Engine doesn't start in pit's anymore.

I installed a track called "Joesville_speedway," since then my engines don't automaticaly start when trying to leave the pits. I'm in practice mode and have a fully patched install from a steam install, that i copied to a new location. Thanks in advance. It worked fine until installing this track, also I'm in "simulation" mode.
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Do you use Crew Chief ? .... as there's in its ini file the possibility to not allow the automatic engine start.
this is this line and to keep the possibility of automatic engine start.
It has to be 0 and not 1.

; Don't allow the game to automatically start the engine on exiting the garage.
rulesDisableAutomaticEngineStartOnGarageExit = 0

I think "Simulation" mode doesn't forbid automatically the possibility of automatic engine start.
And I wonder why a track might should not allow it.
I don't use crewchief or XD, everything worked fine until I tried that track. I haven't changed anything. I tried in Time Trial Mode, the engine runs until the automatic part ends then my engine just dies out and won't restart using ingnition and starter.
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If I install Crew Chief, can I force the engine to start. I hope I don't have to do a fresh install. TIA
No. Automatic engine start is how GTR2 works by default. CC adds a setting to disable that optionally, because that is not realistic in some series.

You could try starting fresh by verifying your Steam install. I am grabbing at straws here, but did you disable auto clutch? If you disable auto clutch, and engage gear without clutching in, engine will get stalled.
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Lol, I was once awakened at 1AM by a phone call from the studio - the main mastering deck wasn't working; I drive 25 miles, spend two minutes troubleshooting, and inform the techs this particular deck requires the power cord to be plugged into an outlet.

At least I've reached the stage of life where I can now blame such events on a "senior moment".