At the present moment in time, there are three things that distinguish an F1 driver from his teammate: 1) his helmet, 2) the colour of his T-Cam, and 3) the number on his car. All of which are not terribly easy to see when the cars are travelling at racing speeds. Sure, for some of our more avid F1 fans, telling the cars apart simply by looking at the driver's helmet or T-Cam can suffice, but even for someone like myself who will happily get up at three in the morning simply to watch a practice session live and will actively cancel social engagements if it means being able to see an F1 session, it can be difficult at times.
Various decision making bodies have tossed ideas around as to how the sport can make telling who's who more easy, like IndyCar-style LED lights on the sides, but none of these things have ever materialised into anything. But what if you could make the cars instantly recognisable, AND better looking at the same time?
Enter Tim Holmes, a motorsport graphic designer. Tim looks to have come up with a quite frankly brilliant idea of killing those two birds with one stone by applying the driver's helmet design and colour scheme to their entire car. The results are astonishingly beautiful.
What do you think of the idea of having cars painted in their driver's helmet scheme rather than both being identical? Should the sport look seriously at adopting such a thing?