F1 2011 F1 2011 wish list

F1 2011 The Game (Codemasters)
my list would be exactly same as vex009

p.s i would love to have an engineer that helps me make my own setups , whom i should complain about stuff ..
in game engine power loss or tyre graining which i could discuss with my engineer ...

choice of hiring more sharp and intelligent strategy making engineers , what was the point of taking money for contracts in f12010, so some way of spending that money on engineers or buying stones for my helmets etc

and AI laptime videos should be watchable from cockpit

and car update system should be made a bit tougher and you should try them in practice instead of lapping around to get them in qualifying ..

and AI that are intelligent and actually doing qualifying laps

more paper media, magazines and stuff ... old driver and current drivers comment on me , if i hit someone then bad words from that driver and if i impede someone then he could blame me

and more dynamics paddock , more dynamic manager and more clauses in contracts ,

i hope codies are listening ..
1) that the game depart from the GP2
2) withdrawal pilots
3) market drivers (the drivers at the end of each season would change team)
4) Telemetry
5) safety car
6) better AI (at least in the race)
7) mechanical failure
8) view of the timing and location of the drivers like the real thing

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9) chance to see the results of past seasons
- Less delay when leaving pit box if car is passing by
- Be able to see what setup I was using when I did certain laps, eg, in practice so I can see what setup I used on my fastest lap
- In-depth telemetry
- Ability to review in the pits my lap in comparison to fastest drivers ghost
- Safety car
- More intermittent weather in race to force you to abandon dry setup and switch to intermediate/wets. Doesn't happen enough
- Formation lap
- When doing flying lap in qualifying, brakes shouldn't be cold, you've just done an out lap to warm them up
- Mechanical failures, especially towards the end of the season with engines running out. Should happen more often with newer/lesser teams
- KERS. System should improve over the season and should be better on some cars than others.
- Safety car start in torrential rain.
- Rear/Side damage option. Currently there's no damage apart from front end from what I've seen in my 4 seasons
- Option to change to a better, let's say different, race engineer when changing teams
- An engineer that comes over the radio and says "Alonso is faster than you, can you confirn?".... I joke
1. Be able to see the lap times of the drivers behind you, as at the minute if they are more than 5 seconds you don't have a clue
2. Better temperature management of tyres
3. Option to hwo much fuel you will run, which means adding a fuel saving mode
4. Safety car
5. Stewards to not just hate you! and love everyone else
6. Better crash damage
7. Formation lap
Using Xbox360 system/standard gamepad.

1. Adjustable controls to allow Left Stick and Right Stick click options for trims (wing, fuel, etc). Don't know how many times I've lost control while trying to adjust wing or from standard to fast via current method. I'd rather risk clicking too many times and ending up on the wrong setting for a split second than using the current "pad". Left Stick for wing adjustments (2 click cycle). Right Stick for fuel (standard, fast, cruise - 3 click cycle).

2. Better auto braking.

3. Video cuts to post race events (podium, confrontation with racer, etc). Interviews are a nice touch.

4. More detailed listing of your lap times in Practice/Qualify (at least top 5 and # of lap)

5. create own team (design color scheme, select sponsors and work towards better sponsors).

5. adjustable A.I.
Just wondering, is Codemasters checking this site/thread? Or would it be much more useful to copy/paste this thread to their official website?

There's some very good stuff mentioned in this thread, would be a shame if it's all useless to put it here.
My suggestions are based on my experiences on the PS3 format:

-Better handling of online multiplayer when someone leaves the game before the start of race (quite often freezes when you're in the garage)
Because of this, I don't think having a 20+ player multiplayer option would be a good thing.
-Better time displays: Show whether your up or down on 1st place (Like Championship Edition and like it is in real life) rather than in comparison to your own fastest lap.
-Sort out the invincible apex 'sticks' in Abu Dhabi
-Less harsh penalties/invalidated laps in time trials
-Better paddock/career options
-More controller-friendly driving
-mandatory penalties for online play! force out the people that go online just to have a demolition derby.
The one complain that I have so far, is the way practice and qualifying happens. I hate the face that they put the AI cars on the track, yet they dont really do anything but get in the way. I got a 5 grid penalty on a qualifying lap when I rear ended an AI car that swerved in front of me while I was doing a hot lap and he was pulling out of the pits. Codemasters needs to fix this.
FYI this was on a ps3.

