F1 2019 Ultra grip & car stability

Misc F1 2019 Ultra grip & car stability Update 5

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StrongestFish submitted a new resource:

F1 2019 Ultra grip & car stability - For helping to drive

-More stability
-Wet grip equal default dry
-Dry grip increased
-Affect to AI and player
-Improved ABS and ATC settings included
-included files for copypaste with default skins and Xml for manual installation if you use skin mods
-Only for actual F1 cars

Works in:
Career, Grand Prix, Championships
Instruction for manual installation for playing with any skin mods:
1.Install skin mod first.
2.Download Ego ERP Archiver here:...

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StrongestFish submitted a new resource:

F1 2019 Ultra grip & car stability - For helping to drive

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Thanks for this. Last year I made a similar mod for F1 2018, but instead to decrease the grip (just for my own use didn't upload it on here), and I had fun even in Benchmark mode set to 8 laps sitting back and watching the AI slip on bends more than would normally be the case, creating crashes in Benchmark mode is almost like finally having a proper solo Spectator mode. I created 60% less grip (caused carnage....) and 80% less grip (made it more convincing for me), and so my question for you is can you let me know which parameters you changed in this years mod, as i never kept a log of the section I was changing to create the text and XML files with the decreased grip.

I would then create my own for F1 2019 by going the other direction with the parameter levels to make them have slightly less grip, aiming for 90% less grip this time I think.
Thanks for this. Last year I made a similar mod for F1 2018, but instead to decrease the grip (just for my own use didn't upload it on here), and I had fun even in Benchmark mode set to 8 laps sitting back and watching the AI slip on bends more than would normally be the case, creating crashes in Benchmark mode is almost like finally having a proper solo Spectator mode. I created 60% less grip (caused carnage....) and 80% less grip (made it more convincing for me), and so my question for you is can you let me know which parameters you changed in this years mod, as i never kept a log of the section I was changing to create the text and XML files with the decreased grip.

I would then create my own for F1 2019 by going the other direction with the parameter levels to make them have slightly less grip, aiming for 90% less grip this time I think.
That sounds very interesting. Hope you will make and upload good & funny mod :)

I changed:
(it's chassis physics, copied from F1 2017 and gives more stability for 2018-19)
<MOIX value="750" />
<MOIY value="898" />
<MOIZ value="126" />
<COMY value="0.02" />
<COMZ value="0.155" />
<InertiaScaleLowSpeedThreshold value="1" />
<InertiaScaleMidSpeedThreshold value="40" />
<InertiaScaleHighSpeedThreshold value="80" />
Grip(for rear and front)
<MinGripMultiplier value="1.0" />(grip in wet, grass, worn tyres, 0.55 by default)
<MaxGripMultiplier value="30.000000" /> (grip on fresh slicks, 1.0 by default)
It's decreases tyre slipping(rear and front):
<SlipAngleLimitDegrees value="1000" />
<SlipRatioLimitDegrees value="1000" />
Also all ABS and ATC lines copied from F1 2018.

<DampingConstantForAI value="2000" /> - it's car stability for AI. I recommend decrease this number for your ideas. At least minus 2000 should be ok.
In this video used -10000 - very negative car stability :D
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That sounds very interesting. Hope you will make and upload good & funny mod :)

I changed:
(it's chassis physics, copied from F1 2017 and gives more stability for 2018-19)
<MOIX value="750" />
<MOIY value="898" />
<MOIZ value="126" />
<COMY value="0.02" />
<COMZ value="0.155" />
<InertiaScaleLowSpeedThreshold value="1" />
<InertiaScaleMidSpeedThreshold value="40" />
<InertiaScaleHighSpeedThreshold value="80" />
Grip(for rear and front)
<MinGripMultiplier value="1.0" />(grip in wet, grass, worn tyres, 0.55 by default)
<MaxGripMultiplier value="30.000000" /> (grip on fresh slicks, 1.0 by default)
It's decreases tyre slipping(rear and front):
<SlipAngleLimitDegrees value="1000" />
<SlipRatioLimitDegrees value="1000" />
Also all ABS and ATC lines copied from F1 2018.

