F1 2013 F1 2013 Patches, Info, Supported Wheels/Controllers, & Recommendations

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
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Graham Laing

Retired Staff

F1 2013 patches notes

PC Patch 1 - Released October 17th 2013

Today sees our first PC Patch #1 available on Steam for PC versions of F1 2013. We have tried where possible to prioritise as many of the issues you have raised as a priority, in addition to a number of other fixes which were made during the various submission processes, or because they have been easily tracked down and fixed.

In the meantime, please note that we are still collecting feedback via our Technical Assistance forums and do encourage you to post your issues there, being sure to include as much information as possible. This will be used to help prioritise our fixes in future patches.

Priority Issues

Multiplayer match making issue:
When creating a game, there is now an added option in the race settings: “Downloadable Content Tracks “On / Off”. If you turn this to ‘Off’ any players who don’t have DLC installed will be able to find & join your game – that means opening up the ability for Classic/DLC players to play against standard edition players.

PC FPS Issues:
We’ve made improvements to the PC FPS issue whereby higher specification PC’s had a considerable lap time advantage over lower ones. Although we haven’t yet fully rectified the issue completely across all tracks, we wanted to get these improvements out as soon as possible whilst continuing our investigations to see where further improvement can be made.We have also introduced a frame rate cap at approximately 120 frames per second to limit the extremity of the variation at exceptionally high frame rates. We are confident this change will not result in any visual degradation, and will further prevent the issue being exploited and allow for fairer competition online.We would encourage players to test this in multiplayer races rather than solely relying on AI lap time benchmarks, as there is variation deliberately built into the latter for gameplay reasons. We are aware this is a hot topic and will continue to monitor the forums for feedback once this fix is live.

Fixed multiple Mid Session Save issues:
Including cases of incorrect track initialisation, race logic, set ups and crashes. AI will also no longer pit to change tyres when re-loading from a Mid Session Save.

Equal cars online
Thanks to the feedback we’ve found a couple of issues related to car wheel positions which we now have been addressed.

AI no longer pit immediately after a safety car

AI braking distances have been improved into turn 1 at Malaysia
If you are experiencing any other instances where the AI seem too early on the brakes / too slow into a corner, please let us know the track & corner number and we will investigate.

Players can no longer set leaderboard times or go online if they edit their triggers_pit.xml
This was allowing players to use their DRS in non-valid areas. The leaderboards will be reset as a result.

Updated the Tyre compound choice for Korea, Japan & India to reflect the 2013 season.

Minor Issues
  • Added functionality to view gamer card / profile on results screens.
  • The race director will now be available in co-op if the one player retires from the season in qualification or practice.
  • Changes to audio mix volumes while on track.
  • Steam Achievements are now visible / displayed correctly.
  • Resolved an issue where a lobby would incorrectly show as being full.
  • Fixed a network issue where AI would not receive penalties correctly at the end of a race.
  • Fixed an occasion where AI cars could exit their box into the pit lane too fast.
  • Turning collisions off will now also disable the safety car.
  • Changed the car lighting on Yas Marina during the night.
  • Fixed a crash relating to a vote to end a session with players that have joined in progress.
  • Multiplayer ghosting issues fixed.
  • Audio Memory changes, so there should be no audio dropout after longer durations of play / sitting on the pause menu.
  • McLaren Cockpit view texture update.
  • Updated collision boxes on the Williams FW14B & the Ferrari F92A.
  • Updated collision audio, and fixed some cases of audio drop out.
  • Resolved an issue in Split Screen where the player ones camera could slightly flicker.
  • Resolved an issue where the skipping to day 2 of the Young Drivers Test would make the day 1 hairpin test very difficult to complete.
  • Fixed some instances of the auto drive not releasing the Ferrari 312T2 correctly.
  • Removed Tweak in from the Fanatec Clubsport wheel, updated the Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel action map.
The above fixes (where relevant) for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are currently being tested and verified. These require additional submission and authorisation from Microsoft and Sony so the release date for these will follow a little later than the PC version.

PC Patch 2 - Released October 25th 2013

Today sees our second PC Patch available on Steam for PC versions of F1 2013. We will update this topic once the patch goes live (today).