F1 2010 is a very good game, but like lots of gamers, I have some suggestions for the next release :tongue: :

- Playing 2 players with splited screen, It can be funny with friends (old school legacy).
- More tuning for our own pilot (Helmet obviously, each real driver has its own custom helmet). That stuff can be cool in multiplayer sessions (seeing other players with their custom helmet)
- Safety car
- Warm-up lap before departure (in option, why not, like short & long week-end)
- More damages, better managment with debris when an accident happens (yellow flag during cleaning with safety car).

First off, you've done a smashing job with this game - it's the most exciting racing game I've ever played. The last F1 game worth playing on the PC was GP4 and that was a long time ago - thanks for bringing the sport back to PC. :) There is, of course, always room for improvement ;) but since this was the first in the franchise it was never going to be perfection, but it is a solid foundation to build on.

In no particular order:

I haven't yet won a race, but I've heard rumours there is no podium celebration. If that's the case, needless to say, it's a must for 2011! Give us some reward for pounding around a track for 60+ laps!

Allow us to put a photo of ourselves in the game.

Real time AI qualifying and racing - I want to use that monitor sitting on my car for more than checking the weather and times. GP2, if not F1GP, had this nailed back in the early nineties! Come on Codies, if games that old can simulate all the cars real time, then you can in this day and age.

Following on from that - the ability to view from any car during replays.

A highlight reel to watch at the end of the race, similar to what you get in football games. It could be filtered to include leadership battles only, crashes only - stuff like that. It could also be used to choose a section of the race to watch - lap 10 to lap 20 for example. Who wants to watch the whole flippin' race again - especially when you're stuck in one car? A 'cinematic' mode would of course be required for replays.

Following on from the monitor - the track info screen is useless! Sure, the info is interesting, but I'd much prefer a layout of the track, with the ability to examine particular sections! Or why not both? Also, update the lap/qualifying record with what happens in the game.

Trackside marshals waving flags, not those arcade style banners at the top of the screen. Following on from that, shouldn't you get a warning if you take too long to allow a race leader through, instead of getting the book thrown at you for a first offence?

Mechanical failures for AI and player. With today's tech. an engine blowout will look fantastic!

More mistakes by AI.

The ability to control the car in the pits - right up to the lollypop man. ;) Also, the ability to drive the parade/slowing down lap if we choose - right up to Parce Ferme.

Driver personalities - for example, if someone doesn't cope well under pressure, then crawling all over their rear wing for a few laps has every chance of them making a mistake. Following on from that, some drivers are adept at carving through backmarkers, others get held up.

More than one agent. She doesn't say that much, so get the voice actor to do her lines in a few different accents. ;)

More than one engineer. Granted, he says a lot more and there would need to be one for each team so using several voice actors might prove too expensive. Nothing stopping you from changing the appearance of the engineer and the rest of the crew from team to team though. ;)

The ability to call up an update from the engineer at any time - for example: Lap 32, Position 3, Alonso - 5 secs, Button + 7 secs. Following on from that, pitboards would be good - again, held out by the crew, not as an arcade style popup.

Safety car and red flags.

On the 'mini map, only your team mate is highlighted. Allow us to choose other cars to mark as well.

Regarding the location arrows that appear when a car is behind you, make them a different colour (blue) if the car (or one of the cars) is a race leader. They're all white right now - and that's not 'all right' ;) because it's impossible to know if one of them is a competitor or not. :)

Better (and scaleable) damage modelling, from forgiving to totally realistic.

The ability to easily zoom the FoV in or out - the default makes it necessary to use the stick to look at your mirrors - you could easily put yourself into a wall/competitor while doing that.

The ability to save during long races. It's no fun racing for 40 laps, then having the system fall over on you.

mod edit: posts merged - if you were the last person to post in the thread, please edit your last post rather than start a new one. thanks. JC.

Just wondering, is Codemasters checking this site/thread? Or would it be much more useful to copy/paste this thread to their official website?

There's some very good stuff mentioned in this thread, would be a shame if it's all useless to put it here.

Agreed - I'm going to post mine there as well.
What do i miss?

