F1 2011 'Equal cars' straight line acceleration comparison

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
With the discussion about equal cars going on in the PC league forum, I wanted to collect some data. Basic question for this little investigation is: What car accelerates fastest under equal circumstances and default setup?
Here is the answer of my little research so you don't have to scroll down first:
From fastest to slowest car - 110kph to 310kph in seconds - Difference in frames with car above (1 frame = 0.02sec)


That top speed difference vid, some have seen it (India track). But in my opinion top speed is easy to fix by adjusting 7th gear. Acceleration is a more important factor than raw topspeed in my opinion.
The setup for the test:

I chose for Shanghai as testtrack, since it has a long straight without small hill, and an obvious DRS line that became the startpoint of acceleration. Test were done in the following settings:
tyre sim off, fuel sim off, clear weather, equal cars (duhhh), TC Full, Dynamic Race line on, automatic gears, default car setup (the middle one). What I would do: I tried to drive with 100 kph in 2nd gear to the DRS activation point, and then just floor the throttle, until arriving at the hairpin. No use of KERS or DRS. It looks like this:

Capturing the runs with 50 frames per seconds, because that's easy calculating, each frame represents 0.020 seconds.
going to the track:

First I did a comparison between Mclaren (known to be fast) and Ferrari (known to be slow). I added Force India, because I'm driving with that myself.

I did 6 runs with each of the 3 cars (so 18 runs total).

I've putted those runs on the timeline of my video-editing software. Startframe was 110kph (if not present I took the frame with 109 kph), the endpoint was the frame with 310kph. I didn't pick 100kph because sometimes I arrived with 99 and sometimes with 101.

Comparing the 6 runs of each car, I saw only 1 frame difference on the 6 runs with McLaren, 1 instance of 2 frames difference at Ferrari and 1 frame difference on the Force India.

I was curious about the other 9 cars. I decided to do 3 runs per car, due to the consistency of the runs of the first 3 cars, but still had a way to check if I didn't fall asleep and lifted the throttle a little performing the test for the n-th time.

Back to the video-edit:

I cutted all runs seperately, and put them above eachother. If 2 runs were of the same length, I took one of those runs, and ignored the 3rd run. If the 3 runs differed from eachother, I took the average one. In case of the 6 runs cars I took what happened most frequently.

Then came the part I was looking forward to: Putting them in order, and in some cases surprised myself. In the video edit timeline it looks like this (Shorter = quicker, longer = more time = slower)

Summarizing the results in one short video, you'll get the following results:

Note that you can pause throughout the clip and you'll see for example the top 8 all reaching 250kph at the same time. At that same point, Toro Rosso, Lotus and Red Bull are on 248 and Ferrari on 247.
Criticism and further possible research:

Accelerating: I could've mapped accelerate to a button on the steering wheel so it would just be 100% on in an instance. Not really sure if this would've influenced the results in any way.

Selecting one run from the car in the video-edit: Usually the difference between runs of the same car was 0 or 1 frame. In about 2 or 3 cases, it was 2 frames difference. Looking at the ranking this means that if someone does this same test again, the ranking may differ from what I've presented here. Also sometimes there was no frame with 110 kph, and I took the frame with 109 kph. Again a slight accuracy loss of 1 frame.

So the bottom cars sucks and the top cars guarantee a podium? If you think so after going through this, you don't understand F1. It's not just plain acceleration speed. I tend to think that some cars have a bit more aerodynamics by itself already. Perhaps you can set slightly less wing on Red Bull compared to a Force India for example. Every car may need its little tweaks to come to moreless the same performance online. Also possibly the Red Bull has such good aerodynamics that in default setting you'd drive faster with the Red Bull then say a Force India on most tracks. I'm not gonna research that, since I'm not consistent enough. I think no one can come with solid proof for this anyway, that's a matter of driving style and personal preferences.

Special thanks to: illusioneddy to be the 2nd player to get from lobby to track, and just drive around without challenge for 45 laps.

Ps. Was I surprised to see the Force India on top? Yes! I hoped it would be lower so my performance here so far would look better :p
Hey I don't mind taking the Ferrari either it's bloody hard work but really satisfying as I just found out at China to confirm Robs findings.

However since we can only have 16 players per race it just made sense to ban those four teams as it leaves up with exactly 16 seats, maybe if there are 8 ppl that don't mind taking a slower car then I could include them.

Im not sure how im making my job harder this way for me its easier just 16 names in a bowl coupled with 8 teams in another and I have our lineup, where as with a poll of 3 favourite cars how do I give priority of 10 guys who want the same 3 cars (may or may not happen but its akward to sort out).
Hey I don't mind taking the Ferrari either it's bloody hard work but really satisfying as I just found out at China to confirm Robs findings.

However since we can only have 16 players per race it just made sense to ban those four teams as it leaves up with exactly 16 seats, maybe if there are 8 ppl that don't mind taking a slower car then I could include them.

Im not sure how im making my job harder this way for me its easier just 16 names in a bowl coupled with 8 teams in another and I have our lineup, where as with a poll of 3 favourite cars how do I give priority of 10 guys who want the same 3 cars (may or may not happen but its akward to sort out).

It's optimistic to believe we end the season with the same 16 players we start the season. Also looking at the fact the invite list is now 25 players, and we have 13 players racing. So the idea of 2 groups is something as I see not good, because we would have 2 races with each less than 8 players I think.

So I'll give a suggestion to sort things out:

You have the results of all preleague races. Just add the points (winner 25, 2nd 18, etc.) and you get a ranking. I think it may be a good idea to give anyone showing up, thus taking this league seriously 10 points per race. (so winner actually gets 35 in total, nr 10 gets 11 points, and 11th and lower get 10 points per race).

Then you have a ranking, and then just let people chose a car in the order of the ranking. Player 1 picks first, etc......until about probably place 20 or so.

Place 1-16 gets invited first, and 17-20 are on the reserve-list. Banning cars doesn't really feel good, because I can see people preferring Red Bull over Renault for example.

This way you get a combination of everyone getting the car he wants and deserves, without a lottery that probably kills the motivation of the unlucky Renault-employees :p
Rob that's not a bad idea for the ranking, although I missed todays race due to the Carling Cup Final, especially as it went into extra time. I won the 2 races I entered to not so bothered and in a Red Bull too :)

Anyway, its nice that you can see how long it takes for the cars to accelerate to a certain speed but I would like to see how much time that gains you down a straight from point a to point b.

Now since I believe you have already synced those tracks up (and you managed to start accelerating at the same point, and yeah I know this cant be absolutely accurate.) can you find a point around where the top cars reach 310KPH that you can identify, maybe a sign on the side, and trim or extend the tracks to that point so we can see how long it takes each car to reach that point. This may show how much time you lose on a straight if you drive a Ferrari and such compared to the others.

I can help you with this if you want and are able to send the video files and project.

If anyone knows how to actually calculate this without having to doing this it may be more accurate.
Anyway, its nice that you can see how long it takes for the cars to accelerate to a certain speed but I would like to see how much time that gains you down a straight from point a to point b.

Now since I believe you have already synced those tracks up (and you managed to start accelerating at the same point, and yeah I know this cant be absolutely accurate.) can you find a point around where the top cars reach 310KPH that you can identify, maybe a sign on the side, and trim or extend the tracks to that point so we can see how long it takes each car to reach that point. This may show how much time you lose on a straight if you drive a Ferrari and such compared to the others.

I can help you with this if you want and are able to send the video files and project.

If anyone knows how to actually calculate this without having to doing this it may be more accurate.

I see what you're looking for. I can do a lot with editing, don't worry. I suggest I'll do a vid with 4 cars in one picture, and I'll freeze the frame or so. Or maybe fade 1 car in another. I'm not gonna do that for all cars, but I'll take requests. What cars do you want compared? (I'll most likely do the vid wednesday)

Victor: around 250kph the cars are still really close. When top8 is @ 250kph, Toro Rosso, Lutus and Red Bull are on 248, and Ferrari is on 247. Want a slowmo of that comparison vid at 25% speed, so it's easier to follow and to pause on various points?
I see what you're looking for. I can do a lot with editing, don't worry. I suggest I'll do a vid with 4 cars in one picture, and I'll freeze the frame or so. Or maybe fade 1 car in another. I'm not gonna do that for all cars, but I'll take requests. What cars do you want compared? (I'll most likely do the vid wednesday)

Victor: around 250kph the cars are still really close. When top8 is @ 250kph, Toro Rosso, Lutus and Red Bull are on 248, and Ferrari is on 247. Want a slowmo of that comparison vid at 25% speed, so it's easier to follow and to pause on various points?

Yeah maybe what I asked may be confusing or take you awhile. I figured 5 mins :p. If you can upload the Ferrari one to youtube I can compare it to the Mclaren you have already uploaded and I will download them both and work it out.
Yeah maybe what I asked may be confusing or take you awhile. I figured 5 mins :p. If you can upload the Ferrari one to youtube I can compare it to the Mclaren you have already uploaded and I will download them both and work it out.
I didn't check for absolute equal startpoint though. If you'd like another run of the ferrari or the McLaren so they're more equal, I'll look into it.
Edit: ok, this forum simply translate complete youtube links to make them embedded. I was always typing those media tags :eek:
Thanks for the video Rob.

From what I can tell the Ferrari loses about 0.120 seconds between 100 and 309 and the Ferrari is traveling 5KPH slower still so down that straight at China thats most likely 0.150-0.200.

I just did some testing at brazil for lap times in qualifying using my Red Bull set-up I used for a league race I did last week. My Qualifying time during the league race was 1:07.106. Knowing that I tested the Ferrari, HRT and Sauber. In the Ferrari I did a 1:107.105 and the HRT 1:06.654 and the Sauber it was almost exactly the same as the HRT if you put my best 3 sectors together. So DAMMMM the HRT/Sauber etc is 0.5 seconds quicker than Red Bull or Ferrari. At least around Brazil which is a short track mind.
Thanks for the video Rob.

From what I can tell the Ferrari loses about 0.120 seconds between 100 and 309 and the Ferrari is traveling 5KPH slower still so down that straight at China thats most likely 0.150-0.200.

I just did some testing at brazil for lap times in qualifying using my Red Bull set-up I used for a league race I did last week. My Qualifying time during the league race was 1:07.106. Knowing that I tested the Ferrari, HRT and Sauber. In the Ferrari I did a 1:107.105 and the HRT 1:06.654 and the Sauber it was almost exactly the same as the HRT if you put my best 3 sectors together. So DAMMMM the HRT/Sauber etc is 0.5 seconds quicker than Red Bull or Ferrari. At least around Brazil which is a short track mind.
So can you beat your Red Bull time at Monaco with a Sauber or HRT with the same setup?
I would say keep it simple and go for a draw, 2 min job and we will have our grid sorted However I would like to add couple Of things. 1. If some one wants to take one of the slower cars then give them the car they want and remove their name from the draw. 2) let's say after the draw drivers are not happy with their cars then they should be able to swap their cars with each other. For example if Rob ends up with HRT and zomacher ends up force India in this case if they both happy they should be able to swap the cars but this should be allowed only once before the championship.
Mike, that is interesting, considering Brazil is full of twisty bits where you would expect the Red Bull to be just as fast if not faster than the rest. I'm beginning to think there is more to it than just pure top speed and acceleration.

To some extent you are correct, a driver that can get the most out of a car will be able to make the most out of it in the corners but if you have a clear straight line speed difference alot of the work is practically done for you on keeping position (as long as you can hold your line through a corner)

Just as an example take last years game I ran with 1/1 wings for the majority of the year and what happened? Not many could keep up on the straights long enough to get by, as long as I kept the defensive line through the corners I would just pull away on the straights even with the attacker having a tow I dare say alot of ppl probably got frustrated with it. It was only later in the year when the 11/1 wing nullified the advantage by having the exact same speed on the straights with much better handling through the corners.

Mike I will take that into consideration.
Same test, only Red Bull vs HRT vs McLaren.
All Assists ON and autogears

- Track: Catalunya, main straigt
- Mode: Online, tire wear ON, fel ON.
- Setup: default
- Aids: ABS ON, Total TC, autogears, racing line ON.
- Starting point: beginning of the straight, 2 squares (kerbs) before the green area at the left. Start from 0 km/h.
- Speeds (starting line & 100 meters banner)
.Red Bull : 269/300
.HRT : 271,7/300
.McLaren : 275,9/309

So cars are definitely different, not equal. Not a prove that a car is better than another, but they behave different and some car will be better in average. Maybe HRT is slower than McLaren in the straight but it's much better thru high speed corners. What about that?

Hey, nice post :)

Has anybody thought that maybe with another setup (for example DRY or WET) but the same for all the "equal" cars, the Ferrari may be the fastest in acceleration? That simply a 6-6 wing (or whatever) is not the best for Ferrari?

Just my guess, sorry if somebody has said before :)
Hey, nice post :)

Has anybody thought that maybe with another setup (for example DRY or WET) but the same for all the "equal" cars, the Ferrari may be the fastest in acceleration? That simply a 6-6 wing (or whatever) is not the best for Ferrari?

Just my guess, sorry if somebody has said before :)

There is no setup that makes the Ferrari faster than another car using that same setup. Every car has pros and the only one the Ferrari has is stability. It is just too slow accelerating compared to the other cars. The Red Bull is the second slowest car in a straight line but has a stable rear and good traction, and I can make that car go as fast as other around some circuits.

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