<DampingConstantForAI value="2000" /> - it's car stability for AI. I recommend decrease this number for your ideas. At least minus 2000 should be ok.
In this video used -10000 - very negative car stability :D

Hi again, I was going to test different DampingConstantForAI values today, and started off by trying to emulate what you did for F1 2018 (before trying it on F1 2019...), by setting Front and Rear both to -10000, but it didnt have the affect as shown in your video above in fact no cars jumped at all (lol), I only changed THAT setting for Damping and nothing else, so my question is, did you have to change other settings in the XML file, i.e. some or all of the above chassis physics as well, to have the desired effect?
Hi again, I was going to test different DampingConstantForAI values today, and started off by trying to emulate what you did for F1 2018 (before trying it on F1 2019...), by setting Front and Rear both to -10000, but it didnt have the affect as shown in your video above in fact no cars jumped at all (lol), I only changed THAT setting for Damping and nothing else, so my question is, did you have to change other settings in the XML file, i.e. some or all of the above chassis physics as well, to have the desired effect?

Aha! Just looked through your Russian Roulette for F1 2018 mod and noticed not only do you have DampingConstantforAI set to 500 as opposed to default 2000, but also you set -2000 for both SlowBumpDamping and FastBumpDamping in the "Suspension name Front and Rear" sections...

By changing also these Suspension name sections accordingly just for Ferrari it certainly worked....lol

I will be experimenting, bringing the default values for each section down in value to the stage where realistic cars jumping in the air a bit happens when they crash....
my question is, did you have to change other settings in the XML file, i.e. some or all of the above chassis physics as well, to have the desired effect?
In video from F1 2018 changed only DampingConstant and DampingConstantForAI to -10000. I didn't test it in 2019.
I will be experimenting, bringing the default values for each section down in value to the stage where realistic cars jumping in the air a bit happens when they crash....
Good :) I think all another dampings affect to this. Look at this video.
In 5th dance used all lines with word "damping" to 0. Just zero and they all dancing :D
I have spent today creating macros for my desktop to be able to give parameter values for all the lines i want to change into a simple text file, then sit back and watch as it imports the parameters into all 10 XML files, then Ego ERP Archiver automatically via the macro imports the XML files into the ERP's !!

I've so far got DampingConstantForAI for rear and front and the SlowBumpDamping and FastBumpDamping in the "Suspension name Front and Rear" sections all lined up within the macros, great fun now knowing i dont have to take half hour to edit and import them all 1 by 1...

Makes making changes for tests ooooooh so much easier, the whole process to change all the files takes 3 minutes...and thats before i try speeding up them macros....

Makes making changes for tests ooooooh so much easier, the whole process to change all the files takes 3 minutes...and thats before i try speeding up them macros....
I'm use autoreplacing in Notepad++ for replacing needed parameter in 10 xml's immediately. But i don't know how to make macros for automatically import into erp's... how? I'm use Win 7.
I have had to use Macro Toolworks, confusing app at first but when u get into it, u can automate the running of Ego ERP archiver, and record the mouse clicks required to import all 10 XML's into the ERP's, and of course as I said the same macro app does all the XML changes too.

I have found almost a sweet spot in the XML's for the Damping!

1000/1000 for the DampingConstantforAI (rear and front) and -1000 / -1000 for the Fast/Slow Bump Damping (rear and front) has given me a race each time where there is no dancing as such, but a slight wobble of some cars, making some spin off, but they right themselves and carry on..............so I am almost at the really REALLY sweet spot where I can have the cars all on edge and hopefully "slightly" at risk of wobbling, meaning better crashes and more spin offs.

Not realistic overall, but my god its fun.

I will now try my last year reduced tyre grip mod for F1 2018 again, and have a good look thru the default XML's and my modded to try and remember which parameters I changed for that, and combine it with the Damping once I locate the.....................real damn 100% sweet spot!!

