Paul Jeffrey


The DRM Modding team have kindly given up the time to speak with RaceDepartment about the upcoming DRM Revival mod for Assetto Corsa...

You may have seen our preview article back on the 6th April showing some moving images from the upcoming DRM Revival modification for Assetto Corsa, well now we have had the opportunity to sit down with the DRM Modding Team project leader @dmatzies to discuss what motivates his team, what fans can expect from the mod, a few stories related to the making of this epic looking mod and what the future holds...

Without further preamble, let's hand over to @dmatzies and begin the interview...

RD: Hi, thanks for talking to us today. Firstly can I ask you to introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little more about your role in the DRM Modding Team?

DRM: Thanks for inviting us to an exclusive interview!

Our team exists since 2007 with dmatzies and NIL as core members, after the loss of one team member during the decision to bring the mod to assetto, we were happy to find Soversand Jo for our project.

dmatzies: Germany, 49 years old
Role 3D, Textures, Physics

NIL: Germany, 40 years old
Role 3D, Sounds, Videos

Sovers: Brazil, 32 years old
Role 3D, Textures, hole ingamemanagement

Jo: Italy, 48 years.
Role: 3D, Kremer K3, CARMA 308 Turbo

RD: So how many people do you have working on the mod at present?

DRM: Just four crazy guys :)

RD: We have obviously seen some impressive renders and on track footage of the current version of the mod, how long has it taken you to get to this stage, and what sort of work has gone on behind the scenes to produce such stunning looking models?

DRM: It´s no secret that some models that you saw on the video were built for rfactor and GT Legends and they are now nearly 7-10 years old.

At the beginning of the current development we have focussed to bring a standard for the graphics in terms of shader settings, reflections, shadows etc. for the different materials.

After that we concentrated on the improvement of the 3d Models. Some major changes and improvements have been made for example new cockpits, rims, tires... a long list. We can only estimate, how much time has gone for all..

Just for example... for the rfactor version we have put in 1500 hours only for models and textures and all the improvements for AC took us another 800 hours...

Not to mention how many hours NIL invested in all the sounds.

The research was hard and even bring all sounds to Fmod... Nil isn´t able to count the hours!

We did over 450 000 test kilometers in terms of physics too, so if you count everything... it´s simply a horror.... but a funny horror.

RD: You must find it difficult to find any significant source data for cars this old, how much real world data have you used for the mod, and what sort of difficulty have you experienced finding out the information you need?

DRM: It was and is horrible. You can´t always trust the found data.

Very often the cars where heavily modified from race to race, the progress was often extreme.

We have focussed on the base solid data we received like weight, engine performance, tire width and height, wheelbase, overall measurements of the cars, Chassis layout and geometry etc.

Occasional we get correct values like curve speeds , G-Forces and gear ratios that us helped a lot.

Over the original movement and behaviour of the cars we tried bring it in game, we think we got it right...


RD: For a project that has obviously taken such a long time to deliever and to such a high standard, what motivates you to commit so much of your free time to creating a mod like this?

dmatzies: As a small boy I luckily saw the monsters in action live on track.

Back in 2005 , rfactor was born. I became interest in modding and was able to bring a car in game. That was the moment I wanted to have the DRM cars...

And to find same enthusiast like me was pure luck...

NIL: I wasn´t able to see that monsters on track at this time.

But during all the old fashioned race weekends like Spa classic, AVD OldtimerGrandprix, etc. I was infected as well.

Sovers: Actually I’m a bit new to this modding world, I’ve started in 2014 and although I already worked with 3d as a main job since 2007 it was always lowpoly, indie-like stuff. But being a gearhead myself I always wanted to do 3d cars, so when I was researching to make the zackspeed Escort I just “felt in love” with the DRM series and the whole Gr5 thing.

Jo: Find the passion for these cars when was building a Japanese model kit (Celica) then I did the school for car design in Turin and although I did not then the designer I always kept drawing hand and computer

RD: On a related topic, why have you chosen the DRM series to recreate?

DRM: The brutal cars where simply made without any assistants, safety ...just for pure racing , for being fast. We love the DRM cars.

RD: In terms of the mod itself, which cars can players expect to have access to once it is released, and will the real world liveries and drivers be represented in the mod?

