ajanhallinta submitted a new resource:
ESTuner - Jonnez ES Moped Tuner for My Summer Car
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ESTuner - Jonnez ES Moped Tuner for My Summer Car
ESTuner v0.1 | by: ajanhallinta
ESTuner allows you to change following values on Jonnez ES:
- Power multiplier
- Final Drive Ratio
- Angular Drag
- Mass
You can also load textures from file for each part of moped, change them color or disable them. Settings can be saved and loaded from file.
How to install:
- Install MSC Mod Loader with instructions provided (you can get it from racedepartment.com).
- Copy ESTuner.dll to MyDocuments/MySummerCar/Mods
- Copy texture files you want...
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