F1 2018 F1 2018: Impressive First Drive and Early Impressions

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)

Paul Jeffrey

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We take the upcoming F1 2018 videogame from Codemasters for a first drive and give our (very) early impressions of the new title.

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Ok, back on topic...

Codemasters have been in possession of the official FIA Formula One licence since the 2010 racing season, and in that time the British developers have doggedly worked away at the yearly franchise to bring the spirit and feel of Grand Prix racing to home computers. Sometimes the games have been sublime, and sometimes it has felt like too much has been missing in order to classify the releases as a genuine contender for the hearts and minds of the gaming public.

Last year Codemasters made what I consider to be a considerable step forward with the F1 series, and early indications are that the developers have raised the bar once again for this upcoming new release.

If I'm perfectly honest I've never really been into the Formula One game series, although I've always ended up reaching into my wallet in the hope that the latest game stands up to the admittedly high expectations I held prior to taking it out for a drive. Well I think I can be reasonably safe in saying that for the new game, F1 2018, Codemasters have got the closest yet to matching those high expectations.

Still several days away from a public release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, RaceDepartment managed to get our hands on a early access copy of F1 2018 to review and share our opinions, and if I'm being perfectly frank with you, what I've seen so far has impressed me a great deal.

The new game feels like it has been improved in almost every aspect over previous titles. Obvious things like the inclusion of ERS and yet more classic content strike you from the moment you turn on the PC, but it's the little things that really make the difference. Presentation is slick as usual, however the way the developers have incorporated the new corporate image of F1 into the game is praiseworthy indeed, with nice and flowing introduction scenes right the way through to the way the drivers have been modelled to look like their real life counterparts.

But it's out on the track where the game really picks up and shines in my opinion. I'll admit I've not spent much time with it yet (that will change over the next few days), but from what I've seen and felt so far, the game provides a very nice and robust feel, with much improved handling and a very solid FFB right from the get go, without the need to spend hours tweaking my Fanatec CSW V2 to get the finest level of detail - as I say, pretty impressive.

First impressions of F1 2018 for me are overwhelmingly positive. I'm a sim racer through and through, so normally I'd be reluctant to spend much time in anything that I consider to not be the closest the developers can get to real world physics, however somehow it feels like F1 2018 manages to bridge the gap between the needs of people like me, and the desires of those looking for a more accessible experience impressively well.

I'm going to be spending more time with the title in the next few days, and of course will be making more videos as I go along, and at this moment in time I'm pretty excited to see what I uncover, not something I was expecting to say after the first day of running the game.

If I was a betting man, I might just have to say Codemasters have hit gold with F1 2018 after nine years of trying, and the results are pretty darn good.

Formula One 2018 is scheduled to release for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC August 24th 2018.

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For more news and discussion around the upcoming new Formula One title, don't forget to check out the F1 2018 Sub Forum and get yourself involved in the discussion today!

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Do you like the look of F1 2018 so far? Are you interesting in trying it when it releases later this month? Let us know in the comments section below!
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And due to that the game looks the same since 2015

Because yearly for most cosmetic changes are worth $50. One of the reason I miss sport games on PC is I could skip years with mods that keep the game current. If they took their time, there'd be real improvements. Instead, companies just pump out these games like an assembly line.
The production is pretty nice. They’ve done a good job integrating the world feed and making it feel like a “real” race. Only time and copious play will tell how the AI behavior affects solo racing.

The handling model (like all games) is going to please some and disappoint others but Codemasters tends to put out a product that is fun and accessible rather than overly realistic. Obviously some will disagree, but I’m okay with it given how nearly impossible an F1 spec car is to handle on Asetto Corsa. I feel like the point of these kinds of games is to let you feel like you’re a mercurial talent after some light practicing rather than being a full on F1 training simulator.
The downside of having your character in a game... LOL

Anyways, anyone or Paul... How many GB does this consume on HD? I got this pre-ordered but I have 23GB left on my SSD.
So, no virtual mirror once again, no mouse support...I assume automatic wheel steering rotation is also still not a thing?

The drivers look absolutely awful, about as close to the real ones as the players in a 10 year old FIFA. They'd have been better off just putting pictures in there, at least for the menus and grid...

Horrifying, aren't they? They just look so creepy, almost like caricatures at times, but made for a horror game, not for a seemingly realistic racing title...
I confess: I enjoy the F1 titles a great deal. Well, Since 2016... They were pretty awful in 2014 and 2015, but they have raised their game since.

My question is: how are the AI drivers behaving on track? Are they still robots? That's my main criticism of this title: the AI drivers never crash into each other, never go off the track, never lose a front wing... Also, there should be an option that makes it possible for your own car to have mechanical failure. That was lacking in 2017.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to this game.
Hi folks... what do u think if the Codemasters leave the Classic cars and get fully licensed GP3 and F2 that is on the FIA control? It's a better move for carreer mode if the contract with F1 gives this chance and I think the licensing of this two series may be easier and cheaper than a lot of classic cars!
probably out of your league tbf
F1 2017 or 2018 for sim racing ? they must to do very hard work, after F1 2017 i just putted F1 on AC or RF2 and it blows out F1 2017 immediately. You think F1 2018 will be different ? I check this game maybe from 2014-2015 - they are just copy paste with some modifications and takes your moneys, better support S397 for better implementation of online racing, as it is the best physic having game so far - at least tyre model - this is there i met wonderfully nice ladies ;) !

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