DRM: the players can expect the following cars with real liveries from the Deutschen Rennpsort Meisterschaft, Langstrecken Weltmeisterschaft and the IMSA series.
  • Kremer K1
  • Kremer K3
  • Schnitzer 320 Turbo
  • Schnitzer 2002 Turbo
  • Schnitzer M1 Turbo
  • Schnitzer Celica LB Turbo
  • Beta Montecarlo Turbo
  • Zakspeed Capri Turbo
  • Zakspeed Escort Turbo
  • Carma 308 Turbo
RD: Do you expect the cars will benefit from the latest tyre model (TM 10) and also have brake temperature implemented?

DRM: All cars will come with tire model V10.

The brake temps are not implemented at this stage because the influence on the physics and the control of the temperatures through the setup is not yet given.

If Kunos implements this feature well in our opinion , than we bring it in the mod aswell.


RD: Can we expect to see further updates once the mod is released, and what are the prospects of adding further cars from the series in future? Either those missing currently, or maybe cars from different eras?

DRM: Simply Yes, beside a new 3d model of the Kremer K1 , we plan another car, which one will be later released.

We want to have another one, than the DRM 1977-1980 will be complete. We don´t focus on another eras and we don´t want to.

RD: I understand you have suffered from some hardware issues during the development process, losing a lot of important work on the mod. What sort of progress did you lose, and how has that affect the moral of the team?

DRM: Honestly, we have lost in time...

Biggest part, is the private life nearby modding such a big project.

Sovers has lost 4 month brake of modding due to a hardware crash, luckily nearly all stored data was rescued, so during this time we continue working on the physics and sounds then Dmatzies PC gone as well, but all data safe. We are like race drivers, we are always looking for a good excuse...

RD: So the big question really, when can we expect the first version of the mod to be released, and do you plan on releasing templates for the cars before the full mod release?

DRM: When? We don´t understand that question... We don´t know it simplified, currently we are working on the LODs that are very important for online races and overall performance. Then the new cockpits for the Carma 308 and the Beta Turbo are in progress. After that we will create the user manual, for us important as well.

It seems that September will be the month for a release candidate. Templates will be ready after or during release, not earlier.


RD: Once the mod has been released, do you plan to continue supporting it with new features and updates in line with new Assetto Corsa builds? I'm thinking such things as new tyre versions, latest fMod updates etc?

DRM: All future updates by Kunos will be supported by us to deliver a functional DRM mod

RD: I appreciate it may be some way off in the future, but once all work is complete on the DRM package it would be a shame to lose such a talented modding group. Do you as a collective have plans on working on another major mod for Assetto Corsa, or even as individuals continuing work on new projects? And if so, can you share with us any hints on what these might be?

DRM: It is fact that modding a game will be harder, more difficult and more time consuming, even if you don´t start at Zero knowledge.

We want to be one of the best modders, but that#s impossible over a long time. Maybe our old fashioned style of modding needs to be overhauled as well.

But fact is that we bring Sovers Furiaand we think in the future we will hear from us...

RD: Last but by no means least, can you share with us a little bit of information about the DRM mod that no one else knows yet, something of an RD exclusive.. :)

DRM: There will be no class rule or divisions like in rfactor. All cars are able to win the race.
But that's only possible due to different track layouts, race time, different fuel usage, tire wear, time for a pitstop. The "smaller" cars maybe have no chance to win a race, but they guarantee a chequered flag to ALL simracers

Secondly the DRM REVIVAL FOR AC will be free as base version. That features all car models , skins, drivers , default sound and default physics. However for 9.99€ you can purchase a FULL upgrade for all cars in terms of physics, sounds and support.


RaceDepartment would like to take this opportunity to thank @dmatzies and the DRM Modding team for the time taken to complete this interview with us, and for the impressive work that is going into the upcoming DRM Revival modification for Assetto Corsa. Stay tuned to RaceDepartment over the coming weeks and months as we track the progress of this mod and keep you up to date on all the latest developments.

RaceDepartment have our very own Assetto Corsa Modding Discussion forum, a location where community members can share progress on the latest mods, download new content and interact and ask questions about the world of mod creation in Assetto Corsa. Check out the Assetto Corsa Modding Forum for details and take a look at our general Assetto Corsa forum where you will find all the latest news items and community discussion topics.