PC FPS Issues:

  • We’ve made further improvements to the PC FPS issue whereby higher specification PC’s had a considerable lap time advantage over lower ones. The difference now should be negligible and should allow fair competition between all players. Again we are aware this is a hot topic and will continue to monitor the forums for feedback once this fix is live.
  • At 30+ FPS the track will now rubber in.
Minor Fixes:

  • In Online Custom Races AI cars that have retired will now be removed from the track correctly.
  • Improved AI replication on high latency / low bandwidth connections in Online Custom Races.
  • Corrected Professional and Expert AI difficulty on Sakhir (Bahrain) & Monza.
  • Fixed an issue where on certain hardware all menus would be black.
  • Force feedback settings have been tweaked to remedy the mid corner ‘dropout’ that some players were reporting.
The above fixes (where relevant) for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are currently being tested and verified. These require additional submission and authorisation from Microsoft and Sony so the release date for these will follow a little later than the PC version.

PC Patch 3 - Released October 30th 2013

Today sees our third PC Patch available on Steam for PC versions of F1 2013.

Mid Session Save
  • Fixed a bug which prevented car setups from being loaded correctly when a Mid Session Save is created while on track in a Practice session.
  • Fixed an issue in Career which would cause a perpetual load when resuming a Mid Session Save after accepting a mid season contract.
  • Improved connection map, latency evaluation and bandwidth evaluation to improve the quality of connection information. This in turn should result in fewer disconnects in multiplayer games.
Minor Fixes
  • Memory savings when selecting Flying Lap in any session.
The above fixes (where relevant) for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are currently being tested and verified. These require additional submission and authorisation from Microsoft and Sony so the release date for these will follow a little later than the PC version.

PC Patch 4 - Released November 4th 2013

Today sees our fourth PC Patch available on Steam for PC versions of F1 2013.

Mid Session Save

Fixed a bug which prevented car setups from being loaded correctly when a mid session save is created while on track in any session.

Minor Fixes

Added a DRS Bleep sound to inform the player via audio that the DRS is available. This sound is quite subtle so that players who do not rely on this are not distracted, you may need to lower the engine volume and raise the effects volume to make this clearer during gameplay.

The above fixes (where relevant) for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are currently being tested and verified. These require additional submission and authorisation from Microsoft and Sony so the release date for these will follow a little later than the PC version.

PC Patch 5 - Released November 11th 2013

Today sees our fifth PC Patch available on Steam for PC versions of F1 2013.
  • Adjusted the audio balance between the players engine and AI so that the player can always hear their own engine.
  • Fixed the grass on New Delhi so it will no longer seem like the car is driving on a rumble strip.
  • Fixed a bug where completing a One Shot Qualifying session and then progressing to another qualifying session type could make the AI behave incorrectly.
PC Patch 6 - Released November 22nd 2013
  • Fixes an issue where player's pit lane camera option would not save correctly.

PC Patch 7 - Released December 11th 2013
  • Next to no details released on Twitter or Facebook yet (as the CM forum is closed)
  • Only this from Steve Hood (Twitter) - "The only real change for PC is a correction to some car set up files (incorrectly assigned to a couple of circuits)"

How to check that you have the latest patch installed (PC)?
  • Browse to you game install folder > YourInstallDrive:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\f12013
  • Right Click on F1_2013.exe > Properties > Details - Patch 7 = File Version
  • Browse to you game install folder > YourInstallDrive:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\f12013
  • Open the text file - game_version.txt - The text should read :-
  • Patch 7 = const char * version = "Master Universal.908937 22/11/2013 12:05 "; unsigned int versionNumber = 908937;
PC Patch 7 - List of files touched by this Patch

Console Patch 1 - Released November 15th 2013

The patch has successfully passed submission by both Microsoft and SONY. The patch will go live today (hopefully this morning). Here are the patch notes:

