Draw distance

Assuming you are using the cockpit viewpoint, you can edit the <car type>_cam.cam file and increase the LOD multiplier and the far clip plane. You will see the other drivers viewpoints in the cam.cam file as well.

  Fov=(50.000000, 50.000000)
  Color=(164, 218, 249)
  ClipPlanes=(0.10000, 500.000000)   // (near, far)
  Size=(1.000000, 1.000000)
  Center=(0.500000, 0.500000)
  RadiusLimits=(0.000000, 0.000000)
  OrientationRate=(999.000000, 999.000000, 999.000000)
  PositionOffset=(0.000000, -0.0, 0.0000)
  OrientationOffset=(0.00000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
You can notice this at tracks with long straights... cars in the extreme distance will lod out and you can see it happen. SuperV8, StockV8 I can say I have noticed in some cases. I see it as a performance trade off and a non issue really.

One car that I notice often is the camero pace car. The standby car in the pitlane pops in and out as you pass by at some tracks where the pace car is visible from a long distance... nbd

FVee at Kayalami is a good example if your at the top of the hill you can see cars lod out going into the first turn.

I use max graphic options.
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tracks with long straights... cars in the extreme distance will lod out and you can see it happen.

One car that I notice often is the camero pace car. The standby car in the pitlane pops in and out as you pass by at some tracks

Exacly what happens to me

For example, full opponent detail with both superv8/StockV8 modern Spielberg full circuit, I exit pits, I stop in the entry for the short circuit, I see the oponnents disappearing in the turn in for turn nº2..