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I'm not using nothing like that - fresh install of DR, only SimHub and I've installed Arduino Pro Micro for my DIY handbrake. But it shouldn't be problem, right?

Hum hum hum, that's weird :
Here my config for dirt,

<dbox enabled="true" />
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" />
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20778" delay="1" />
<fanatec enabled="false" pedalVibrationScale="1.0" wheelVibrationScale="1.0" ledTrueForGearsFalseForSpeed="true" />

The dash will only start when in race (not in the menu)

Does your dash appears in connected hardware in simhub ?
Hum hum hum, that's weird :
Here my config for dirt,


The dash will only start when in race (not in the menu)

Does your dash appears in connected hardware in simhub ?
View attachment 181811

I've tried your settings - it's not better :/. After I connect display to USB, there is "N". But in the game it doesn't change - still N - everytime, everywhere - "N" :)) But I think, it's ok (default screen).
Yeah - and I have Nextion - NX3224T028_011.
I've tried your settings - it's not better :/. After I connect display to USB, there is "N". But in the game it doesn't change - still N - everytime, everywhere - "N" :)) But I think, it's ok (default screen).
Yeah - and I have Nextion - NX3224T028_011.

Did you enable the nextion in the settings (sorry for the noobs question but I always start from the beginning :D)
Yep :D I understand :). But I didn't catch screen with detected devices before (so I'm noob :D) - it's not in detected hardware (well, it's in arduino, I have Nextion, but it will be problem, right?

I would suggest follwing this tutorial :

Basically :
  • enable nextion plugin from SimHub settings
  • Go into the nextion plugin settings and enable it with the good template/mapping and com port
I would suggest follwing this tutorial : ...
Basically :
  • enable nextion plugin from SimHub settings
  • Go into the nextion plugin settings and enable it with the good template/mapping and com port

Thanks - I've followed this one (not exactly this one - but only for 2.8" Nextion - gear indicator) - I did everything, with one difference - SimHubNextionEditor runs without instalation. Computer should see nextion display as "Nextion display" device, or FT232RL? Thank you very much for your patience :)
Thanks - I've followed this one (not exactly this one - but only for 2.8" Nextion - gear indicatior) - I did everything, with one difference - SimHubNextionEditor runs without instalation. Computer should see nextion display as "Nextion display" device, or FT232RL? Thank you very much for your patience :)

You should see as a FT232RL or something like this if the drivers are correct. You were able to upload the template using your computer ?
You should see as a FT232RL or something like this if the drivers are correct. You were able to upload the template using your computer ?
Yes - first time, no problem in uploading. Hovewer - I did all process again (did you tried to turn it off and on :) ) - and finally - it works :).
1. I've dettached device FT232RL
2. Plug it again - it automatically installed drivers
3. I've uploaded template (same as before) to device
4. I've reconfigured SimHub (same settings)
5. Run DR by SimHub - game is still disconnected (if I minimaliaze window of DR), but it works :). Thank you very much for your patience again :)
Hum did you use some tools like simvibe ? They modify config files on the fly, also any reader or other external dash would prevent Simhub to read the data :(

Is not possible to run SimHub if you have Simvibe too?
Will be bad news for me, as I want to add several shakers to my seat and run them with Simvibe.
Hi Wotever, Still having fun but mostly run R3E with the nextion dash. I noticed that R3E has limited support so what I want to know is the fact that the "last lap" , Best lap, etc. on the Nextion Screen is not working part of the limits? They seem to work fine on AC but since I race in R3E more I would like to figure out how to make it work. I also would like to add fuel amount to the screen but can't really figure out how to do it. Not a developer but willing to learn if possible. I have read the github docs but still a bit confusing to me. Is it possible for a non developer to add these things to the screen? I have done scripting etc. but not used C# although it doesn't seem overly complicated. Mainly I can't figure out which file to change :) I assume that RaceRoom uses the Common Plugin Data. Sorry for the complicated noob question!
Hi !

There is two problems about this, the first problem is that R3E does not give the coordinates data and so the plugin which computes live delta and such features is not fed with the required data.
The data displayed in the default nextion templates are the one from this plugin. It was not really a concern until recently where more and more people are using nextion, which one is harder to change displayed data compered to 7 segments displays.

