Just to throw in some details:
There are 2 major differences to Sol.
Pure has a complete different lighting.
In Sol and every other weather script, lights (CSP car and track lights) must be adapted to the day times. Because the daylight in AC does not realy differs to night. So if lights are not shutoff while day, they are visible and lit the landscape like in the night, because the sunlight and the ambient light are way to low. Thats because of the seemless integration of lights in AC. They were just added to the simple lighting model of AC.
But if sun and ambient light is much stronger at day (like 10 times of the original values), those additional lights became weaker by the contrast to the "real" world light. And therefore all those adaptions to the CSP lights don't need to be done.
Further, the lights in tunnels work also by default, because CSP lights are not touched.
Due to the much better autoexposure algorithms in Pure, it finally works like it should. Typical eye and camera behaviors, when reacting to low or bright light, can be now simulated properly.
Also by this new algorithms, the autoexposure is not fluctuating while looking around in the car (this is finalized with the upcomming Pure dev preview).
Pure has a much better code
As i'm the developer of both, i'm not realy proud of the way i coded Sol.
In LUA, which is the base of the weatherFX scripts, memory allocations can be slow down the system. If many memory is allocated in every new frame, it must be cleaned after some time. This takes much time and slows down the CPU. In Sol, massive allocation happens within a frame - i didn't know to do it better.
In Pure i allocate nearly no new memory while a frame. All memory is reused, if possible. That speed up the execution of Pure tremendously.
It has so much speed more, i was even able to remove the "rare update" cylcles. A rare update logic just updates things after certain frames, or if it is needed. BUT this will lead to very different frame times.
So in Sol you will have short frames and long frames. This leads to a microstutter like behavior.
In Pure the frame times are nearly equal, because i do not a single rare update in it. In every frame the whole "world" (lighting and other stuff like clouds) is calculated.
Just open the "Render Stats CSP" app and look at the CPU chart. You will see the difference (CPU spikes in Sol, smooth CPU in Pure) and you will clearly feel the difference when driving, esp in corners.
Sure therefore the FPS of Pure seems a little lower, BUT the FPS in Sol are just higher, because of the averaging of those many short frames and less long frames.
There are many other things which Pure makes better
- usage of high res skydomes (static but nice skies, which brings many fps back). They can produce moving cloud shadows, which causing nearly no fps loss.
- autoexposure with deactivated post-processing
- better VR support
- better fog engine (6 fog layers)
- LUA apps (Pure Config, Pure Planner). By using LUA apps, the communication between the weather script and the app happens in frame time. Therfore the changes made in the app are instantly visible.
- Color reproduction is much better.
Hope this is not to long and tiring. But Pure is not just like a new Sol. It addresses and solves many problems of AC, CSP and Sol.
best regards,