Endurance toggling with IA

Hi all,
I have been testing for an offline race using the toggle with AI functionally. Track is le mans 2017, car is the URD Darsche px1.

I let the AIs (including my "team mate") racing alone overnight to test it. Analysing the log it seems that my AI loses speed after a while. Maybe some damage that cannot be repaired? Can it be confirmed analysing the log or do I necessarily have to monitor that "online"?

It seens to happen only to my car.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks Emery. I assigned very similar setup to all of them, and tyre pressures are identical.

Now, I am still trying to get some more info and Emery`s comment made me think... could someone tell if the track temp variation could be affecting only the player car (even if the AI is driving it)? Still not sure but that may explain the issue, as my car could be slower only at night .
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Still not sure but that may explain the issue, as my car could be slower only at night .

That activated a brain cell... there's something about AI driving at night. And that's where my thought ends. Somebody else can probably recall the rest?

There's also the fact that if you set AI at 101% (or higher), your co-driver will still be at only 100%.
Le Mans 2017 AIW settings were fudged by the modder to compensate for a slower AI fastline so if you set the ingame AI to 100% strength then it will actually translate to 105% strength:

(Modders AIW settings)
WorstAdjust=(0.9000) =90% strength
MidAdjust=(1.0500) =105% strength
BestAdjust=(1.2000) =120% strength

(Normal default AIW settings set by Studio 397)
WorstAdjust=(0.8000) =80% strength
MidAdjust=(1.0000) =100% strength
BestAdjust=(1.2000) =120% strength
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There's also the fact that if you set AI at 101% (or higher), your co-driver will still be at only 100%.
Le Mans 2017 AIW settings were fudged by the modder to compensate for a slower AI fastline
Thanks, but about that, I compensated with a TBC file used only by my car, with specific AIGrip levels to match the AI level I have selected. And maybe that is the problem, after some adjustments to the AI setups, I think I did not updated this accordingly, checking it now.

That activated a brain cell... there's something about AI driving at night.
About the night, after more analysis, I have noticed that every AI gets slower at night. Which I believe to be ok, because at lower temperatures, I am slower too. I can probably improve that by setting my tyre pressures down, but I wont because I want to match the AI conditions. So that is OK. Looking better at the logs I could confirm that “my” toggled AI gets faster again when the sun starts to raise. As the [sensored] AI crashed the [sensored] car after a few laps in this conditions, I failed to realize that before…

So I probably figured that, just need some more testing.

But your comments helped my thinking, thanks a lot!
Humans should lose some speed at night do to track conditions and so should the AI.

I believe that's a common misconception Ace, for instance just this past weekend one of the fastest laps during the Spa 24 hours was set at night, also due to lower ambient temps the cars perform better according to drivers/engineers.
I believe that's a common misconception Ace, for instance just this past weekend one of the fastest laps during the Spa 24 hours was set at night, also due to lower ambient temps the cars perform better according to drivers/engineers.
Thanks Marc, you are correct. I got my Q's mixed up with something else i was trying to compare with so this time around i'll have to blame the Tequila and my old age memory! lol
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AFAIK, this is a bit relative.

Some engines do not perform so well at cold temperatures . I have been talking to an engineer about it recently. It may be harder to burn the fuel . I remember WEC commentators say that the Ford GT used to struggle a bit at night (I don't know now).

Tyres may be not so grippy.

Actually, in Le Mans they call the first hour of daylight "the happy hour", because it is when the fastest times are usually set. Good combination of temperature/ traffic/ track conditions
i accept the ai are a bit slower at night, but at some tracks the differance is 6 second per lap. That's way to much. It's an immersion killer for endurance racing the ai.
Which car mod are you using since there is the possibility it's the mod's AI settings. Which track are the AI six seconds slower at night compared to day and the car mod used?
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Isn't that because at night one should decrease the tyre pressure for better grip and the AI is not capable of doing so?

BTW, for some more context, I have a log of a Le Mans test in which the leading LMP1 (URD) car is about 2,5s slower at the middle of the night than in the first stint at 3PM.
There are perhaps a few modders who care and place special attention to their car mod's AI settings which can help under these conditions. Providing the AI with a proper setup can help!
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