Major Fixes

  • When creating a game, there is now an added option in the race settings: “Downloadable Content Tracks “On / Off”. If you turn this to ‘Off’ any players who don’t have DLC installed will be able to find & join your game – that means opening up the ability for Classic/DLC players to play against standard edition players.
  • Improved AI replication on high latency / low bandwidth connections in Online Custom Races.
Equal car performance online
  • Fixed a couple of issues related to car wheel positions which were making some cars quicker than others when equal performance was in use.
Artificial Intelligence
  • AI no longer pit immediately after a safety car
Mid Session Save
  • Fixed a bug which prevented car setups from being loaded correctly when a Mid Session Save is created while on track in a Practice session.
  • Fixed an issue in Career which would cause a perpetual load when resuming a Mid Session Save after accepting a mid season contract.
  • Also fixed instances of incorrect track initialisation and race logic. AI cars will also no longer pit to change tyres when re-loading from a Mid Session Save.
Factual Accuracy
  • Updated the Tyre compound choice for Korea, Japan & India, USA and Brazil to reflect the 2013 season.
  • Changes to audio mix volumes while on track.
  • Audio Memory changes, so there should be no audio dropout after longer durations of play / sitting on the pause menu.
  • Updated collision audio, and fixed some cases of audio drop out.
Minor Fixes
  • Added functionality to view gamer card / profile on results screens.
  • The race director will now be available in co-op if the one player retires from the season in qualification or practice.
  • Fixed a network issue where AI would not receive penalties correctly at the end of a race.
  • Fixed an occasion where AI cars could exit their box into the pit lane too fast.
  • Turning collisions off will now also disable the safety car.
  • Changed the car lighting on Yas Marina during the night.
  • Fixed a crash relating to a vote to end a session with players that have joined in progress.
  • Multiplayer ghosting issues fixed.
  • McLaren Cockpit view texture update.
  • Updated collision boxes on the Williams FW14B & the Ferrari F92A.
  • Resolved an issue in Split Screen where the player ones camera could slightly flicker.
  • Resolved an issue where the skipping to day 2 of the Young Drivers Test would make the day 1 hairpin test very difficult to complete.
  • Fixed some instances of the auto drive not releasing the Ferrari 312T2 correctly.
  • Removed Tweak in from the Fanatec Clubsport wheel, updated the Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel action map.
  • AI braking distances have been improved into turn 1 at Malaysia
  • Corrected Professional and Expert AI difficulty levels on Sakhir (Bahrain) & Monza. (They were the wrong way around so Professional was Expert and vice versa).
  • Force feedback settings have been tweaked to remedy the mid corner ‘dropout’ that some players were reporting.
  • Fixed some instances where the player could corner cut on certain corners on Monza and Singapore.
  • Lowered the Silverstone pit lane speed limit.
  • Added a DRS Bleep sound to inform the player via audio that the DRS is available.
The patch includes fixes found in PC patches 1-4 (where relevant)

Console Patch 2 XBox 360 - Released December 20th 2013

A patch which fixes a number of issues for F1 2013 will be going live on Xbox 360 today. We’re expecting the patch to already be rolling out across Xbox Live but please be patient as there may be a slight delay as it propagates across the entire network.

Fixes Include
  • Rebalanced the audio mix to make the players engine louder and other cars quieter when racing in a bunch
  • Corrected the material for the grass on New Delhi
  • Fixed the equal performance handling files for specific cars on three tracks
  • Fixed an issue with the AI having the incorrect amount of fuel after changing from one shot qualifying to short or full qualifying
  • The pit lane camera option will now save correctly

Console Patch 2 PS3 - Released January 9th 2014

A patch which fixes a number of issues for F1 2013 will be going live on PlayStation 3 (EU) later today. Fixes include those found in the previous Xbox 360 patch, plus a PS3 specific fix that improves the online matchmaking system.

Patch Notes
  • Rebalanced the audio mix to make the players engine louder and other cars quieter when racing in a bunch.
  • Corrected the material for the grass on New Delhi.
  • Fixed the equal performance handling files for specific cars on three tracks.
  • Fixed an issue with the AI having the incorrect amount of fuel after changing from one shot qualifying to short or full qualifying.
  • The pit lane camera option will now save correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from finding online sessions.
Console Patch 3 XBox 360 - Released February 17th

There are no details about this patch on Codemasters Facebook page, Twitter page, or blog. However XBox users report that there was one.
Additional Recommendations

F1 2013 Wheel Support

PC Specs
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Additional recommendations

  • Disable the Steam Cloud for this game. In general, it has caused more problems than it's worth. It is only useful if playing away from home on a different PC or Laptop
  • In Steam > Right Click on F1 2013 and select 'Properties' > Updates Tab > Deselect 'Enable Steam Cloud Synchronisation for F1 2013'

  • If you want to back up your game profile manually. Then you need to make a backup copy of your profile folder :-
  • YourSteamInstallDrive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxxx\223670
  • xxxxxxx = Your Steam ID number
  • 223670 = The F1 2013 profile folder.
  • Alternatively, use GameSave Manager 3 manually, or use it's scheduling feature to back up the F1 2013 data (and many other games, if you wish), at regular intervals.
  • The latest database now supports F1 2013
  • If you wish to prevent the game automatically updating (patching), perhaps because you have mods installed and don't want them overwritten. Right click on F1 2013 in Steam > Select 'Properties' > 'Updates' tab > Select 'Do not automatically update this game' from the drop-down menu.
Backups, how do you recover your backup profile when needed?
  • Choose your last known good backup (hopefully you have multiple backups)
  • Start game and delete the existing profile
  • Create new profile with exactly the same name as your old profile
  • Once game has loaded (profile is created and saved), quit the game
  • Copy your backup profile back into Steam
  • YourSteamInstallDrive\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxxx\223670
  • Start the game ....... and pray that it works :)
  • Naturally the amount of data you lose, depends on how often you make backups.
How to repair or check your game files if you have problems (PC)

Verify your game files on Steam.

