Div 2 Barcelona Post Race Reports

Jakob sorry for incidents,yesterday you were faster me.
Jakob I you did not see, I went on a trajectory
You attacked me, you should know distance. You were behind, and it was visible to you better.Stewarts will understand our incident.

its clear in this film i passed you , you hit my rear tire.
but i dont mind you hitting me, its that you didnt wait for me, that gets me off..
and clearly you were changing lines to often and blocking me all over the place
you even ran me off twice.
So think you should see all of the replay and admit you were too agressive.
Hey all
Q : was bloked 3 times on fast laps - started 5 pl.
R : race was ok, with no any issues, I started with medium tyres, it was a misstake,
needed enter to pit at lap 19 and 42 and set pit setups which took me lots of time
any case glad to finish race finely :)
hope for fun at silverston :)
Thanks for league executers
cu on track :cool:

Sorry Eliezer. I think I might have been one of the 5. I just couldn't get out the way without crossing the track. Id rather stick to a predictable line than risk crossing and causing an almighty crash.
Hi guys, I thing we all should be more carefull especially at the start of the race, today I got up 4.30am looking for a great race, my wife said to me come back to bed you are waisting your time , someone is going to hit your car like always, yeh babe you were right, I was pushed out at t1 y someone, that put my car in all damage you can imagine, so all the hard work and daily practice is gone in a second and its not fair, if this is going to continue than I'm sorry guys I will leave the league, there is no fune waiking up 4.30am for **** race, ( excuse my language).
See you on Silverstone.

Ah yes :( You were another victim of "my" crash.

Last night's T1 crash was rather severe for few people but I think we've all progressed a lot since the start of the season. Sure we still have incidents but I really think there are fewer of them now. We're getting there. We just need to remind everyone that the race isn't won in T1.

A lot of guys try to make up too many positions in the first few corners. I've been guilty of this too. The reality is that only the first 4 or 5 drivers really have a good chance of winning. If you start behind those guys be realistic about it. It's no fun racing on your own in any case so holding back a little at the start not only means that you will have more fun but it will reduce the number of retirements which means you'll have a lot more people to have fun with.

It really isn't about winning when you think of it. Sure winning is great but racing against friends and sharing the battle stories later is far more valuable. At least that is my opinion.

So be mindfull in the next race. Remember that the guy in front of you or behind you has put in just as much time and effort as you have.
Hi guys, I thing we all should be more carefull especially at the start of the race, today I got up 4.30am looking for a great race, my wife said to me come back to bed you are waisting your time , someone is going to hit your car like always, yeh babe you were right, I was pushed out at t1 y someone, that put my car in all damage you can imagine, so all the hard work and daily practice is gone in a second and its not fair, if this is going to continue than I'm sorry guys I will leave the league, there is no fune waiking up 4.30am for **** race, ( excuse my language).
See you on Silverstone.

Yes man its sucks to end all long practice in a min
mabye admins shuld consider to dissable damage for first lap
after all its sim and lots of ppl are disappointed which is not the gol .
Grats to podium

Q: 11

RACE:Started slow(T16) to avoid crowding in T1.It payed off up to P11.

After T5 Nicolas R spun off P10 for me.In last corner Tom W spun off, now i´m P9.

L2 After T5 I pass Schoonhoven as he coming out from the grass, P8. T10 He brakes late and hit me,He pushed me off track and went on. On L3 T7 he spun off and i´m back on P8.

After that it was a lonely race, nothing happend until L20 when I spun off in the wall after T13.
When I drove out on the track I did´nt saw Coen:eek: It was close but it went well .Sorry for that Coen, my mistake.
On L40 Vale appeared in my mirrors and we had a small(to short) battle the last laps:D

After my 3 DNF on a row P8 feels like a victory:D:D

See you all in England

Qual : 3rd
Incredible qualification session for me, I succeeded in doing what I wanted : being in front of the pilots close to me in the championship (except Coen who is too fast for me). It's my best qualification yet, I still don't know how I managed being so fast.

Race : 7th
I tried to be careful in L1, because my car was very different to drive with cold tyres. I lost 2 places in the firsts turns, but no one hit me and I hit no one so I though : no bad. But then, just after T4, I went too wide, put my right wheels on the grass and lost my car. I spun and damaged my front (wing + suspension) on the opposite wall. Fortunately, no one was hit in the process. I managed to join the pits to repair, and passed Kimmo there. Exiting the pits I heard and saw the firsts pilots lapping us so I went in the grass at the inside of T1, and a this moment, Kimmo hit me and damaged my suspension. My car was drivable but I feel I was loosing a few seconds per lap so I decided to stop again in the pits to repair.

