Do you use headphones, speakers or ESP?

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Another quick silly poll for the forum ...
What audio equipment do you (mainly) use when you are driving?

(kick ass sennheiser headphones is my weapon of choice ... have a decent 5.1 creative setup, but apart from kids usually being in bed in next room when I drive, find the headphones give me every last ounce of detail without driving the neighbours mad :wink:)
Strange poll, because I am convinced much drivers use speakers AND headphones, depending on time of day, who is also in the house/room, etc.

I use headphones if I also use TS (to prevent the echo) and when my family is in the room.
Use speakers when alone and not on TS.

Speakers: Logitech 5400 5.1
Headphones: Logitech (don't know which, the non-usb; I hate USB headphones)

PS. I preferred the Senn 165, but I was in need of a headset and Senn was not available in the local shops. Its not the cheapest Logitech btw; has some good sound.
  • Sol Leung

For me, most of the time i'm on my "Bose In-Ear Headphones" :amen:
but sometimes, i'll turn on my old and cheap Creative 4.1 speakers if i'm not using TS. :p
Strange poll, because I am convinced much drivers use speakers AND headphones, depending on time of day, who is also in the house/room, etc.

You were still intrigued and answered it though eh :wink:

That is why I put MAINLY in my question (couldn't edit the poll) ... guess we all use both at some point, but as I do not yet have a sound proofed room :lol: then I mainly (95% of the time) drive with the Sennheisers on ...

Do love the kick ass base from my Creative setup and sub though (not sure my neighbours do !!) ... shame race doesn't use 5.1 or 7.1 surround though as this would be fantastic :D
  • Edward Leake

I use speakers myself and in stereo even though I have the option for 7.1, I have a set of tweets and mids to the front with 2 subwoofers (2x 8" 200w RMS) to each side of me on the floor.

I prefer the immersion from speakers, when I used to play FPS games I had headphones on for teamspeak and 'awareness' but it feels odd for racing, much prefer to be surrounded by the bass of subwoofers. :D
Generally, I use headphones, ones I nicked off British Airways from when I flew over to NY in Club Class on business.

I know - I'm a fugitive from justice.

They're closed back designs, so they keep external sound out really well, as well as not leaking too much internal sound out, either. They also happen to sound rather good too.

They're unbadged, but have a bit of the cheaper-end Beyerdynamic look about them.
  • Jacek Kozlowski

During day i use 5.1 logitech x-540 speakers but when its late and i dont want to wake up everyone i use Creative hs-600 headphones wich are rather cheap and not the best quality equipment,i think i ll buy something better soon.Maybe 5.1headphones:)
Depends really, sometimes I use the edimensional 5.1 headset, but most of the time use my studio monitors for the best and ultimate sound quality :evil: (not too late though as annoy next door :pound:)

I use headphones because I live in a apartment. I have gigantic head but luckily my Philips headphones are very comfortable and the sound quality is good too. I hate when bad headphones press my ears and head too tightly.

  • Rick Stoltz

well it comes down to weather the Wife is in the room (lol) Headphones if she is,
Speakers up high if she's not in the house
... and Sennheisers at that :shocked:

I have found that despite them having brilliantly clear and detailed sound reproduction with a kick ass bass, unless I turn the speakers up till the neighbours are banging on the door, I don't get the same level of detail and immersion that I do from my headphones ... but the feel of floor and windows rumbling is great when I do turn it up that loud :wink:
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