Also please remember what you came here to do in the first place, and that's to race cool cars on awesome tracks! If you love clean and fair racing, want to take advantage of a professionally run and super friendly environment in which to race then look no further than our superb Assetto Corsa Racing Club here at RaceDepartment. We have great combinations of cars and tracks, brilliant TeamSpeak banter and friendly drivers, all packed into full grids and with regular event live streams to boot! Hurry over to the Assetto Corsa Racing Club forum and get yourself signed up to an event today!

Did you enjoy our DRM Modding Team interview? Are you looking forward to the mod releasing for Assetto Corsa? Are you a fan of the real series? Which car are you most looking forward to driving once the mod releases? Let us know in the comments section below!
Piracy is a myth, if anything it can boost sales.

Regarding DRM, I don't understand their choice, it doesn't make it any more legal (plus I think it will be misleading for many users)... making money from it is not what worries to manufacturers, it's simply the fact that someone is using their brands without licensing. In fact most of the mods that had to be removed in the past were free, if not all.
Whatever the "premium" upgrade is, it will be leaked day1 after release. URD mods have been leaked all over the place aswell ever since they opened up shop and converted for all the other games. The shady mods from Russian AC "modders" that only release payware FM4 rips are leaked on a regular basis for free aswell. If people do that for entire mods, what's stopping them from doing the same for a "premium" update?

Our mod was leaked as well and we got strong sales, most people are fair and pay for quality content, and many people don't want to mess with russian sites or useless Facebook groups. For people from "rich" countries paying few euros for good content means nothing for them.

I'm sure it's been the same for URD, probably even better for them considering many other factors.
It´s illegal to release and sell copyright content like models, liveries with brandnames and without licences.
This copyright content is part of the upcoming DRM Revival mod.
If we sell the whole package with models, liveries , sounds and physics nobody would know for what we he has to pay for. This is an important and crucial factor.
But is is allowed to sell our own intellectual property, that contains the physics and the sounds.
Nobody can claim rights on that , because everything is still fictional.

That explains the strict separation between models/skins and physics/sound
To upgrade to the full version you will have to get the free version first and than upgrade.

We don´t want to confuse or anger you, but it is the only solution in our opinion.
You can buy it or leave it, that's your decision.

We definetely know the grey area about releasing the models / liveries with brandnames without a permission by the respective owners, but we hope for understanding by all sites.....

To get an impression of what you will get by purchasing the full version , we will put one fully upgraded car in the free version of the mod.

don't worry. I will leak the full version as free the first day ;)

Is a shame to sell mods.

You will gain more with volunteer donations.

Yes, it is better to download for nothing a ripped car with a version number 0.2332 Beta RC1 at one of the the facebook sites and delete the mod after a half lap.

You did not realize the work and effort has to be paid into a MOD, whether it is the original DLC or as a very good scratch made MOD. Where is the difference, who makes the work, the manufacturer or a modding team.

Yeah! great idea with the donation button. We have 7 years a donation button for the rf1 version and other mods which was in the HOF of rfactorcentral, not one guys of the over 15.000 download have clicked the button.
I do not need the money from a mod to live, the last 35 years I have done very well.
But there is motivation for new and further work in modding and it does not hurt to see the DRM-MOD after 3 month in another SIM.
Yes, it is better to download for nothing a ripped car with a version number 0.2332 Beta RC1 at one of the the facebook sites and delete the mod after a half lap.

You did not realize the work and effort has to be paid into a MOD, whether it is the original DLC or as a very good scratch made MOD. Where is the difference, who makes the work, the manufacturer or a modding team.

Yeah! great idea with the donation button. We have 7 years a donation button for the rf1 version and other mods which was in the HOF of rfactorcentral, not one guys of the over 15.000 download have clicked the button.
I do not need the money from a mod to live, the last 35 years I have done very well.
But there is motivation for new and further work in modding and it does not hurt to see the DRM-MOD after 3 month in another SIM.
Logic is no use - many don't pay Kunos either. :O_o:
Yes, it is better to download for nothing a ripped car with a version number 0.2332 Beta RC1 at one of the the facebook sites and delete the mod after a half lap.

You did not realize the work and effort has to be paid into a MOD, whether it is the original DLC or as a very good scratch made MOD. Where is the difference, who makes the work, the manufacturer or a modding team.