After this, I was nearly 2 laps down at the beginning of L3. I was very angry at the moment, because I trained a lot, but I put myself together and started to make my race. I began to have some fun, passing and unlaping lots of people, and managed to end at the 7th position.

In conclusion, very good qual, very bad race (but fun).
Hi guys, please read my thread.
Look, some good drivers quit from the D2 and some looking to quit including myself. I practice online with Pacific drivers (Steve crossland) top guys, and I practice with D1 and world drivers and they are top guys and I love it, but when it come to racing with D2, there is no fun, I just dont like it. I thing the team should make an efort to improve the quality of driving to make the race more enjoyable. Most of our accidents is in the start of the race in lap 1, so I suggested in the pass to Nicolai to make a rule for D2 That, no overtaking in lap one, all drivers to maintain there positions, the drivers will have less presures, better view, warm tyres. I believe it will bring down the accidents and more drivers will end up finishing the race. If you agree with me please vote yes. Thank you
so we need just to force the rolling start!!! there is also the option in race07.....but i think that it will not change a lot, but i'm agree that maybe we must try it for a race or two and see what happens!!! ;)
Rolling start not include F1 (ok in same special cases but not normally) so I'm not sure if we need that change.

Of course it is always ok that we do passing after the start but while the cars from the front of the grid start braking before T1 so the cars behind should also start braking and not to try anything stupid last time passing like the driver did in Barcelona. And always while you do passing so please don't hit the car front of you. Ballistic driving is not safe in any cases!

What we really need is some kind of gentleman deal that we don't take any stupid risks while passing others. Just wait until it is safe to pass or stay behind no matter how fast you are or how old the race is then.

Note that this should be only fun not too serius winning circus, you cant win the race in T1 (of course if all others finish them race there). So drive as fast as you can but notice that other drivers are not AI drivers but a real humans with their feelings and needs. So don't hit anybody, if you are good enough it's not too much asked.

Accidents happens but we can recude them while driving more safely and trying to forecast what the car front of us doing next. I always check the other car's speed before I do overtake and it could take 1 lap or more but the most important thing is that I don't ruin anybodys race.

I'm not perfect but I really try to drive safely and normally I can finish all my races and that's what I'm looking for. If I win it's ok but no matter if I'm the last one, driving as fast as I can is the idea.

Ps. I will check the Silverstone replay after the FPES race and if you can take T1 nicely then so I might change my mind and come back, hopelly Joe also come back then.

I believe U can do this much!

Hi guys, please read my thread.
Look, some good drivers quit from the D2 and some looking to quit including myself. I practice online with Pacific drivers (Steve crossland) top guys, and I practice with D1 and world drivers and they are top guys and I love it, but when it come to racing with D2, there is no fun, I just dont like it. I thing the team should make an efort to improve the quality of driving to make the race more enjoyable. Most of our accidents is in the start of the race in lap 1, so I suggested in the pass to Nicolai to make a rule for D2 That, no overtaking in lap one, all drivers to maintain there positions, the drivers will have less presures, better view, warm tyres. I believe it will bring down the accidents and more drivers will end up finishing the race. If you agree with me please vote yes. Thank you

I totally agree that something needs to be done! I think the situation is unacceptable that people like yourself sacrifice so much to join the league, and time after time gets crashed out.

No passing in lap 1, rolling start etc. are all possible remedies, but I think the real problem is that there are too many drivers in D2 that does not take the "do not crash" seriously enough!

I've been very careful with expelling drivers as it sometimes is hard to tell the difference between an unlucky moment and a general lack of respect for other people’s races and time. Now we’ve had 6 races and a general pattern is easier to identify.

There are several things to look at:
-The incidents itself, how often etc.
-How the guilty part handle it, do they mention it in the forums, do they report it to the Race Director, do they show a genuine regret etc.
-Have they prepared properly for the race or is it first time with race trim

With a lack of communication after an incident there is not much hope of improvement. Some are good at this, some are not. It is a huge difference from the people who cause an accident that quickly show their regrets and apologies in the forum relative to those who cause accident and do not mention it in the forum. In either case it is easy to identify who the “good guys are” through reading the forums.

