AC Exos S1 @ Mugello - Sun 21.09.14

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event

"It's not 1980 anymore"

Server: #2
Max servers: 1
Max number of participants: 24
Cars: Exos S1
Track: Mugello

Booking: 18:00 GMT
Qualifying: 19:00 GMT
Race: 19:45 GMT
Race distance: 27 laps
Estimated end of event: 20:30 GMT

Participation requires a license: click here
Racing Club rules and License info: click here
Teamspeak password:
click here
Teamspeak installation guide: click here

||| It is imperative that you give back the position,
if you make contact and disadvantage another driver.
If proven, noncomplience will result in a 30 day license suspension.


This event
  • Time of day will be set at 14:00h.
  • Standing Start for the race.
  • This event has a minimal number of 5 participants to take place.
  • Disabled grip dynamics.
  • Penalties will be enabled during this event.
  • Visit the 24/7 server from Tuesday to test this combination.
In general
  • Server will be up, close to or at 18:00 GMT.
  • Booking starts at 18:00 GMT.
  • Sign up window closes at 17:30 GMT sharp.
  • Sign out before 17:30 GMT, if you don't know for certain you can participate in this event or can't book in time.
  • Passwords are sent via private message before or at 18:00 GMT.
  • Mechanical damage set to 0%.
  • Fuel consumption set to 100%.
  • Call out on teamspeak to inform slower cars they are about to be lapped.
  • Make a new post for a better overview, if you do need to sign out.
  • It is strongly encouraged to be present in teamspeak.
  • To ensure a level playing field, set the ambient temperature to the default 26°C - example.
  • Check & load up your Race-setup after Qualifying.
  • For custom car liveries click here.
  • For car setups click here.
  • If anything goes wrong with the server, please leave here a message immediately.
  • Our racing clubs are foremost meant to gain online experience - this is not a league race. It's not about the results, it is meant to be fun.
  • Priority access: if the number of sign-ups exceeds the max number of participants, premium members are going to be given priority access for this event.
  • If you haven't already: buy Assetto Corsa directly from the RD Store for € 29,99.
Entry list
  1. Akis Kevrekidis
  2. Catalin Sasu
  3. Michael Burke
  4. Franco Grigoletti
  5. Rob Sharp
  6. Edwin Collingridge
  7. Adria Perez
  8. Mathias André
  9. Stelios Fevgatos
  10. Marjan Koderman
  11. Jim Liak
  12. Emil Praga
  13. Mathias Jansen
  14. Henri Sinik
  15. Kristoffer Somby
  16. Michal Moravec
  17. Mustafa Necati Erden
  18. Fernando Deutsch
  19. Alberto Arm
  20. Galin Dimov
  21. Dan Allen
  22. Mark Damen
  23. Axel Moebius
  24. Goeffroy Tassenoy
  25. -------- reserve --------
  26. Bernhard Schreyek
  27. Dion de Martines
  28. Mark Saunders
UTP: 67
Last edited:

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