Yeah! great idea with the donation button. We have 7 years a donation button for the rf1 version and other mods which was in the HOF of rfactorcentral, not one guys of the over 15.000 download have clicked the button.
I do not need the money from a mod to live, the last 35 years I have done very well.
But there is motivation for new and further work in modding and it does not hurt to see the DRM-MOD after 3 month in another SIM.
The modding it isn't a job
Solid plan in my opinion. If I can, I'll insta buy this one for sure. For the M1 alone.

Also think about the materials a team might have to purchase to create such a mod, books, etc. for documentation at least I guess. Asking for a few bucks is very fair I think. And as dmatzies confirmed, you hear everywhere that donations are hardly done if at all, regardless of all the people saying they will donate.
This is my thinking about the modding: only make it if do you don't want to get monetary profit.

If you think this, is better to don't make the mod. Anything said to you that you must do the mod.

The paid mods is the modding cancer.

Thankfully everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you don't want to charge for your mods, that's totally fine. If someone else does want to charge for their mods, that's totally fine too.
DTM racing has proven to be the most fun for me, in my short time with AC.

Literally can't wait to see the fruits of your efforts. Each to their own, but I figure I get so much from ac/the community on free term, that when quality paid stuff comes along from a team of modders that have made a significant investment or kunos themselves, it's such a small price to pay.

Hope this goes well for you.
We don´t want to confuse or anger you, but it is the only solution in our opinion.
You can buy it or leave it, that's your decision.

We definetely know the grey area about releasing the models / liveries with brandnames without a permission by the respective owners, but we hope for understanding by all sites.....

To get an impression of what you will get by purchasing the full version , we will put one fully upgraded car in the free version of the mod.

Selling the Physics and sounds separately is definitely a sound decision( no pun intended) . IMHO I believe that those of us who have been following your mod and its development, with much anticipation and excitement will support you. There will always be pirates and trolls but (and note that my wife does not describe me as an optimist) the AC community at large are not like that + like I've said before. If someone pirates something, they weren't gong to purchase it to begin with. I, for one, will most definitely purchase the sounds and physics of the full version, as you have put countless hours into creating the mod and I believe that you should be rewarded for your labor of love. I've built skins from time to time and if there was a donation of $1 for every download my skins have had, it would have been really nice. That being said my intent was to create skins that I wanted and I just shared those on RD because I wanted to contribute something I thought would be nice to share. BUT, building a full series mod on the other hand, is a whole different ballgame with a crap load of hard work, long hours and sacrifice. So I wish you the best of luck and most definitely will support you. Thank you for bringing this to AC.
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Yes, it is better to download for nothing a ripped car with a version number 0.2332 Beta RC1 at one of the the facebook sites and delete the mod after a half lap.

You did not realize the work and effort has to be paid into a MOD, whether it is the original DLC or as a very good scratch made MOD. Where is the difference, who makes the work, the manufacturer or a modding team.

Yeah! great idea with the donation button. We have 7 years a donation button for the rf1 version and other mods which was in the HOF of rfactorcentral, not one guys of the over 15.000 download have clicked the button.
I do not need the money from a mod to live, the last 35 years I have done very well.
But there is motivation for new and further work in modding and it does not hurt to see the DRM-MOD after 3 month in another SIM.
That cant be possible, that means we got more from donations from an april fools prank then you guys got a full mod pack.
Doesn't surprise me at all, we got less than $50 in donations for all time with the USCC prototypes and that has 45k downloads if you can trust RD numbers (it's probably within 50% of accurate anyway). Unless you really push for donations it doesn't get clicks.
I got no problem for paying for quality mods - did that many times - but the problem is that you are essentially paying for a piece of art you know you'll never actually drive online competetively.

Yes, there might be very very few exceptions but the reality is that you basically just drive those cars in practise or AI races. And I woulda loved to race some of the URD stuff online for example when that were new.

So making this even weirder now with multiple versions is quite odd. Will see how this turns out but I fear I'll spend a few quid again on mere practise sessions :roflmao:
Doesn't surprise me at all, we got less than $50 in donations for all time with the USCC prototypes and that has 45k downloads if you can trust RD numbers (it's probably within 50% of accurate anyway). Unless you really push for donations it doesn't get clicks.
I would take these download numbers with a grain of salt, there is a known bug causing the download number to artificially increase when using a download manager:

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