Right click F1 2013 in Steam > Properties > Local Files tab > Verify Integrity of Game Cache

This will remove any mods, and automatically download and repair any missing, or broken files. It will ensure that you have a standard, fully patched game


Downloading and Installing Mods

There is now a sticky post in the modding section about adding mods to your game. It's a picture based tutorial. It refers to downloading, backups, manually installing a mod, and installing mods using the Ryder Mod Manager

You can find the tutorial here
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F1 2013 Wheel Support

PC Supported Wheels

Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel with Force Feedback
ECCI Trackstar 6000
Fanatec Porsche 911 Carrera
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT3 RS2
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S
Fanatec ClubSport
Fanatec CSR Elite
Fanatec ClubSport Pedals
Logitech Driving Force GT
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Logitech Formula Force EX/RX
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel K
Logitech MOMO Racing Force (Racing)
Thrustmaster Ferrari 430 Force Feedback Racing Wheel
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT F430 Wireless Cockpit
Thrustmaster RGT Force Feedback Clutch Edition
Thrustmaster Universal Challenge 5-in-1 Racing Wheel
Thrustmaster T500RS Racing Wheel
Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 wheel Integral T500
Logitech WingMan Formula Force GP Racing Wheel
Atomic Super Sport Evo Steering Wheel
Logic3 Tri Format Topdrive GT
Logic3 Tri Format Topdrive RF
SimRaceWay SRW-S1 Steering Wheel (NEW)
Atomic TVR Sagaris Sport Racing Steering Wheel

PlayStation 3 Supported Wheels

Atomic Super Sport
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT3 RS2
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S
Fanatec ClubSport (NEW)
Fanatec CSR Elite (NEW)
Logic 3 TopDrive GT
Logic 3 TopDrive RF
Logitech Driving Force
Logitech Driving Force EX/RX
Logitech Driving Force GT
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Logitech G25 Racing Wheel
Logitech G27 Racing Wheel
Thrustmaster Ferrari F430 Force Feedback
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT Experience
Thrustmaster RGT Force Feedback Pro Clutch
Thrustmaster T500RS Racing Wheel

Xbox 360 Supported Wheels

Microsoft 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
Logitech Drive FX Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S
Fanatec CSR Elite (NEW)
Joytech Nitro Racing Wheel
MadCatz Wireless Racing Wheel
F1 2013 Controller Support

PC Supported Controllers

Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
Logitech Dual Action Gamepad
Saitek P380 Dual Analog Gamepad
Saitek P480 dual Analog Rumble Gamepad
Saitek PS1000 Dual Analog Pad
Thrustmaster Dual Trigger Rumble Force
Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog 3
Thrustmaster Run N Drive 3-in-1
Thrustmaster Run N Drive Wireless Rumble Force
Thrustmaster T-Wireless 3 in 1 Rumble Force
Logitech Gamepad F510
Logitech Wireless Gamepad F710

PlayStation 3 Supported Controllers

Saitek PS1000 Dual Analogue Pad
MadCatz Call of Duty Black Ops PrecisionAIM Controller
Thrustmaster Run N Drive Wireless Rumble Force
Thrustmaster T-Wireless 3-in-1 Rumble Force
Thrustmaster Dual Trigger Rumble Force

Xbox 360 Supported Controllers

Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller
MadCatz Call of Duty Black Ops PrecisionAIM Controller
Microsoft 360 Chatpad Messenger Kit
PC Specs

What are the PC specifications for F1 2013?

  • OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD HD2600 or NVIDIA Geforce 8600
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Hard Drive: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Direct X compatible soundcard
  • OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7/AMD Bulldozer
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD HD6000 Series/Nvidia GTX500 Series minimum 1GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Hard Drive: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Direct X compatible soundcard
F1 2013 - Update from the Studio

Many thanks for all your comments and feedback on the game so far. The Development and QA teams have been working through the list of issues raised, trying to reproduce and fix as many issues as possible ahead of forthcoming patches. As per last year, we would like to get updates out to you as quickly as possible, so fixes will be drip fed to into the PC version of the game via steam first, before being consolidated into the various console submissions. Further details on the specific fixes made in the first patch will follow next week.

In the meantime, we wanted to put some information out about two of the issues in particular.

