F1 future.

Jake Fangio

Please don't rain pleeaassee don't rain
What do you enjoy the most.Watching an F1 car going around the track faster than any car in history. Or would you prefer to see more competitive races.
If they could do both that would be great. I'd sacrifice speed for close racing though. If speed was a deciding factor I could just watch drag racing. Part of me thinks that they should open up the rules and redesign the F1 car to take advantage of some of the new technologies around. But I know that could end up with brand teams running away and little or no racing on track.

I've wondered if longer tracks and as a consequence longer races would solve some issues. A 2 or 3 hour race would open up more opportunities for strategy. The idea of making races TV friendly is redundant at this point because Bernie wants it to be a pay per view sport.