I have had to use Macro Toolworks, confusing app at first but when u get into it, u can automate the running of Ego ERP archiver, and record the mouse clicks required to import all 10 XML's into the ERP's, and of course as I said the same macro app does all the XML changes too.
Good to read, i will try to use it. Thank you :)

1000/1000 for the DampingConstantforAI (rear and front) and -1000 / -1000 for the Fast/Slow Bump Damping (rear and front) has given me a race each time where there is no dancing as such, but a slight wobble of some cars, making some spin off, but they right themselves and carry on..............so I am almost at the really REALLY sweet spot where I can have the cars all on edge and hopefully "slightly" at risk of wobbling, meaning better crashes and more spin offs.

Not realistic overall, but my god its fun.

I will now try my last year reduced tyre grip mod for F1 2018 again, and have a good look thru the default XML's and my modded to try and remember which parameters I changed for that, and combine it with the Damping once I locate the.....................real damn 100% sweet spot!!
It sounds like one of best mods - finally AI mistakes! I can't wait until you upload it to Racedepartment. Cheers ;)
I tried reducing the brakes in F1 2018. - BrakePressure Min & Max to 0,6 for 80% difficulty + bigger & wider slipstream settings. AI just sometimes drive off the track, hit each other, receive a penalties. It was good, but needed to find balance for each difficulty, and it's affect to player too and i'm just not upload it.
Hey you can share the not uploaded "less brakes" for F1 2018 with me if possible, and I can send over my also unreleased "less tyre grip" mod for F1 2018 that caused mayhem !

By the way, do you know why each Car has Mercedes.vtf.xml within its own ERP, i.e. all the other cars have this within the XML's inside the ERP file? I do not touch this Mercedes file inside the ERP, but do you know if this is affecting anything in relation to the Car's own XML file???
Hey you can share the not uploaded "less brakes" for F1 2018 with me if possible, and I can send over my also unreleased "less tyre grip" mod for F1 2018 that caused mayhem !
Designed for 75 difficulty. More difficulty = AI brakes later, less difficulty - earlier, and then slightly another effect. Best track for start - Australia or Abu-Dhabi.
By the way, do you know why each Car has Mercedes.vtf.xml within its own ERP, i.e. all the other cars have this within the XML's inside the ERP file? I do not touch this Mercedes file inside the ERP, but do you know if this is affecting anything in relation to the Car's own XML file???
Mercedes xml's affect only to Mercedes car parameters, but for completely effect for him needed import Mercedes xml into each team erp.
Testing the 2018 Brake later mod in F1 2019 and its looking good! 5 sections to change I notice, so you put a lot of effort into that to fine tune it, well done to you sir, you are probably the best AI modder for this game surely!

I was about to ask you how I can lessen the early Braking to make them 'almost' go off at bends rather than seemingly on all bends (at 75 AI), then noticed you mentioned inc or dec the AI diff to do just as I wanted!


I will also test at 75 AI but increase tyre grip via <MaxGripMultiplier value="1.000000" and rather than bring that down to 0.600000 as I have been doing to make the Cars slide around a bit on corners with less grip, this time raise it to something like 1.500000 or 2.000000 to see if it counteracts slightly or a lot the effect of the braking late, its so bloody damn interesting this game when messing around with these parameters. For a comedy effect, please try unless you already have reducing <MaxGripMultiplier value="1.000000" to just "0.300000", it really is very funny watching all the Cars going in circle on the first corner of whichever track you are on...

All I have ever wanted really is for a default crash to not only have better damage (which we can all do via your and others Realistic/Ultra damage mods, something I also messed around with as far back as F1 2013 I recall), but for Cars to flip over more when doing so, and the stability Damping tests I was doing the last few days has made me lose a bit of enthusiasm for seeing Cars upside down, that dancing and jumping was surreal but got a bit boring in the end!! Also, it was very hard to locate just where the Cars would be borderline wobbling but not quite.....wobbling.....so even 500/500 and -850/-850, which was the best I could do, was still having wobbling and wheels going under the track, surreal indeed but fun at the time....

Btw that "F12018brakeslate" you sent me (and thanks for that mate!) which has formed the template for my tests today with Brake later in F1 2019, I thought that you did release that last year on this site, unless that was for F1 2017 maybe, the years seem to merge into one these days!!!

