F1 Challenge 99 - 02

you know ... I'll tell you the truth ... I did something like this for f1c (a package of improvements only for the default game, copy paste and play) ... but I got from so many sides ... and from so many mods, that I DONT remember where I got them from ... which is only for private use. or it would be called "posting without permission."
(almost looted mods)

but it was always keeping in mind that everything had to be as original as possible, with the least possible modification
(There are 2 approaches, modify ALL textures of race to race cars, aiws, menus, huds ... etc ... etc ... or on the contrary, just "add what is missing" real textures of those years race to race, some critical corrections and voila, you keep everything original + what was missing just and strictly necessary)
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-in "my version", only replace original files (for better), I NEVER add new files:
For example, the audio: in f1c, almost all cars use the same audio file (few variations), some mods use specific audio for each car.
In my case I make a "compromise", that all the new audio only replace the original one, (file by file) (although all the cars sound less the same) and I don't put more extra files (it would be necessary to modify the "engine.ini" of each car)

... so with everything, I do not place improvements that the game does not have.

forget to say ... we all know
the ORIGINAL f1c AI is "good" and "predictable" and "constant" ... because the talent files, the physics of the cars, the tracks and everything f1c is VERY WELL BALANCED.
I would never touch the physics, the talent, or anything that modifies the lap times, or the strategies.

would be the only rule: do not replace any of that. only "visual" "cosmetic" enhancements.

(In fact, in my own, non-shareable version of "f1c 10th", I just don't play any physics, talents, or things like that)
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(This solution must be SO old, that everyone should know it except me, who just discovered it)

the file "1998CTDP_GB.gdb" found in the mod CTDP 1998 ... is wrong.
--- you must open the file "1998CTDP_GB.gdb" with the windows notepad
--- in the FIRST line of code it says "1998_GB"
---- you must MODIFY IT to say "1998CTDP_GB" (in capital letters)
----- save the file (it should look like ".gdb", not ".txt")

now the circuit will appear in the menu ... you can run it, you can continue your championship without further problems.

(Now I wonder, how can it be that CTDP, yes, they ... can not publish an update ... I mean: YEARS have passed, and each year that passes f1c is left in the dust of the beautiful memory ... but still there are people enjoying it ... hopefully there was a "library" / "logbook" / "manual of" peculiarities "" of f1c .... so these things (like a bad gdb, very difficult to find) are well and clearly "designated", so anyone could solve it ... without stirring the internet in abandoned forums of the year 2012) that's my opinion.

(español gaucho)


(esta solucion debe ser TAN vieja, que todos deben saberlo menos yo, que recien lo descubro)

el archivo "1998CTDP_GB.gdb" que se encuentra en el mod CTDP 1998...esta mal.
---debes abrir el archivo "1998CTDP_GB.gdb" con el bloc de notas de windows
---en la PRIMERA linea de codigo dice "1998_GB"
----debes MODIFICARLO para que diga "1998CTDP_GB" (en mayusculas)
-----guardar el archivo (debe quedar como ".gdb", no como ".txt")

ahora el circuito aparecera en el menu...podras correrlo, podras continuar tu campeonato sin mas problemas.
en rajoy

(ahora me pregunto, como puede ser que C T D P, si, ellos...puedan no publicar un update...quiero decir: pasaron AÑOS, y cada año que pasa f1c va quedando en el polvo del lindo recuerdo... pero todavia hay gente disfrutando de ello...ojala existiera una "biblioteca" / " bitacora" / " manual de "peculiaridades" " de f1c....asi estas cosas (como un mal gdb, muy dificil de encontrar) esten bien y claramente "señalados", asi cualquiera podria solucionarlo...sin revolver internet en foros abandonados del año 2012) esa es mi opinion.
I'm tasting the 1998 CTDP mod for the first time ... and I just saw something I didn't see in other mods, ... the flames from the exhaust pipe ... when downshifting.
I didn't even see this in the base game. (in a ".mas" file there is a series of photos sequence of an escape flame ... but I never saw the game use it)

really amazing .... is there any way to activate it in the default game?

