F1 2020 DRS active indicator?

F1 2020 The Game (Codemasters)


I've been driving the McLaren and don't see an indication on the wheel when DRS is active. I have a button mapped and can see that the wing is open as viewed externally, but no indication in the cockpit. Am I missing something, or is this feature not currently available?

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A little more on this. I've confirmed that it is working as mentioned earlier with a button mapped on my wheel. Since I only drive in cockpit view with on-screen display disabled, I didn't know that there is a DRS indicator there. However, I still think that it should be enabled somewhere on the wheel for drivers wanting to simulate the cockpit view as much as possible. The RSS F1 Hybrid 2020 mod for AC has a nice little DRS indicator in the bottom center of the wheel's LCD.