Multiplayer Matchmaking

We have identified a multiplayer matchmaking issue whereby players may not be able to join each other’s multiplayer lobbies/races. We have located the error and have prepared a fix to address this which will go live at the first patching opportunity. However, until the patch goes live you may experience problems with how many players you can connect with. In the interim we suggest the following workaround: -

For maximum matches in a 2013 race, a STANDARD EDITION gamer should host.

For maximum matches in a 1980s race, a STANDARD EDITION gamer should host.

For maximum matches in a 1990s race, anyone with the content can host

If a CLASSIC EDITION gamer hosts, he will only be matched with other CLASSIC EDITION players or STANDARD EDITION players with both DLC packs installed when they go live.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tyre & Fuel Scaling

There have been a number of threads commenting on the level of severity of the tyre wear, in particular on 25% races.

The severity of tyre wear has been designed based off real world data. Tyre management is part and parcel of the F1 experience in 2013 – anyone who watched the latest race in Korea will notice how much both were commented on by the both the teams and in particular the drivers; Lewis Hamilton, Mark Webber, Fernando Alonso to name but a few.

The following list of areas which affect the wear and life of a tyre will help you to understand the simulation behind the tyre model, and will hopefully aide your gameplay experience in this area.
  • First off, tyre wear in Grand Prix mode is different to tyre wear in Career due to the R&D upgrade system. In Career, cars start in their rawest configuration, i.e. with the worst tyre wear and non-upgraded base cars, and are then upgraded throughout the season as you progress and complete the Practice R&D tests. On top of that, each constructor has a different base tyre wear starting point, for example if you drive the Mercedes on a pad you’ll suffer with rear tyre wear more than the Lotus. However in GP Mode they’ll be much closer in terms of wear with all their upgrades applied. Observed wear differences for front and rear tyres are also modelled in the 2013 game. This can have an impact on a cars suitability to certain tracks. Finally, the tyre compounds Pirelli had used and announced up to the time of release are applied. Some players have noted the harder Prime tyre lasting marginally longer than the softer Option. This can happen on circuits which used compounds next to one another (e.g. Soft and Medium).
  • Maintaining the temperature of the tyres is critical this year. Again using Korea as an example of a real life race, the right front tyre was under particular close scrutiny from the teams due to the load being put through it on the Korean circuit. Using the temperature HUD swipe will help you be aware when excessive temperature and therefore wear is starting to become an issue. Lifting and coasting through corners, and minimising wheel spin are things to bear in mind to bring the tyres back to the right operating temperature window.
  • Car Setup modifications will affect the tyre wear much more than in previous versions of the game for those of you who like to run with setups on the extreme i.e. full negative camber, 11/11 etc.
  • Contrary to some reports, the AI are affected by tyre scaling & fuel management in the same way as the player. The weight of a car has a fairly big impact on the achievable lap time so as fuel levels decrease the lap times do get faster if you can prevent the tyres from falling away. The AI do a very good job of maintaining tyre life, and utilise their fuel management well in the race, particularly in clean air, and on their in and out laps.
  • Fuel is scaled in a similar way to tyres in that on a lower distance there is less of a ‘noticeable fuel’ increase on that setting. In real life, teams almost always under fuel the car for the race, knowing that the driver will have to manage it at some point, or hoping for a period under the safety car. 1 extra lap of fuel is equivalent of 0.3 seconds per lap, so starting with any additional fuel to what is needed is a luxury. Last year’s level of starting fuel mixtures has therefore been reduced and made closer to real life based on discussions with f1 teams and engineers. Similar to tyre preservation, lifting and coasting into corners, shifting up a gear early all contribute greatly towards fuel conservation. React to the situation you find yourself in – if you don’t need to be using as much fuel consider turning it down. It might come in handy later. The AI are doing the same thing.
Hopefully with this knowledge, and with more game time under your belts, you’ll be better suited to maximise your race strategies in the future. We will of course continue to monitor feedback in this area, along with all others.

Source Here
PC Patch 5 released today - 11the November 2012 - 11.9 Mb
Check my 1st post above for game/file version numbers, and how to check it

Updated list of files changed (touched) by this patch to be announced. I must have left auto-update on by accident, so I need to restore to another folder from backup image, then compare.
PC Patch 7 released today - 11th December - 10.2 Mb

No patch notes released by Codemasters yet on either Facebook or Twitter (their website is closed)

Check my 1st post above for game/file version numbers, and how to check it

Updated list of files changed (touched) by this patch in my first post
PS 3 Patch 2 released today

Full details near the bottom of the 1st post in this thread.

It is the same as the XBox 360 patch 2 with one additional PS 3 specific fix :-
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from finding online sessions
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