F1 2021 F1 2021 can't copy and paste mods

F1 2021 The Game (Codemasters)
Hey guys, I've downloaded a couple of mods here with the copy and paste option available.

After I have downloaded the mod, I drag the 2021_asset_groups and other related folders into the F1 2021 game file folder.

When I start up the game, none of the mods seem to work. I have a helmet mod and the 'play as real drivers' mod but it doesn't show in game.

Haven't had this problem in F1 2021. Can anyone help?

Hi @delarioz Be sure that you overwrite all the files when you copy and paste, pus yes all the files, and later inside the game you need to select every single part of the mod, driver suit, gloves, helmet, livery car etc. Pess "equip" and
everything should work.
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