1. I would like to see that there was a random fall out of cars. Like a engine failure or wheel hangup broken or something like that. Every car finish now. In reall time that never happens.
2. In the replay i would like to skip to an other car in any kind of camera.
3. More management like choosing or bying option for better engine, brakes, etc.
4. Own management when you want to change tyres, on fillment for fuel.
Only read the first two pages so most probably mentioned but I feel the key things are:

- Safety cars
- More realistic damage when crashing
- Mechanical/engine failures (even if they can be turned off)
- AI cars crashing more often and more DNF's
- Warm-up lap before race start
- More realistic penalties
- In Practice/Qualifying - seeing the leader's/10th place/17th place sector times when completing a sector, as opposed to just your own

There are a few other things I've seen mentioned that aren't so key but would be nice:

- AI transfers between teams
- Engineer giving you advice on car setups
- Cars not trying to overtake you whilst they're on outlaps (then yielding again)
- Cars hot laps relating to the times shown (atm they are just doing several outlaps then pitting)
- Raindrops running down your helmet
- Easier to spin (goes for the player and the AI) in wet conditions (atm I find it too easy to correct it when I feel myself losing control)
- Less ridiculous transitions from wet to dry (eg. Q1 100% rain, Q2 0% rain, Q3 87% rain - how is that possible!? It's DEFINITELY going to train in Q1 (btw, those figures should never be 100%), but it's DEFINITELY going to have dried out in the 5 minute gap between Q1 and Q2. Ok.)
- Being able to sharply turn full left then full right (ie to warm the tires - atm the driver just turns it slowly from left to right)

- Co-op career sounds really nice (just read it a few pages back), not essential, but would be quality.

There's loads more in my head that I've forgotten now.

Will these actually go to CM or are we just posting for the sake of it? Would be nice to see something done.

Reading through these threads, one thing that stands out is that it seems the majority want a podium feature. As do I, I hope Codemasters listens in this. We need a better sense of achievement than a forced insincere enthusiasm over the radio and increased points tally beside our name. The racing in terms of how the car's handle etc. are great, Codemasters really has built a solid foundation to build on and only tweaks to "Be the driver, live the life" motto are needed, I think.

My list:
- Podiums, a huge must.

- Grid atmosphere, I'd really much rather sit in my car staring at the backside of a grid girl while my team is around me performing checks etc. and from there I can choose my race strategy rather than being stuck in the boring garage.

- Crew cheering me on from the pit wall if I'm coming home to a podium.

- More helmet selections. Although the nationality flavor is cool, if you don't feel like being patriotic you're stuck with Blue, Black, Green, Yellow and Red (Or Anthony Davidson's). Which is a weak selection. Wild designs and graphics like the rest of the grid have would be great. Helmet creator would be ace.

- An agent with a personality! All she does is sit at the lap top while, it seems, people come to her with contract offers. I'd like to have the option to get her working. If I want to join a team, send her out to lobby on your behalf as appose to waiting for that team's boss to come to you with an offer. Perhaps give us the power to try and extend a contract beyond a single year. Give the teams our terms as appose to settling with theirs.

- Telementry in the garage so I can see where I'm losing time.

- A race engineer who talks more. Is more encouraging and above all, talks more! He's near mute as it is. I wanna know, not just what Ferrari is doing, but what my teammate is doing, the three guys behind me are doing, who spun when there is a crash, who is getting penalties, when I'm on the final lap etc.

- Improved animation on the driver in the cockpit. I find his movements a bit on the "jerky" side. Also, I'd like to see his fingers move when shifting gears.

- Improved honor lap. I want to watch my driver fist pump and wave while looking at my car and not have it covered up by an intrusive black graphic telling me race stats. I'd rather those stats be displayed a lot more modestly during that time.

- End of season celebration. Especially if you're WDC. I want something like the team hoisting you up, with fireworks etc. or at the very least a team photo of you and the boys with a pit board reading "2011 WDC Your Name". Something that invokes a greater sense of achievement. Than just a mention of it in a press conference and then pushed along to the next season as if it was nothing.

- Improved press interaction and it's effects. As it stands, it seems near insignificant what you say. There are no real/major disadvantages of rubbing your teammates nose in your success or talking poorly of the car. I 'd like to see better choice of answers and perhaps more rumor-based type questions that could get you into a "he said she said" type of spat with fellow drivers. Also, choosing a rival seems to do nothing but highlight them on your track map and have your mute-like engineer occasionally say something about them during the race. I'd like to see more aggression from your chosen rival on track if you single them out.

That's pretty much it, I expect improvements on track models, cars, damage, online options and sound already with 2011 so, I would think from a development standpoint, my requests are fairly humble. I hope to see some implemented.
Agree with all of those, quality post. Well put across and all graet ideas. One key one you're missing out though - safety cars!

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