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ETRC Scania S-way, Andre Kursim 2021 Zolder race - The Team Calls her Maggie
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ETRC Scania S-way, Andre Kursim 2021 Zolder race - The Team Calls her Maggie
MAGGIE No.11 Race truck
from Don't Touch Racing
André Kursim
Fahrer (driver)
The Zolder race date in 2021 shows an asymmetric pattern on the right side pontoon.
I referenced these pictures most and then i realized after some searching, it seemed like the team made a goof with the wrap or paint on "Maggie" their Iveco s-way race truck. but it makes a more authentic skin i think !
it might be the best one
as always drop into the assetto folder, content/cars/etrc_iveco_s_way/skins
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