4-the f1c 2020 online edition ". exe" whenever I use it in some mod (or the original f1c) shows only 6 cars. no, the ".plr" has nothing to do with it, I create a new player, I configure it to show the total number of cars, and even so the game shows 6 cars (they appear when I get closer)
... and no, I can't modify that during the race or qualifying session, or free practice.
(by the way ... what is the line in the ".plr" that modifies this?)
downshift flames were always working in the default game lol, for these 6 visible cars issue EvilClip made small EXE fix, u can find it in our Discord https://discord.gg/6BGj9HE
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downshift flames were always working in the default game lol, for these 6 visible cars issue EvilClip made small EXE fix, u can find it in our Discord https://discord.gg/6BGj9HE
I do not understand it, sorry
I've been with f1c for years ... I never saw the exhaust flames. (in original f1c without mods)

2-I downloaded the f1 2020 online edition .... I removed the "exe" and the "config" ... and I use those in all the mods (1996/7/8) ... in all it happens that they show 6 cars ... the rest appear and disappear with the distance .....
what is the fix you say? (I have checked discord ... I don't see it)
Thank you so much ... I was able to get it. (exe 2020 online fix full grid. pinned message in troubleshooting thread);)
That exe file, plus the 3dconfig (from f1 2020 online), can boot almost any old f1c mod.

question 0: there are 3 f1c files in the troubleshooting thread ... a "f1c online" for the complete grid (message from 04/03/2021)
... another that says "test" and another of the user "endribaku" (message from 04/07/2021)
I apologize for my stupidity.

I ask if anyone knows ... the answers to the questions

1- (exhaust flame), I swear I never saw them ... how do I see them?
(What do I have to activate for them to appear?)
(I put a "generic_f1.gen" and a "unique_logo_suspension.gen"
What are they for? ... Does this remove the exhaust flames? ... I put them because my f1c, they put generic steering wheels on the AI cars in the race ... these new files put the original steering wheels of each car in the race.) besides that ... what are they for? affect the exhaust flames?
and the answers to 2, 3, 3bis, 5, and 6

in advance THANK YOU VERY MUCH.;)

poochihead, cristian luis...and other experts ...
you guys are giants ... I don't have the knowledge to modify.
Could you answer the question I asked above?

also. (as I am not a solution provider) I prefer not to enter the "wookey" forum, just not to be a hindrance.:thumbsup:

I only have a couple of questions: (in addition to the one I ask above (1))

2-the cmt mods (2000 ALPHA), they have many solutions that I want to use in MY own f1c installation (as I said so many times, I only use PURE and clean f1c, no big modified verifications)
it has 4 files "d3d9", and folders "scripts" and many other things that I don't ... that I am sure they improve the compatibility / performance
What files and folders can I extract from there, to use in any f1c installation to improve performance / compatibility?
(this is for personal use ONLY)

I mentioned it here: (it is true, but I was specific, now I ask if you know something else that I do not know and ignore)

3- the same goes for the mod f1c online edition 2020
it's true, the exe and 3dconfig make any mod work, no matter how old it is. (they have full compatibility with old mods)
but now I ask what else I can extract to use in my clean f1c. (improved performance and compatibility)

3bis- I can't use the 4gb patch exe, in that case I should remove the exe from "f1c2020online" that makes me run the mods. sorry.

4-the f1c 2020 online edition ". exe" whenever I use it in some mod (or the original f1c) shows only 6 cars. no, the ".plr" has nothing to do with it, I create a new player, I configure it to show the total number of cars, and even so the game shows 6 cars (they appear when I get closer)
... and no, I can't modify that during the race or qualifying session, or free practice.
(by the way ... what is the line in the ".plr" that modifies this?)

5-this is more a request, could you talk to "David_Emm" from the wookey forum (I don't want to be a bloodsucker) he made the HUD F1 DIGITAL + (spectacular) ... but I just wanted to ask him to make the hud (ESE hud) more "transparent "and" minimalist "since it covers most of the sky, and part of the screen is obscured by the hud (upper, lower is fine)
its hud is very good, but maybe with the transparency of the "olivetti" (ONLY the transparency) and with less ads. :whistling:

