Driver suit & shoes footwell shadow

Misc Driver suit & shoes footwell shadow v1.1 26.11.22

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Mascot submitted a new resource:

Driver suit & shoes footwell shadow - Adds shadowing to lower legs and shoes in dark footwells

Something I meant to do years ago and got reminded about when driving the RSS LMP Ferruccio 33 V12 in VR.
Adds a graded shadow to the lower legs and shoes of the driver suit to replicate the shadow of the footwell, kind of like a fake AO. Stops the lower legs and shoes appearing to glow unnaturally in what should be shadow.
To use, simply add the layers to any
A PSD is included for Photoshop, but there's also a transparent .png in case you use another graphics app...

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Thank u for cool idea, must have for F1 mods. I made my custom shadow and fix boots shadow, u forgot about it


  • shadow.png
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