rF2 F1 1992 @ Long Beach - Sunday September 18th 2011

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Q1: Barely any track time, coupled with bad traction and a broken throttle pedal left me in last.
R1: Terrible start, mainly due to a rolling roadblock in the form of a few cars in front. Was going OK and made it to 11th after attrition. Then Jason Shadd came up and WHACK. Rear end damaged, did a 180 and he just scooted off into the distance. I wasn't blocking like a maniac either, I made 1 move to the inside and stayed there. He went for a gap that never existed. That was the second time he rear-ended me, in quali he, well, I have no idea what he was trying to do on the main straight, but I was on a quali lap and he was right on my gearbox for some unknowable reason.
Got past a struggling Leonard Mills but I had a lot of understeer, thereby damaging all four corners of the car, and I ended up in the wall out of the hairpin, probably frustration more than anything at being taken off two races in a row (R2 at Sepang as well).

Q2: 11th IIRC
R2: Decent getaway and got up to 8th with attrition. Then my ******* throttle pedal ****** up again at the hairpin.

Don't even know why I bothered TBH, no point racing with a **** Thrustmaster wheel/pedals that wear out after a few months. Hopefully the G27 won't do the same.
Thank you all for another fun Sunday at the races. Unfortunately, yesterday i missed the Rothman's race, ny AV refused to give up scanning the drives and by the time I restarted, I was way too late. Just finding the right server takes multiple refreshes.

By the way, I know this is a bit late to ask this question, but do we use any aids in the races? I am asking because I only use autoclutch (I wouldn't even use that if I could, but these cars are hard to drive as it is).

Anyway, as usual I sucked at Q. In fact, once I saw that the best time was in the low 49 I figured there was no point in pushing (my own best is 50.2 but once in a blue moon on a perfect lap) and I was better off starting from the back.

I was right, the usual mayhem sent me from 15th (or so) to 6th in the matter of a lap.
I then lost a few positions to faster guys that didn't stay fast for very long, however. I collected quite a few carcasses on the way to a pretty decent 5th place.

Q2 wasn't that much better and once again I decided not to push and stay at the back. Sure enough it paid off and soon I was in 5th and then 4th.

That's when things got interesting. 3rd place (sorry mate, I forgot your name) was about 3+ seconds ahead but I could tell there was some fluctuation. At some point, he made a mistake and IO got closer and I saw that

turns: we were pretty equal
Accelleration: he absolutely flew away from me
top speed: I was way faster. probably some combo of gear and aero.

The problem was that with his blistering acceleration he got quite ahead of me and by the time I was passing him, we were at the turn in.

At one point I tried passing him and I had to go straight, back up and join the race again, losing a good 6 seconds or so. I probably could have attempted the turn, but he was parallel tome and had I done that we surely would have tangled. I can suffer ending my own race, but if I can help it I always try not to end someone else's race so I tapped the gas to make sure I was ahead and drove to the escape road.

Eventually with a few minutes left on the clock I was once again close enough to attempt a pass, but the only place I could was at turn in. I already knew how that movie ended. My only chance was to equal him in acceleration out of T3 (I think) onto the back straight and then give myself enough room to pass.

Eventually I was able to exit the turn without losing too much time and I made my attempt. He must have made a mistake (probably spinning the rears) because it was way easier than before and I made the pass.

With a minute to go he was right on my butt when he disappeared at the hairpin. I hope it wasn't something I did but I eventually saw that he exited.

I think he actually kept his 4th place because 5th place was a lap down,.
Anyway, congrats to the winners and I'll see you next week.
Q1 about 8th
R1 slow start butt arrived at turn 3 to find mayhem so sneaked a couple of places on the inside and ran 3rd till the finish. Let Adam unlpap himself twice as he was really flying - trouble staying on tonight Ad?

Q2 About 8th again.
Running 6th accelerated too early and lost front wing, then hit a wall head on and bounced back onto the track right in front of Jorge, sorry mate I halted your progress badly.

