ED Tracker anyone?

I am using an ED Tracker in R3E and AC utilising their own software and OpenTrack without issues. In ACC this does not seem to be supported. At least for me it is not working at all.
Is this related to missing VR support to date or is this something different?

Any of you use ED Tracker or any similar head tracking to shed some light if it works for you?

Cheers, Rob
I have edtracker pro, but continue to use TrackIR (not in ACC yet unfortunately) because I cannot get it to stop drifting...any ideas?
Tony, good shout regarding drift. I had my wireless ED tracker unit replaced because of up to 30° drift after more or less half a lap. It got worse with newer firmwares, too. Funnily enough the newer firmewares were developed to get less drift....The new unit seems to be better. I think it needs quite extensive warming up before becoming stable, say 10-15 minutes maybe more. Do you store it somewhere near magnets e.g. wheel base? I thought that might be a prob and now store it far away from any magnetic devices. Try to degauss 2-3x in dev-mode of the ed tracker software. Yesterday that worked well for me. No idea if it's really a cure though.

I think head tracking will be available as soon as VR is supported as it uses the same software basis I reckon.
I think head tracking will be available as soon as VR is supported as it uses the same software basis I reckon.

I sure hope so. I'm stuck right now (like I'm sure many of you are), unable to look anywhere except straight out the front windscreen, since ACC has the same problem AC did - Have any sort of headtracking software on your system, even if it isn't active, no open processes running, etc - and you can't even set a look left/right/behind key/button. Only solution being to completely uninstall your headtracking software that you use in countless other games simply to look to the side in one racing sim.
As I cannot use a triple screen setup (but have a 100" front projection), I have to make up somehow. Hence head tracking. I do not use the "look right" "look left" buttons in any of the racing sims. Confuses me more than it helps me. :laugh: