Escort Challenge by Prez

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Hi Prez,

Thank you prez, I made it now already with sound and is so fun to drive the old cars I like it very much.

I was trying to buy the GT Legenda and I don't know witch is the GT Legenda that RD is going to use for the race I went to this one and I've to see if they accept Visa credit card

Thanks Prez Escort Challenge is ok now.
  • prez

Im reading that my mod is causing minidumps?? What the...never heard it before. Anyone knows why or what is causing this?
  • Andrew Evans

i've not had any problems bar a random mini dump in the ngp @ monza... i've taken it out just in case and will still run more escort nights... not sure how a car mod can do this anyways.... so dunno if theres any evidence to back it up...
I think the minidumps are just a GTR Evo problem. I had one in the middle of a race with Minis and that was before this mod was out.
I've had a couple of them at seemingly random times in the game's menus too.
  • prez

Ok but in the Radical racing night thread Karl Wetsman states:

"Bob, I think you have the Escort mod installed, try to install it and see if it helps. I had some mini dumps the other day, for no other apparant reason - uninstalling the Escort mod did the trick for me.
Kind regards,
Karl "

And Andrew answer "ah yes, this ^^^... i've heard more reports about conflicts with this mod and i removed mine to be sure.... will just whack in it when we run them! :) "

So there is some people having probs??

Cant see why it would cause any probs like this though....

  • Andrew Evans

that's what i'm saying... i'm not seeing any concrete evdience... but seeing enough people believing the mod is root of their minidump problems....
So there is some people having probs??

Cant see why it would cause any probs like this though....


for me mini dumps seem totally random and almost always unexplanable.

well Karl must have fixed his problems because he did all 3 events the other night.

and get this, to prepare for last nights RDGTC race i delete all my Race 07 content except my userdata folder, started Evo clicked on multiplayer in main menu and gota mini dump. and thats with no track, car or skin mods installed :rotfl:
  • prez

Hehe well ill just Call Sherlock Holmes then ..

As for understeer decrease the rearwing and set toe in to a low nr... a low as -2.0 is possible...try it
Oh my God, actually so many people got this ( mini dump ) but I having that every night when I race and sometimes is 2 to 3 times a night but last night did not have any mini dump, this must be a cancer.

  • prez

IF you want to drive Cortinas they are included in GTL mod by Mojo.:car2:
  • prez

I can see you guys are having a second night with the Escorts next saturday.

Im sorry to say that i couldnt solve the custom skin problem. I think it has to do with that the Escort has 3 different models (70, 74 and 35). I had an idea to rebuild the Escort and just do one wider model. BUT that was outside my knowledge. Maybe in future ;)

Good luck with the race dudes

Escort Challenge car installation

Morning all,
I`ve just downloaded the escort challenge evo adfition off the website, but can`t seem to get the car to show up when selecting cars in the game.

I`ve unzipped the folders downloaded to the gamedata and uidata folders but can`t seem to get where i select the car in the game ?

i`ve tried adding them into the gamedata in the main folder and also into the "addon" folder but still to no avail.
Could anyone help?

  • prez

The gamedata and UIdata folders are to be dropped here:

...\steamapps\your account\race 07
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