6-I did not find a solution for this: I use the soundtrack of the main menu of f1 2012, f1 2013, converted to mp3 ... but the game player does not go to the next music.:roflmao: you must turn off all "music" audio and upload it again. and there it goes to the next one.
(music lasts for a long time, it can be a problem)

finally .... this is not a request, just a suggestion, which could be very useful:

make a traveler "BAG":
where to have ONLY the newest exe, the newest 3dconfig, the newest scripts folders, the newest dll, and everything necessary (directx's and other things) for any f1c or old mod to start (those that need compatibility mode win 98, or those that do not go well in win 10 ... etc) ... to have the maximum compatibility. (of course also that the complete grid is seen, not only 6 cars)
in a "suitcase" to have just that. copy and paste. and play.

why ?: because in my case, (I don't use "other" f1c, only the original, and only the original mods F1 CK1996, HLT 1997, ctdp 1998, you understand me) .. I had to download several "alternative" f1c (f1 2020 online, cmt 2000 and other herbs) and get those files out of them to use in mine, and to boot old , as I was doing here:

in a "suitcase" to have just that. copy and paste. and play. It would work for many who download these mods on many blog pages, and do not know that they do not start well in win10.
(and they do not know that sometimes someone "rebuilds" them from scratch)

Thank you very much for all your help.
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those files ("generic_f1.gen" and a "unique_logo_suspension.gen") have blocked lines of code ... that mention backfire:

// Instance=BACKFIRE
// {
// Moveable=True
//<NOTSPIN> MeshFile=<56>backfire.MTS CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(20.0)
//<LOW> MeshFile=<56>backfire.MTS CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(15.0)
//<MED> MeshFile=<56>backfire.MTS CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(20.0)
//<HIGH> MeshFile=<56>backfire.MTS CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(25.0)
//<MAX> MeshFile=<56>backfire.MTS CollTarget=False HATTarget=False LODIn=(0.0) LODOut=(30.0)
// }

if you say that the game has escape flames by default ... and I never saw them.
can someone confirm? in original f1c ... to maximum graphics. (ctdp has them "unlocked without the // ) and you can see the flames.
just install it as it was a lifetime ...

to consider:


-in the game folder is the file "3DConfig.exe" with the configuration


1) First open your "my documents" folder and check if a f1 challenge folder has been created there,
if that's the case, delete it!
(from Windows Vista, f1 challenge will create a configuration folder there if I FORGOT to set RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR rights, AND COMPATIBILITY WITH WIN XP)

2) Now you have to right click on ALL game EXE (F1 Challenge 99-02.exe, 3DConfig.exe, etc ... ALL)
to enable 2 things:
- Windows XP sp2 compatibility mode (can also try win7)
- check admin rights (activate them)

3) Then restart 3DConfig.exe with any 32-bit and NOT 16-bit resolution (ex: 1366x768, 32 bit, 60hz), DO NOT USE V-SYNC, AND DO NOT RUN BENCHMARK. (do it in your nvidia / amd config).

4) run F1 Challenge 99-02.exe and verify ... that everything is fine, and that no folders appear in "my documents". (also check that the LCDs of the cars work well)

I'm a fool, I forgot to mention that there is a f1c conversation thread, ask there.
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I'm just sorry, I have a "hard" question
Which mod is "better"?
1965-66-67-68- or 69?
Not counting the total mod that has all the seasons (I think it's VB), I simply ask which one is more complete ... I know they are old, but nice.
It is very difficult for me to find them ... someone knows where to find them ... This is the page http://f1cbr.blogspot.com/ that has all of them ... but they are "incorporated into the game" completely independent.
I ask: is it different, modified, or did it just make them independent?
sorry if I don't know how to explain. 1970-1971 any mod from these years that are not a "package" of several seasons? (f1seven is excellent, but you know what I mean, a mod pack that has only one season (like the famous ctdp 1998 MOD STANDALONE)
Can anyone please upload templates for the default cars?
I've never been able to find any although I have read that they did exist.

One other question if anyone knows the answer, I changed the garage texture for the Ferrari but it still displays the default Ferrari garage texture? All other textures I've changed in the game do change as expected just not the garage.
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hello and again me:
I have a question, and it is very very important that you answer it with one hand on your heart (sincere), very specifically strict:

Is f1 challenge 99-02 an "abandonware"?