Very tight track and loads of accidents but I think the standard of driving was pretty good tonight. Good job.
Any chance of an earlier track selection this week Lee?
I think ive pretty much had enough of IRacing so hope to be back as a RD regular so some idea of where to practise would be handy.
Thanks in advance.
I thought this race very nice,I did a mistake when i got to close of the wall and hited and than i spun.Normaly i get very ungry, but as i said tp Sr Scott , now i am racing for fun.I took a deep bbreath,and than i wait the 2* race.
2* race was cool ,i got sad when Adam crash on the wall,but this can happen.
Than i was trying to maintain the vantage i got above Sr Chas was more or less 3s , than i saw the time grwoing up ,so i decide to slow down a little for not crash myself.
I got some "laggards" ( i think this is the world) and i though i was crash on him or get crashed,i lost 25,s or more ,unnecessarily.
Well i am happy becouse this was my 2* without trying to win,(just for fun) the first was yesterday (bigs mistakes yesterdays ahah)
Nice job Sr Chas ,Sr Adam you did a great lap on qualis...
I hope to learn more and more.
Wow - had a great start from 15th - was 6th at the end of the back straight... only problem was with cold tyres and full of fuel, I didnt brake early enough and went into the back of Steve O'Malley, losing my front wing, and had to pit, got a stop/go for speeding, and trashed my front wing on the way back out on track so with 1 pit down and 2 left to do I retired.

A real shame as there was a glimmer of success to be found for me if I could have held it together.

I rarely get sundays off work, so its unlikely I will be able to enter the f1 92s again for a while, but when I do, ill have done loads more practice first.
Q1- P5 with 0.49.649
R1- i got too much wheel spin and that caught Kariem out and he clipped my gearbox which caused us to bunch up a little on the run down to turn 1. Avoided the mayhem on the first 2 laps and found myself in P3 when Ben crashed out breaking for turn 1.
I was catching Wayne when he suddenly crashed at turn 6/7,that gave me P2.
Q2- P3 with a 0.49.281
Q2 was a close run thing between Adam,Mohan and myself,alot of fun! Adam had it by .086 then i had it by .303 and then Mohan took it by .200 good quali guys ;-)
R2- I made a better start this time but Wayne got me into turn 1,we touched wheels briefly,i was now P4. Adam spins out exiting turn 2 and then Wayne loses the rear exiting turn 4 allowing me to get a run and take P2.
Lap 3 and i defend on the run upto turns 6 as Wayne takes the outside line and runs wide,crashing out.
Mohan had a 3 second lead and i tried to catch him,it seemed we were running similer times as the gap kind of stayed the same. Untill we both came across Leonard Mills on lap 9(BLUE FLAGS),Mohan got him out of turn 1 going into 2 and i caught him(BLUE FLAGS) at turn 6 and i lost time as he raced me through turns 6 and 7 and out of the hairpin and which point i half spin trying to get him under acceleration!
I caught him again 2 laps later down the back straight and he moves over ;-) It spoiled what could have been a good battle for P1.
By lap 12 Mohan is 11 seconds up the road so i tried to keep my head down, see if he makes any mistakes. uhuh P2 at the end.
Good racing tonight guys.
Thanks to Adam and RD.
* Kyle,you have a cheek moaning about getting rear ended! ;-) Makes a change being on the recieving end eh? ssssshhhhh!
Sorry guys. My machine crashed after qualifying and I tried to sort it out but having to do some work on the comp now. I hope I didn't ruin anyone's race.

Suffice to say I had a rough r1 and still going through my learning curve in traffic so if I bumped anyone it was not intentional. I will try my best to learn how to deal with traffic in the future.
Q1: Barely any track time, coupled with bad traction and a broken throttle pedal left me in last.<br>
R1: Terrible start, mainly due to a rolling roadblock in the form of a few cars in front. Was going OK and made it to 11th after attrition. Then Jason Shadd came up and WHACK. Rear end damaged, did a 180 and he just scooted off into the distance. I wasn't blocking like a maniac either, I made 1 move to the inside and stayed there. He went for a gap that never existed. That was the second time he rear-ended me, in quali he, well, I have no idea what he was trying to do on the main straight, but I was on a quali lap and he was right on my gearbox for some unknowable reason.<br>
Got past a struggling Leonard Mills but I had a lot of understeer, thereby damaging all four corners of the car, and I ended up in the wall out of the hairpin, probably frustration more than anything at being taken off two races in a row (R2 at Sepang as well).<br>
Q2: 11th IIRC<br>
R2: Decent getaway and got up to 8th with attrition. Then my fuc*ing throttle pedal fuc*ed up again at the hairpin.<br>
Don't even know why I bothered TBH, no point racing with a crap Thrustmaster wheel/pedals that wear out after a few months. Hopefully the G27 won't do the same.
I wanted to make sure I thoroughly reviewed the replay before I responded to this Kyle. Here is what I gather from what I think we can all agree was a race of attrition as most events held with unforgiving walls are. At the start I was punted UN-intentionally by the Footwork car as everyone was eager to fly into the first corner. Spun me 180 and I was dead last. It was a racing accident no harm no foul. &nbsp;I didn't like it and swore like a sailor but my job was to get back up to speed and gain some positions.

