I've ended up with a few options WRT Thrustmaster racing wheels and wondered what people's thoughts are. I bought a broken TX hoping to fix it and couldn't. Then whilst looking for another TX to merge with the broken one, bought a T300 because it was a steal. Then whilst still looking for a way to repair the TX, bought another TX because that also was a great price. The long and short of it is I've ended up with the following:
Despite the GTE and Leather Edition rim probably worth more, I can't stand the Italia rim after using the other two so that has to go! Between the GTE and the Leather Edition, I slightly prefer the Leather Edition but not enough in it to favour one over the other if the pay off is higher. It's also worth mentioning that I've got the box for a 458 Italia/2 pedal set so maybe will add a small amount of value there.
I see my options as:
There may be other combinations that I've not thought of. I appreciate I'm probably over thinking this - what would you do?
- Broken TX base
- Working TX base
- Working T300 base
- Working 458 Italia rim
- Working 458 GTE Challenge Edition rim
- Working Xbox Leather Edition rim
- Working TX 2 pedal set
- Working T300 2 pedal set
Despite the GTE and Leather Edition rim probably worth more, I can't stand the Italia rim after using the other two so that has to go! Between the GTE and the Leather Edition, I slightly prefer the Leather Edition but not enough in it to favour one over the other if the pay off is higher. It's also worth mentioning that I've got the box for a 458 Italia/2 pedal set so maybe will add a small amount of value there.
I see my options as:
- Sell TX + 458 Italia + TX 2 pedal set boxed together / sell GTE rim / sell broken TX base / keep T300 + Leather Edition rim (I'm on PC so button agnostic) + T300 2 pedal set
- Sell TX + 458 Italia + TX 2 pedal set boxed together / sell Leather Edition rim (alienates potential buyers from PS4 crowd) / sell broken TX base / keep T300 + GTE rim + T300 2 pedal set
- Sell T300 + GTE rim + T300 2 pedal set together unboxed / sell 458 Italia rim (don't go for much) / sell broken TX base (or keep for spares) / keep TX + Leather Edition rim + TX 2 pedal set
There may be other combinations that I've not thought of. I appreciate I'm probably over thinking this - what would you do?
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