To solve your problem you have to modify the "mapping file" in "NextionTemplate" folder to change the PersistantTrackerPlugin by their in game replacement (ie PersistantTrackerPlugin.AllTimeBest should be replaced by DataCore.GameData.NewData.AllTimeBest),it will shortcut the plugin and feed the screen directly with the game data, you will have a partial set of data (Lap history is not available per example)

The task may look a bit hard but if you wait a couple of weeks I will try to address this kind of issues. Like you may have seen I'm working a new plugin to make wysywig dash and it uses the same engine than nextion and so have the same problems. I've opened an issue in the bug tracker so you can follow the evolutions about this :

Thank you for your work, this looks awesome! I have one question/request though: would it be possible to add support for the "classic" SimBin titles like GTR2 / GTL / RACE07 in the near future? Pretty please? Still to this day those are my go-to sims and I'd like to use SimHub with my WIP Arduino+TM1638 display. Many thanks in advance.
Hi !

There is two problems about this, the first problem is that R3E does not give the coordinates data and so the plugin which computes live delta and such features is not fed with the required data.
The data displayed in the default nextion templates are the one from this plugin. It was not really a concern until recently where more and more people are using nextion, which one is harder to change displayed data compered to 7 segments displays.

To solve your problem you have to modify the "mapping file" in "NextionTemplate" folder to change the PersistantTrackerPlugin by their in game replacement (ie PersistantTrackerPlugin.AllTimeBest should be replaced by DataCore.GameData.NewData.AllTimeBest),it will shortcut the plugin and feed the screen directly with the game data, you will have a partial set of data (Lap history is not available per example)

The task may look a bit hard but if you wait a couple of weeks I will try to address this kind of issues. Like you may have seen I'm working a new plugin to make wysywig dash and it uses the same engine than nextion and so have the same problems. I've opened an issue in the bug tracker so you can follow the evolutions about this :
Thanks for your very quick reply! I appreciate how hard this is for you to deal with all the different sims and people who have less than ideal knowledge base ;) I think I understand how this works and how it can be worked around. Thanks again and I will update you when I succeed!
There are plenty of ways to get the info on screen but your solution is more elegant so not to worry about how long it takes, I'm just happy you are continuing to work on this. Thanks again- Keith
PS- this video from YipZone is also very helpful "Adding dial gauges to Nextion TFT HMI for SimHub"
Is there a repository somewhere for the Template files that people make?
Seems like I'm invisible. Ok then
You're not invisible :D , i still not have a solution :D for simvibe vs simhub, give me time to see what i could do ;)

Edit : i try to respond as fast as i can, and when i do not have response (it happens :D) i investigate first :D so it can take more time before having a response. I'm trying to not forget anyone but I'm lacking of time these last weeks :S. If you want to be sure to have a response, i have a bug tracker it's more easy to track all the requests for me (which are numerous)
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You're not invisible :D , i still not have a solution :D for simvibe vs simhub, give me time to see what i could do ;)

Edit : i try to respond as fast as i can, and when i do not have response (it happens :D) i investigate first :D so it can take more time before having a response. I'm trying to not forget anyone but I'm lacking of time these last weeks :S. If you want to be sure to have a response, i have a bug tracker it's more easy to track all the requests for me (which are numerous)

Don't worry about that man! ;)
I'm interested in that because in the next few months I want to buy the bass shakers, the amplifier and simvibe license, wich is not cheap.:mad:

And of course, Simhub and TM1638 (and soon maybe a Nextion too) will never move from where they are. Your app is perfect. As much I use it, as much I love it.

Edit: I forgot. Don't know why but what I told about RBR only happens sometimes. These days I played a lot of time and LEDs worked well
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Hi all, i have this problem
if i change any values, and try any combination = same problem. Try 4.1.0, 4.2.4...deleting appdata, reinstall, other USB port, try again add arduino program
Hi all, i have this problem
if i change any values, and try any combination = same problem. Try 4.1.0, 4.2.4...deleting appdata, reinstall, other USB port, try again add arduino program
Have you updated your arduino drivers ? I've bundled some instructions in the package concerning drivers. Have also tried to reduce serial speed ?
Driver is 3.4.2014.8. Now i try level 3 and same problem. Try 3 laps and nothing, but in last lap i PCars i have -0.783s delta, cross the line and display 00000 ....
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