After watching the replay of the incident you refer to numerous times in slow motion and from different angles...Here is my take. There was a SIGNIFICANT speed differential between you and I and I caught up to you within less than half a lap. Given that speed differential I was on your tail less than half way down the straight. You blocked as you are entitled to do when fighting for position but also moved to the outside under braking for what appeared to me to be a bit out of control under braking. I moved to the inside and simulataneously you moved back to the apex. I chalk that up to a racing accident much like when someone punted me off on R1 at Sebring. Might I remind you that I made no bones about THAT accident then and still won't because we are competing for positions and sometimes people get ambitious.

I am one to know the frustrations of racing incidents and I have no idea what you are referring to in qualifying but I think what Scott and the group have done with this mod and club race is second to none.To degrade the forum with foul language and finger pointing just sours it for everyone. If you need to settle things on the track, then I am open to a friendly competition between you and I. Same cars, same track and someone can administrate the event to settle things once and for all. If not, then I suggest you continue enjoying the racing and take the bad with the good as we all do.
Q:p7 50,009 ( practice 49,359 ) not good kariem

Nice start but klikt the gearbox of chass ( sorry ) could not avoid the mayhem after the start, but this is racing. Whent to the pits came out p13 drove a poor race alone, end it up P7

Q:p6 49,985

Good start from me, place 4 after the first corner nice one, but ( wayne&chass ) was fighting for 2nt place in front of me and something happend 2 wayne and he crasht and i could not avoid wayne, race over 4 me
Sr Chas or Sr Adam ,could please give me a help ?As you know i always claim about my setup ,expecialy about my rear traction ,after the RATSNAKE ,when Ben give to me a new setup but the best thing was the TIPs, so with that ii could run a litlle better ,(so when my style dont work ,i change a little).,
Well , i always though my problem was on the S3 "the 2 turns before the hairpin", but when i was on quali , i saw my car inst too bad ,or the same thing than Adam or Ben, but when i finished the hair pin and i should only put the horse to run , my car dont had acceleration , i saw cars that made 14th or even lower position with a lot more acceleration .So what do you think it is?
I put a short gears ,before the finish line my engine already was on red light on 5th gear ,so i coulndt understand well why this always is happing to me.On the RATSNAKE ws the same thing, and i even spun when i only should to gas.
(ofcourse i am not giving too much gas, just the limit to start the tires spin a little)
So its me the problem? or the setup ?I really dont understand, i got -0,200 on S1 -0,250 on S2 -0,344 on S3 , under the best time of Adam. then when i finished the lap i did 49,3 ....So i lost a lot time on hairpin. Only on turn to make ,, and i lost everything.
What do you think?If possible ,could you pleasee give some Tips about how to make a hairpin?

Thank you guys.
I think that was just a small drift towards the outside so I could take the corner. TBH I didn't have much control over the car all evening.
I believe the rules are very clear in this area.......you're are allowed 1 move.
You're an F1 fan Kyle,i'm sure you would have seen Schumachers moves with Hamilton at Monza? So we know blocking or weaving isn't allowed,right?
It's not the first time we've seen this on a sunday Jason.

Nice start but klikt the gearbox of chass ( sorry ).
Not your fault Kariem,no problem ;-) I got a little too much wheel spin and had to lift just slightly,my fault ;-)
Cracking first race for me...well until i clipped a tyre wall (and i mean clipped) and it ripped the left hand side of the car off while in 5th lol.

Keep forgetting there is two races each evening, shame as i was bang up for another go :)

Thanks to Admin (RD), and Wayne for the set up :)

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