UPDATE - I recall now that your AI Brakes late for F1 2018 uploaded to RD was brake_line_settings for each Track, so I can see now your ERP/XML's in what you sent over to me were separate tests.

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Me again.........I have found something that you MIGHT not have realized was in your XML files in the F12018brakeslate mod you sent over to me, but it would be interesting to know if you put this in there for a reason to make the game do a certain thing:-

Firstly, the tyre grip tests I tried in conjunction with your 5 section mod made no difference, its as if <MaxGripMultiplier value="1.000000" is the maximum tyre grip the game will notice, so no difference when I tested them at 2.000000 all the way up to 5.000000, so clearly that setting only comes into play when lowering the grip to 0.600000 or similar, making the Cars all struggle to turn left or right without skidding off.

Back to your Mod, and I noticed, after testing it as explained above, that even if I lowered the AI level to something like 20 or 30, that most of the time the Cars I had given the late brake parameters to were spinning off, braking late, and mostly bumping into other Cars, maybe a bit too much regardless of the fact I was testing it on F1 2019 and not F1 2018.

Then I stumbled upon the fact that in the Steering section you had made both parameters for BrakePressure be called BrakePressureMax, rather than BrakePressureMin and BrakePressureMax, so all your ERP's had two identical parameter lines in them:-

<BrakePressureMax value="0.6" /> << was 0.8 default
<BrakePressureMax value="0.6" /> << was 1.2 default

So I renamed the upper parameter to BrakePressureMin, as per the F1 2018 and 2019 default parameter names, i.e.-

<BrakePressureMin value="0.6" /> << was 0.8 default
<BrakePressureMax value="0.6" /> << was 1.2 default

After I made this change, leaving my tyre grips back to 1.000000 and leaving AI at 75..........I am finding a lot less Car spin offs, its as if having them both not called Max now means that the Cars I set (Ferrari and Force India only in my tests) with these AI Brakes late parameters now have started to be aware of Cars around them on bends and mostly, although braking late and occasionally still going onto the grass, tend to not bump into the back of the Car in front whilst doing so, which is bizarre in a way because awareness of other Cars you would think would be another parameter variable.

Just wondering if you had put them both as Max for a reason?

By the way the game now has so much going on potentially, I look forward to making all 10 manufacturers with the same settings....and then introducing some slight less tyre grip, might test 0.800000 to see how things go......
Testing the 2018 Brake later mod in F1 2019 and its looking good! 5 sections to change I notice, so you put a lot of effort into that to fine tune it, well done to you sir, you are probably the best AI modder for this game surely!
Thank you ! :)
Firstly, the tyre grip tests I tried in conjunction with your 5 section mod made no difference, its as if <MaxGripMultiplier value="1.000000" is the maximum tyre grip the game will notice, so no difference when I tested them at 2.000000 all the way up to 5.000000, so clearly that setting only comes into play when lowering the grip to 0.600000 or similar, making the Cars all struggle to turn left or right without skidding off.
Grip multiplier to 10 or 30 gives faster cars to second per lap, but 100 it's too much - try it. ;)
Btw that "F12018brakeslate" you sent me (and thanks for that mate!) which has formed the template for my tests today with Brake later in F1 2019, I thought that you did release that last year on this site, unless that was for F1 2017 maybe, the years seem to merge into one these days!!!
I release AI brakes later mod for F1 2018, and it's just good braking only for AI for realistic gameplay, and not released mod with brake pressure for chaotic crashes.
Just wondering if you had put them both as Max for a reason?
It was accidentally first time, but gives good effect.

Very interesting to read about your experiments. Hope you will upload somewhat for everyone :)
Well I don't want to take credit for anything you have put together, although once I do each car with the settings you had in your Mod for F1 2018 (what with the XML's making F1 2019 crash on loading into a race if the F1 2018 XML's are used) and once I have put them into F1 2019 into each of the 5 sections, I could upload it and mention its all your parameters but working now for F1 2019.

People would know its your creation anyway!!
