For a 50% races i think you need to change 2 kind of value :
1) the UpgradeWear value on EACH car files, for front and rear tyres. By default set at 1.0. In my mod, set at 2.0. You need perhaps something around 1.5. To be check & test.
For Mercedes, the XMF file is include inside common.erp.
For the others, there a directory for that.
2) and after only, adapt wear of each tyres compounds to fit with the wear prediction of strategies panel. This value (Wear Ratio Min & Max) should be set for each tyres compounds for front and rear insde the tyrecompounds.erp file.
After, how to proceed :
- you need the EGO ERP Archiver 7.0 to be able to open, export and reinport the xml part inside ERP files.
EGO ERP Archiver :
- before, you need to download NET. Core 3.1 to make it turned (NET CORE 3.1)
NET CORE 3.1 :
- after, you can open the ERP files of tyre compounds for F1 cars which are here :
\F1 2021\2021_asset_groups\f1_2021_vehicle_package\tyrecompounds
you open the file typecompounds.erp.
- or cars vehicles to change other values
\F1 2021\2021_asset_groups\f1_2021_vehicle_package\teams
- you export the xml file
- you modify the xml files as you want,
- you import after the new xml file inside the ERP files
- don't forget to make backup
- you can use tools like notepad++ to modify easily xml files.
several key points :
- changing this value could change heavily the strategies proposed ... especialy the UpgradeWear value for each vehicle.
- Don't forgot that tracks don't have the same HARD or MEDIUM or SOFT compounds. So sometime changing the HARD will not change anything for exemple for tracks that use C2/C3/C4. Because the C2 WHITE is in fact the MED tyre compounds.
My advise :
1) try to set the UpgradeWear ratio for 1 vehicle at first to check if the pitstop strategies proposed fit with what you want. For example, Mercedes in common.erp
2) after you adjust the tyres wear inside tyrecompounds.erp when the point 1 is ok only.
For your issue JustAFriendlyAustrian, i don't k.
Normaly, you will have an XML file in some ERP file, not all, it's depend. For the tyrecompounds.erp, there is one. Inside the ERP EGO Archiver, you just have to select the XML part, select the file and export it. After, you import the new one and save the ERP file. That's all normally, i never haved any issue.
Good luck ^^