Dirt racing / Off road

Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
I really hope that off road and dirt racing will be properly supported in rF2. That is something I have really missed in the first game.

Although some mods were made to fill the dirt needs it always felt a bit weird imo. Would be so much fun to drive with a bunch of nutcases in an offroad car on some of those MadCowie stadium tracks :)
They've released screenshots of a dirt track already, as well as what appears to be a trophy truck.





So I think this is going to be catered for. :)
Something was wrong with the offroad simulation in rF. Never ever made a mod which made me feel that i drive a rally car off the tracks. I don't really know which part of the simulation was unrealistic, but i'm afraid the 'contact' betwwen the car's model and the ground by the suspension and the tyres. I think the physical reaction of the ground was wrong in rF, but may i'm wrong...

I'd like to get a good kind of replacement of RBR, as you said.
I am bit surprised that we haven't seen any offroad or dirt screenshots lately. Does anybody know if there will be offroad vehicles and tracks in the game by default?

I couldn't be any more positive about that than I am right now. With the post from Marcus Dillon showing an offroad track and an offroad vehicle as the major indicator in mind, ofcourse.

I think it's safe to say that it will come with the game by default. The only reason that they haven't posted any screenshots as of late, in the way I see it, is because they want to give sneak previews of various content as broadly as can be done. After all, the main benefactor of rFactor has always been grip-racing, as proven by many testimonies (in this thread too) about the lacking immersion in the offroad mods that were made. ISI never made their own mod for rFactor that was offroad focused as far as I know either.

So chances are they are doing something about that. I'm betting alot of us, the offroad lovers, will prefer rFactor 2 as the primary sim for rallying and so on, with the aging of RBR becoming increasingly apparent :) In fact I can't think of anything else I want more in rFactor 2 as of now, after all the other content that has been officially announced.

Here's to hoping for proper offroad experiences in rFactor 2!

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