Ecclestone Completely Mad

Bernie Ecclestone, the Formula One chief, said yesterday that he preferred totalitarian regimes to democracies and praised Adolf Hitler for his ability to “get things done”.
In an outspoken interview with The Times, the 78-year-old billionaire chastised contemporary politicians for their weakness and extolled the virtues of strong leadership.
Mr Ecclestone said: “In a lot of ways, terrible to say this I suppose, but apart from the fact that Hitler got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not, he was in the way that he could command a lot of people, able to get things done.
“In the end he got lost, so he wasn’t a very good dictator because either he had all these things and knew what was going on and insisted, or he just went along with it . . . so either way he wasn’t a dictator.” He also rounded on democracy, claiming that “it hasn’t done a lot of good for many countries — including this one
Source: timesonline
He gave the media another easy target, mention the word Hitler and all hell breaks loose and you give the media column inches for days. He's a smart man and I wouldn't put it past him to have made such statements knowing it would deflect the media away from the F1 FOTA squabbles and perhaps give them some breathing space to put their tit for tat name calling to rest. Read the article, he doesn't say he agree's with what Hitler did in terms of the holocaust but just that he gets things done and that he admired Margret Thatcher as a leader and that he felt Blair and Brown spend too much time trying to please everyone all the time.
Ofcourse, Kevin, he never agreed with what Hitler actually done, but it's providing fuel for the media rumors bonfire. Sure he may be bombarded with "F1: Fascist One", but it's publicity and that's what he needs... Mind you, it could backfire. But Max got away, didn't he?

A little recurring theme here with the F1 higher-ups. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about gets a cookie.
Max Mosley, son of Oswald Mosley (famous UK Nazi sympathiser before and during the war) who seems to like women in certain uniforms?

Do I get the cookie?
F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone has issued an apology after he 'praised' Adolf Hitler for his ability to 'get things done'.

Ecclestone's comments, made in an interview with British broadsheet newspaper, The Times and published on Sunday, drew widespread condemnation and the 78-year-old has now admitted he was 'fool to talk about admiring' the Nazis leader given the atrocities' he committed.

"First, an apology," he told The Times today. "I remarked in an interview with this newspaper that Hitler was able to get things done. I have no complaints about the quote - it is what I said - but it was not what I meant to say.

"Not surprisingly it has upset a number of people in the Jewish community, in Germany and elsewhere. Those who don't know me think I support Hitler's atrocities; those who do know me have told me how unwise I was to articulate my points so badly that it should have been so widely misunderstood.

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  • Bert Van Waes

I think on his age, "dementia" is kicking in...:hypnotized:
He was a bit unlucky to tell this to a news paper. Qualifying him with dementia goes a little bit too far. He clearly said that he doesnt support the regime, but only commented on hte leadership.
With all respect, such analyzations should be able to make 70 years after the war, why is Napoleon still hailed for his leadership, while under his reign a lot of bad stuff happened as well.
Roman Empire? Same stuff!
He was a bit unlucky to tell this to a news paper. Qualifying him with dementia goes a little bit too far. He clearly said that he doesnt support the regime, but only commented on hte leadership.
With all respect, such analyzations should be able to make 70 years after the war, why is Napoleon still hailed for his leadership, while under his reign a lot of bad stuff happened as well.
Roman Empire? Same stuff!

Yes dementia is a little off, he's still as sharp as ever but the media have twisted him commenting on how Hitler was able to turn around the country when he got into power and turned it into making it sound like he supported the holocaust. I think the reason its upset some people where as Napolean doesn't is that we still have veterans from WWII and holocaust survivors so its still a little raw for some but then there are those who seem to take it upon themselves to be morally outraged for everyone and they do a disservice for the causes they apparently support.
  • Bert Van Waes

Yep, true, i was just trying to make a point there btw, didn't meant it literally ;)

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