Downloading Software Choice

Jack Smith

I have had the chance to download some large game files lately with not much luck in some cases. I have just lately installed and used the Internet Download Manager but it's 30 day free trial is now expired. I was wondering what others are using to download things. Do people use free downloaders or purchase one? Also the PnGv3 software does not download correctly for me when using the IDM or the IE9 downloader. Not really concerned about discussing that problem here...more interested in what downloading software/method is beng used... also I am only interested in legal downloads.:thumbsup:
I have no experience with download managers from this era, have used them in the past with Win98 when I was on dial-up connection.
In recent years the plain IE download function has hardly ever failed me, and only recently I too have switched to Opera, its integrated download functionality is great.

That said I live in a densly populated area and have had a rock solid cable connection for a few years now, and a slow but stable ADSL connection before that.

I can imagine that in rural Canada, where internet connections may not be as stable, a good download manager with packet verification can prove its worth.. can't really help you there though:(
I don't use a Download Manager, I just use Opera browser (Free) instead of IE9 and it works fine.
Opera user here as well :thumbsup:

Never used anything but the browser. Perhaps for a short while back when I was on dial-up, 10 or so years ago. No need for anything other than a decent browser now.

If you can't get some files, Dropbox might be an interesting solution for you. Someone uploads a file for you in a shared folder, and it gets downloaded when it gets downloaded, doesn't get interrupted by connection drops.
I use Chrome here (why would you use IE at all??), but I downloaded P&G with the torrent, using the program uTorrent.
I sometimes am hesitant to change..that's all. I now have IE9, Chrome and Firefox all installed because of a very recent webpage loading issue using IE9 and Chrome, but Firefox worked.
Still can't get a good DL of PnGv3. The first file always saves as PnGv3.0 not PnGv3.0.001. When I check it with a file checker it indicates the DL is fine. Not to worry about that here.
I'm using Opera most of the time, sometimes Chrome. Both work fine. Never used download managers. I have launched IE by accident after clicking the wrong shortcut.
Delete the IE shortcut, problem solved ;)

Jack Smith Firefox is fine matey, even IE10 isn't too bad...finally :poop:. However I only ever use IE to download another browser, and I think most of the techie gents here would recommend Chrome, Firefox or Opera. As for the P&G3 download, torrents are your best option IMHO. Use Install the program, then grab the torrent file from here: Open the file and it should open utorrent. Then just leave utorrent open and it will download P&G3 for you :). N.B. Before playing online, in utorrent go to file>exit!
Jack, do you have file extensions hidden by default?

Open up an Exloprer window(not internet explorer, your filesystem browser, double click on my computer or your HD)

Hit Alt key, select from the menu Tools->Folder Options

Then in the View tab look for "Hide extensions for known file types" and deselect that checkbox, apply and you should see .001 or .exe and things like that.

Actually .001 I doubt is a "known file type"... but still.
Maybe thats the installer Jack PnGv3.0_installer and is it 505KB

i posted this in our pm box:)
look at the official instructions GLICK ON ME
PnGv3.0_installer.exe size is 505 KB
PnGv3.0.001 size is 870,400 KB
PnGv3.0.002 size is 870,400 KB
PnGv3.0.003 size is 709,092 KB

Nope, PnGv3.0 has 870,400 KB, all others are there as they should be with proper sizes. When I check them with the FileMD5_test it checks each one of the files, checks the PnGv3.0 and calls it by it's correct name PnGv3.0.001. When finished it says the downloads are all complete and OK. When trying to run the installer, I follow direction as instructed ... install to the GTR2Demo folder which is C:/Games/GTR2Demo. I have followed all instructions as described on the forum, but I keep getting a message to install to the folder where GTR2 is located. There is another post/thread where Rupe, Roland , and I have tried numerous approaches. I have a used , full version of GTR2 being mailed to me Monday for $19.36 postaged included. I now have the Demo version. Roland was able to get the PnG Mod working with the GTR2Demo so I thought I would until my full version arrived.

PnGv3.0_installer.exe size is 505 KB
PnGv3.0 size is 870,400 KB

PnGv3.0.002 size is 870,400 KB
PnGv3.0.003 size is 709,092 KB

This is what I get after DL.
Jack, do you have file extensions hidden by default?

Update: The game just installed. I used Ian's info concerning file extension change and it installed as it should. I have not yet run the game beyond the opening screen because I thought I would let all of you helping out know the result. Thanks a million for your efforts and good idea Ian.:)

I am now going to try and run the game.:unsure:
Update: The game just installed. I used Ian's info concerning file extension change and it installed as it should. I have not yet run the game beyond the opening screen because I thought I would let all of you helping out know the result. Thanks a million for your efforts and good idea Ian.:)

I am now going to try and run the game.:unsure:
Well done Ian and Jack!:thumbsup: Glad this finally got solved, Jack! The file extension thingy is exactly what I meant in my sunday afternoon response on our conversation, but I should have been more clear , but as I don't have an english Windows install I didn't know the options exact name.
Enjoy P&G3!
Hmmmm. Game won't launch. I used the desktop shortcut first.. get a window to open with three options..Update(red)...Player (green) .. Start( black) . Click on start and the window closes. no game loads. Click on PLayer and get no prolife found error..
Where should the PnG.exe be located ( inside the GTR2 folder?) because I did a search for it and I can not find it on my computer something did not go correctly with the install.

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