Right! Just after promising myself NOT to buy the PS4 ( got a PS3 already), i see a damn good looking Merc, an atractive trailer with the best doorsounds ever heard...
People are talking about simracing here, I hope you guys know that DriveClub will be an Arcade game, possibly on the level of Project Gotham Racing.
People are talking about simracing here, I hope you guys know that DriveClub will be an Arcade game, possibly on the level of Project Gotham Racing.

RaceDepartment has discussion about both arcade and simulation games. I don't think anyone was expecting this to be a simulation. For starters, it is on console and no other console game is an actual simulation. Some are 'Sim-Cade' like GT5 and Forza though.
With "here" I meant this thread, read the posts again and please don't get me started on the GT5/Forza sim-cade argument, which is nonesense.
I'm fine with PGR or TDU handling as long as it feels like driving a car, unlike for example Grid (IMHO Grid isn't fun as either not serious simcade nor arcade but of course "fun" is always subjective) :thumbsup:
Same here, TDU felt right, even though it wasn't realistic... the hardcore mode was perfect really.

I personally find GT5 feels really very very good, better than most stuff out there.

A Murcielago on road soft tyres that is... most people just play with slicks and then complain a car is too grippy/arcadey/snappy etc...

Though what I've seen of this so far just looks like a NFS title... cars seeming to skip along the road without any real depth of movement and bounce around like we see in AC videos for example.

We have to remember that most players are not into sims like we are, they just want to drive a fancy car fast on what look like roads, with their mates along for the run too.

Tie in the need for it to play well with a joypad and suddenly you have something that probably won't be so hot really... unfortunately.

So if they add in a decent scaling physics/realism model so you can drive competitively with like minded players in a sim mode, great. If not, then it'll just be a lovely looking bag of crap.

Even the car doesn't look so hot by all accounts. We've been looking at photo-mode stuff for years. Add some contrast and noise on a photo-mode model and it's a good game?


If it were a PC title I'd try it out but I'm not buying a PS4 to have it sat gathering dust waiting for GT6 for years, after realising that Drive Club is just an arcade game for kids.

Bram Hengeveld submitted a new blog post:

DRIVECLUB: New Screenshots and Features

After the shock announcement by Evolution Studios of Driveclub coming to the PlayStation 4 back in February studio boss and founder Matt Southern and tech director Scott Kirkland now reveal more information about their upcoming game they have been working on for almost ten long years in stealth mode.

The two key figures of the DRIVECLUB project spoke to Edge-Online about their ambitions to...
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Bram Hengeveld submitted a new blog post:

DRIVECLUB: Gameplay and Developer Interviews

Sony Playstation's official YouTube channel revealed an exclusive developer interview with the guys of Evolution Studios who are developing DRIVECLUB for the upcoming PlayStation 4 console.

The conversations with the developers focus on a few key aspects of the game and the social part of DRIVECLUB in particular mixed with in game footage.

It seems that multiplayer experience will blend with a wide variety of community features such as...
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The environment looks dull and life-less, I expected way more. Granted, these shots may be only for demo purposes but it just looks boring :( If these shots are anything to go by, then I honestly don't know where the claims ''this game is everything what TDU2 was meant to be'' are coming from. Although the driving physics were horrible, that game had an amazing atmosphere.. something DriveClub seems to be missing.

But.. of course I may be wrong as they perhaps have more to show us. Let's wait and see.
Another stupid arcade **** about good cars... Just give us some product with "LFS" physics + "TDU" environment + "pCars" graphics and some "street legal racing" tuning. It will be the most epic racing sandbox.
u said it all, amen!
Another stupid arcade **** about good cars... Just give us some product with "LFS" physics + "TDU" environment + "pCars" graphics and some "street legal racing" tuning. It will be the most epic racing sandbox.
u said it all, amen!
Yes, yes he did!

Seriously though, as soon as he said 'This is in no way, shape or form, a simulation', my interest fell through the floor.

Yes arcade games are fun, but its about time consoles grew up and delivered sim racing.
People want it consoles.

Dont they?
Another stupid arcade **** about good cars... Just give us some product with "LFS" physics + "TDU" environment + "pCars" graphics and some "street legal racing" tuning. It will be the most epic racing sandbox.
Sounds about right.

I think TDU was an exception , sure the physics were pore and sure the roads were generic but I think it was the closest game to realising the sort semi casual car driving/cruse mentality that top gear casual car fans want.

Publishers love making these sorts of games though , they are fairly low risk , they require minimal experimentation in game design , you can use the same generic physics established over 8 years ago , you can reuse the baulk of content over and over each year or so that you repackage the game , and you can be sure people will buy the game because it has x car brand in it.

Its depressing that you have people like kunos doing real work pushing the boundaries of car physics and yet most people don't know about them.
sim quality physics in an open world driver like TDU seems to be taboo to developers. they have decided that we dont like it and force us to play with arcade physics or go racing.

its my bet that the first developer to utilize the full capability of the new consoles, that means a true parallel processing engine using all 8 cores,all 8gb of system memory,2 gb of video memory and DX11 graphics, takes this capability and creates a cross-platform massive multiplayer open world driver/racer with the latest driving physics will set a new standard in driving/racing game design.

who will be the first to step up to the challenge?
sim quality physics in an open world driver like TDU seems to be taboo to developers. they have decided that we dont like it and force us to play with arcade physics or go racing.

its my bet that the first developer to utilize the full capability of the new consoles, that means a true parallel processing engine using all 8 cores,all 8gb of system memory,2 gb of video memory and DX11 graphics, takes this capability and creates a cross-platform massive multiplayer open world driver/racer with the latest driving physics will set a new standard in driving/racing game design.

who will be the first to step up to the challenge?
Its probably because in reality most people cannot drive very well and realy dont enjoy "real" driving they just like the idea and car brands.

Realistic physics also generally don't work well with a game pad which is what most people will play these console games with.

And most simulators that have realistic physics still fail at simulating some aspects of tire grip which ends up making driving a simulator in many ways harder than driving a real car especially at low speeds or tight angles.

But hay there is always hope that one day someone will make a next generation mid-town madness TDU with semi decent physics!
Bram Hengeveld submitted a new blog post:

DRIVECLUB: E3 Trailer and New Screenshots

Evolution Studios revealed a brand new trailer for their upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive: DRIVECLUB.

The club racing game so far has received mixed feedback from the community. Some criticize the lifeless scenery while others are hyped up by the car models, the enhanced and sophisticated graphics and brand new gaming model.

Is it up to par with the new standards of today's racing games and technology? All we know is that we have a brand new trailer and 14 new screenshots to...
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