Before season 1 we had a beta-league (2 years ago) and we were only 12 people. We all became good friends and had a lot of fun together. Everybody showed each other respect. Therefore I am convinced that the quality of the people are much more important than how many there are in the league.

I guess you all can see where I am going with this. If you feel you are in the danger sone in regards to incidents you have caused in this season and/or lack of reports, apologies and regrets, an email to the race director where you convince him that this is a thing of the past might save your spot for the rest of the season
I remeber when the 1st season of division 2 started (i was there),it wasn't the best as we were still learning to race, but it wasn't this bad as the forums make it sound for this season, I know we are using a much more challeging vehicles but still we expect for each season to get better, as times on the server get much closer to Div 1 every season so why shouldn't 'race craft' improve as well?

I think it's the mentality in Div 2 that seems to be the problem here, lets hope that this changes.
as it is always a shame to loose drivers from a league due to this reason's
Hi guys,

I think Bruno is telling something really important. Mentality is the key factor.
U have to accept that some guys are good and some are bad.
The good one's need to know to watch out and the bad need to be careful.
Dont do anything dumb and dont let the fun factor make the discision but realism!

Thats the real basic!

Its not ok that we are losing good guys from bad behavoir!

Perhaps the race director can be firmer! No warnings, but penalty and exclutions!

We need fun, realism and fair behaivoir, and we won't accept bad behavoir.
Only then we can be builded a united team in Division 2 with serious guys!
And is Division 1 and World Series really that much better??

Olso we need to approach each other with bad behavoir! Dont be shy to correct someone.
Report it to RD and hopefully he needs to make exclusions and penalty's.

So, that my opinion! Never say much, but this topic strikes my heart! All behave!

Have fun all!

Perhaps the race director can be firmer! No warnings, but penalty and exclutions!

Penalties will only be given if an advantage is gained while exclusions are for those who are not able to learn from their own mistakes (serial mistakers) and those who makes mistakes but remain absent from the forum discussions.

As I indicated in my post above there will be changes before next race. Race 7 will be the start of the "new" Division 2. I'll open a new thread about it very soon.

And is Division 1 and World Series really that much better??

Division 1 is not perfect, we have our challenges that we are working on, but it is a big step from Division 2 in my opinion. I can take myself as an example, in the first race I was spun around twice on lap 2 by Artyom (promoted from div 2 before the season). He waited for me both times -> no penalty. (Artyom, no worries mate :))

Other than that the only accident I've been in (significant enough for me to remember and not including situations where I hit the wall by myself etc) is our imfamus Melbourn crash that took out half the grid, but that was one driver that spun on the curb right after a quick, blind turn -> catastrophy.

Point is that I feel quite safe even though I've started all my races in the middle of the pack -> most dangerous place to start.

Having said this, there are a lot of great drivers in Division 2, as a matter of fact most are. But as I said above, more to come soon.
Thank you guys for your input/comments, it means that we are all in the same boat. Look I’m not the best driver, I’m trying my best I’m human been and I will do a lot of mistakes and I will be deeply sorry for any mistake I do for you and I will learn from my mistakes my aim is to finish the race. It breaks my heart seeing good people leaving the league. In the beginning of the season we lost good people like Robert Adar and some others, they were good drivers, always friendly, always online practicing, trying their best to improve driving skills, always gives way for faster car behind, and the same for Kimmo, (I hope we don’t loose him), Most of you guys I have seen online practicing server and some of you can’t be bothered, when I check the Presto lap time a day before the race, I can see some drivers hasn’t done a lap and they still come to the race, while myself spending hours on practicing ( trying different gears and speed for each turn, front and rear camber, rear wings front splitter for the race and qualy , I mean everything, you know what I’m talking about. we need a quick action to reduce accidents, if the rolling start option is not the option, than maybe: drivers must spend (example 2 hours) on the practice server before they can enter the race. And that will tell the race director that I’m ready for the race, if I haven’t been on the practice server than the race director will see that I’m not ready for the race he will not send me the password to enter the race, (or a similar formula). I thing Team speak is very important that will improve our friendship and it will make it more enjoyable. Thank you and see you on the practice server.
Good points Joe.
I would would like to add one though. Maybe a lot of div 2 drivers are too concerned with hotlapping, and as a result, don't spend enough (or any) time practicing with hard tyres/full fuel loads etc..
They then come along to the race with no idea how to stop their car in time, or how to control it through corners.

I left the division partly through personal issues, but I like to think I was one the friendly, improving "others" you speak of!

Phil. :cool:

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