Colores vívidos
- Mejor Contraste
- Nitidez y Enfoque
- Temperatura de color Realista



Description: The custom setting v1.9.2 offers better color, contrast, and more realistic color temperature. It does not increase the brightness and glow (Bloom), for more realistic graphics, compatibility with many games and graphics Mod.

Recommendation: Avoid modifying the default brightness and contrast of the monitor*, play in Full HD (1920X1080) or higher and use the graphics settings that I recommend to get the best possible result in the game.


- Vivid colors
- Better contrast
- Sharpness and Focus
- Realistic Color Temperature
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