F1 pitstops need to be slowed down...

I suppose there's a potential issue with the number of people in the pit lane when several cars pit at the same time although minor tweaks to the time it takes for certain aspects of a wheel change surely won't make a significant difference.
And I'm sure we've all seen examples of a mechanic standing in front of a car making wing changes and jumpng out of the way just before the car is released.

Perhaps the rules should be changed to make them more like NASCAR tyre changes with only a limited number of people working on the car.
Just five mechanics... swap the front wheels then down on the ground, run around to the back and swap the rear wheels...

But to make it interesting I think we should do away with the requirement to run two different compounds completely.
Strategy could then be do we do no stops on the hard tyres or two stops on the softs, or perhaps just having one compound available at each race.
I want to know how they’re possibly going to measure the times for each part of the pitstop:

“The figures are 0.15 seconds from wheel nuts being observed to be tight to the jack man being told to drop the car, and 0.2 seconds from the jacks going down to the driver receiving the go signal.”

Are they going to say “your pit stop was faster than everyone else (you know who you are, Red Bull) so you must have broken the rules”?
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Marko, sure Toto is behind this, if so I’am anti Totoclan:mad: What a bad looser.

If Mercedes had an advantage Redbull would certainly log a complaint or find a reason to take away that advantage, it's been in F1 for years and each team does it. It's part of the game, but sometimes people forget this and have a dig as a certain team or individual and forget THEY ALL DO IT!
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Marko, sure Toto is behind this, if so I’am anti Totoclan:mad: What a bad looser.
Probably next 'investigation' (my personal assumption) will be the front wing flex. Yep it's a big money business and even the smallest (dis)advantage will be used against the other. As long everything is within the rules and nothing illegal happens it's part of the game.

Sometimes you wish all cars, pit boxes, mechanics, strategy etc would be exactly the same so the drivers themselves have to fight for it. And then you wake up and realize it was just a long forgotten dream ;)
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it's a joke to make stuff like this up. Redbull's training and investment in his pit stops has nothing to do with any part of the car. they will also make up in Spain not to let Messi play every game.

except at merc the last 7 years no rule changes and last year the dasss was also no problem. strange people there at the Fia.
We don't hear about the Pirelli tires anymore? also in the cover
someone has to kill themselves first
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Mercedes is a pathetic team and Toto has way too much influence with shares in other teams. nice corruption there. But it's not going to stop Max.
I think it is imposable to slow down a pitstop. Teams will always try to be as quick as they can as time lost in pits can destroy a stratrgey (That is cool down lap in pits and outlap, this also part of time lost. Beyond the actual stop) The FIA can regulate the flow of air into the guns but beyond that nothing. Even if we have a base time all mechanics will rush to finish ahead so as not to be the person who is left beyond base time and holds car up. Better still give them a rachet arm and socket and manualy wrench the bolts in :mad::ninja: