I just bought the 2 group C cars.
And calculating the price in real money they did only cost me 2x 2.37€
I dont think you even can get a beer in a pub for that price (in Europe).
I started buying 2000 vrp for 16.99€
And when the cars each did cost 279 vrp my calculation say this equals the mentioned 2.37€
CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Just before my buy something strange appeared in the Raceroom store.
Because when I checked the price for the 2 cars they were each displayed as costing 220 vrp!!
But half an hour later when I wanted to buy the price was 279 vrp.
Hehe I tried everything because I thought I could trick the store to again display that price - but to no awail
Its not allways good to wait a while.
And calculating the price in real money they did only cost me 2x 2.37€
I dont think you even can get a beer in a pub for that price (in Europe).
I started buying 2000 vrp for 16.99€
And when the cars each did cost 279 vrp my calculation say this equals the mentioned 2.37€
CatsAreTheWorstDogs: Just before my buy something strange appeared in the Raceroom store.
Because when I checked the price for the 2 cars they were each displayed as costing 220 vrp!!
But half an hour later when I wanted to buy the price was 279 vrp.
Hehe I tried everything because I thought I could trick the store to again display that price - but to no awail
Its not allways good to wait a while.