(Be careful, as I have read, very few things are abandonware, in general, even if a company goes bankrupt, the software is not abandoned, it only passes the license "to other hands".

if it is, can it be downloaded from any site without paying?

abandonware means that the technology around the game is obsolete. f1c became abandonware since rfactor one was released as a videogame in 2005


Can someone give me a tutorial on how to install this game on Win 10, what do i need to do?

in case of CMT 2020, only extract game to the desktop and its done

I'm just sorry, I have a "hard" question
Which mod is "better"?
1965-66-67-68- or 69?
Not counting the total mod that has all the seasons (I think it's VB), I simply ask which one is more complete ... I know they are old, but nice.
It is very difficult for me to find them ... someone knows where to find them ... This is the page http://f1cbr.blogspot.com/ that has all of them ... but they are "incorporated into the game" completely independent.
I ask: is it different, modified, or did it just make them independent?
sorry if I don't know how to explain. 1970-1971 any mod from these years that are not a "package" of several seasons? (f1seven is excellent, but you know what I mean, a mod pack that has only one season (like the famous ctdp 1998 MOD STANDALONE)

all of them where converted by the same person. 1966 is the most complete of all. 1971 is very complete too


Can someone make a f1c anniversary patch as I did for gtr2 please ? you extract only 1 archive and you are good to go with enhanced base game...because it is complicated at the moment with all these manual updates...and some are incompatible with others :(

f1c's biggest communities are more focused on doing all 1950-2021 seasons rather than an improved 1999-2002


btw all cmt mods called as alpha are un early development status. hope cmt resurrects as soon as possible. doing my best for that we are more than 50 wanting to bring cmt back with all what it was. the team are trying to do all 1950 - 2021 standalone with the same or even better quality as cmt 2020 prefinal 3
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Can anyone please upload templates for the default cars?
I've never been able to find any although I have read that they did exist.

One other question if anyone knows the answer, I changed the garage texture for the Ferrari but it still displays the default Ferrari garage texture? All other textures I've changed in the game do change as expected just not the garage.

try here: https://discordapp.com/invite/g6jWFVb
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poochihead, cristian luis...and other experts ...
you guys are giants ... I don't have the knowledge to modify.
Could you answer the question I asked above?

also. (as I am not a solution provider) I prefer not to enter the "wookey" forum, just not to be a hindrance.:thumbsup:

I only have a couple of questions: (in addition to the one I ask above (1))

2-the cmt mods (2000 ALPHA), they have many solutions that I want to use in MY own f1c installation (as I said so many times, I only use PURE and clean f1c, no big modified verifications)
it has 4 files "d3d9", and folders "scripts" and many other things that I don't ... that I am sure they improve the compatibility / performance
What files and folders can I extract from there, to use in any f1c installation to improve performance / compatibility?
(this is for personal use ONLY)

I mentioned it here: (it is true, but I was specific, now I ask if you know something else that I do not know and ignore)

3- the same goes for the mod f1c online edition 2020
it's true, the exe and 3dconfig make any mod work, no matter how old it is. (they have full compatibility with old mods)
but now I ask what else I can extract to use in my clean f1c. (improved performance and compatibility)

3bis- I can't use the 4gb patch exe, in that case I should remove the exe from "f1c2020online" that makes me run the mods. sorry.

4-the f1c 2020 online edition ". exe" whenever I use it in some mod (or the original f1c) shows only 6 cars. no, the ".plr" has nothing to do with it, I create a new player, I configure it to show the total number of cars, and even so the game shows 6 cars (they appear when I get closer)
... and no, I can't modify that during the race or qualifying session, or free practice.
(by the way ... what is the line in the ".plr" that modifies this?)

5-this is more a request, could you talk to "David_Emm" from the wookey forum (I don't want to be a bloodsucker) he made the HUD F1 DIGITAL + (spectacular) ... but I just wanted to ask him to make the hud (ESE hud) more "transparent "and" minimalist "since it covers most of the sky, and part of the screen is obscured by the hud (upper, lower is fine)
its hud is very good, but maybe with the transparency of the "olivetti" (ONLY the transparency) and with less ads. :whistling:

6-I did not find a solution for this: I use the soundtrack of the main menu of f1 2012, f1 2013, converted to mp3 ... but the game player does not go to the next music.:roflmao: you must turn off all "music" audio and upload it again. and there it goes to the next one.
(music lasts for a long time, it can be a problem)

finally .... this is not a request, just a suggestion, which could be very useful:

make a traveler "BAG":
where to have ONLY the newest exe, the newest 3dconfig, the newest scripts folders, the newest dll, and everything necessary (directx's and other things) for any f1c or old mod to start (those that need compatibility mode win 98, or those that do not go well in win 10 ... etc) ... to have the maximum compatibility. (of course also that the complete grid is seen, not only 6 cars)
in a "suitcase" to have just that. copy and paste. and play.

why ?: because in my case, (I don't use "other" f1c, only the original, and only the original mods F1 CK1996, HLT 1997, ctdp 1998, you understand me) .. I had to download several "alternative" f1c (f1 2020 online, cmt 2000 and other herbs) and get those files out of them to use in mine, and to boot old , as I was doing here:

in a "suitcase" to have just that. copy and paste. and play. It would work for many who download these mods on many blog pages, and do not know that they do not start well in win10.
(and they do not know that sometimes someone "rebuilds" them from scratch)

Thank you very much for all your help.

2 and 3. exe, config and all d3d9 files

4. change the number of visible vehicles in the menus of the garage, after loading a track

5. he is not active anymore. sorry

6. you have to use specific conversors. try with may of them until you find one that works for f1c

extra: done in cmt 2020 prefinal 3, vb and other mods (f1c 99-02 (2021 online edition) too) and plans to do it on every season. see here:
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Hello! Sorry for not answering before, this is not the forum where I am active.

You can find me here: https://wookey.forumotion.com/f1-f1-challenge-99-02

Also, I want to tell an amazing thing it happened to me two weeks ago.

I can communicate proudly I have been hired by an international videogame company, and like in Constrictor Modding Team, I will work along with many people from the world. Maybe temporally. Maybe not. The word "professional" has lost today its quotation marks. My experience with F1 Challenge and CMT did more to my future than all my studies and social support combined (university, degrees, FPEs, high-tech. D, PICE, White Cross, Bachelor, FEGADI, particular classes... the list goes on, and on). I received another offer last year (fora sim company to be exact), but rejected because it would resent my activity in F1C.

I am in debt with CMT. I can say happily that I'm back once more. Not with this INCREDIBLE team, but with the whole community, because I am in a project with many teams and members to developing an F1 2022 mod, and I have to be neutral. However, don't doubt I will go back soon. I have been selected as their mediator, earning the trust of all of them.

I beat a candidate with one university degree, two master's degrees, and job experience only with my knowledge in modding F1 Challenge '99-'02, which I have been active for 14 years, and still going.

I leave you with CMT's AI compared to other games, which I initially developed. Credits to Jose Arévalo and Fede Schuin for the beta test. To Jose Miguel Araujo, Carlos Sierra, and Jared Aburto for the alpha test, Carlos for the accuracy of his physics, OLarrauri for his terrain physics synchronization, and the people who brake the game and were quicker than AI at 120%:

Thank you, everyone. My abilities have been even more recognized. The time has come for me to put them into practice in action games in the professional world.


P.D.: if any of you wants content about F1C, you should go to Wookey's forum, F1 Challenge VB, Multiplayer Discord, or Constrictor Modding Team page. RaceDepartment doesn't have a section for F1C stuff, and most of the time the downloads posted are not welcomed because of that, even if the mod served for noble causes and there were readme and pic advice (in a similar fashion to Grand Prix Legends).
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F1 CHALLENGE 99-02 MOD 2021

I maked a mod for F1 Challenge, Is the 2021 Season

He creado un mod para F1 Challenge, es la temporada 2021

This mod was created based on the VB modification, the new V2 brings 3 new classic tracks which are: The Oscar and Juan Gálvez racetrack, the Nevers Magny Cours circuit and the Jerez de La Frontera circuit, also improve the design of cars, helmets, etc ...

Este mod fue creado a base de la modificación de VB, la nueva V2 trae 3 nuevas pistas clásicas las cuales son: El autódromo Oscar y Juan Gálvez, el circuito de Nevers Magny Cours y el circuito Jerez de La Frontera, también mejore el diseño de los autos, cascos, etc...

Download Link Mega: https://mega.nz/file/XVdjASaY#ad0QxAT...

Download Link Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10gC6...

Youtube channell: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIriXyBcfp6uWJJ3S_pNKyg/featured

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