F1: To boo, or not to boo? Opinion roundup

Im amazed you think he would win in a torro rosso, It don't surprise me you said that to be honest,
Sv fan are after all clueless on what a competitive race should be, All they see is there dream boy winning and it makes them feel good about themselves.
You never heard of a fare race ?
Red bull is destroying formula one it makes it boring when a car has such a huge advantage over everyone else.
Im dam sure it has nothing at all to do with the driver, Ive looked at his cockpit camera and his car has no surprises no understeer no oversteer just pure grip like its running on rails, He didn't get within 5 inches of the walls in the last race because he didn't need to.He don't need to take risks and push the limit of the car at all, He is just driving conservative and that is not racing.
Everytime red bull wins there damaging the sport because its boring.

He knows how to set up a car better than the others. Do you think he just lucks into a race-winning car every race?

It's always been a fair race. The blame is 100% on Ferrari, Mclaren, Mercedes and their drivers, and the other teams for not doing the professional job that Red Bull and Vettel has done.

While Lewis Hamilton is whining about his dog and his girlfriend, or sitting next to the pool, Vettel is in the garage working on the car, so that he can understand the car, and be 100% prepared.

So don't fault Seb for doing everything he can to win - boo the others for not following his example.
I say NO "BOO!!" to Vettel for that. Let's put it straight and simple. Vettel is a great driver, even Alonso, Raikkonen, and Hamilton. I won't argue on that anymore. Vettel was able to maximize his talent and use it to his RB9 during race days and if he wants to dominate the race then let him do his thing.
People pay to watch it, people pay to attend the race, like any other sport, you are allowed to cheer and to boo. If you want to ban "booing" then also ban "cheering" as it is a double standard.

@cbrand493 don't argue with the post china 2009 glory hunters, they still are blinded to see the true Vettel. They will bring up Monza 2008, yet they know a wet race is anyones race, look at Spyker 2007, led every wet lap until it dried off in the last few ones.
and please Vettel a "legend" status....omg...wow, I will accept he is decent until I see him try to win, or win a WC in a much inferior .800+ off pace car and without Helmut, Newey or Horner, and watch all the fans try hards defend it.

Vettel will never reach the respect and status that REAL legends set up about to become, Alonso, as hated as he was, EARNED the respect, Vettel would probably be up there..but you know, you gotta back stab your teammate...this is where Schumacer made a difference, in Australia he made Rubens give him 1st place, yet he RECOGNIZED and had Rubens take the top podium and throphy, even if he took the bullets of booing....but RECOGNIZING where he did wrong is what separates him from Vettel....sorry but multi 21 is a permanent stain, no matter what records you break...and he wouldn't even bother to pick up his teammate...reprimand or not..shows his sportsmanship.

so yeah, let the Booooos flow, they are allowed as much as cheering, and they are more than justified.
So it's normal to boo on a football match but it's not normal to boo on a race track?! Booing is completely a fans' reaction and it is of course personal. People who don't like Vettel boo him. Could be the same a Alonso or Kimi or anyone else.
People pay to watch it, people pay to attend the race, like any other sport, you are allowed to cheer and to boo. If you want to ban "booing" then also ban "cheering" as it is a double standard.

@cbrand493 don't argue with the post china 2009 glory hunters, they still are blinded to see the true Vettel. They will bring up Monza 2008, yet they know a wet race is anyones race, look at Spyker 2007, led every wet lap until it dried off in the last few ones.
and please Vettel a "legend" status....omg...wow, I will accept he is decent until I see him try to win, or win a WC in a much inferior .800+ off pace car and without Helmut, Newey or Horner, and watch all the fans try hards defend it.

Vettel will never reach the respect and status that REAL legends set up about to become, Alonso, as hated as he was, EARNED the respect, Vettel would probably be up there..but you know, you gotta back stab your teammate...this is where Schumacer made a difference, in Australia he made Rubens give him 1st place, yet he RECOGNIZED and had Rubens take the top podium and throphy, even if he took the bullets of booing....but RECOGNIZING where he did wrong is what separates him from Vettel....sorry but multi 21 is a permanent stain, no matter what records you break...and he wouldn't even bother to pick up his teammate...reprimand or not..shows his sportsmanship.

so yeah, let the Booooos flow, they are allowed as much as cheering, and they are more than justified.

alas ! and don't forget people pay to watch F1 and or attend an F1 race, so let the Booooing flow. He deserves it anyways...you know multi 21...that permanent stain.
People pay to watch it, people pay to attend the race, like any other sport, you are allowed to cheer and to boo. If you want to ban "booing" then also ban "cheering" as it is a double standard.

@cbrand493 don't argue with the post china 2009 glory hunters, they still are blinded to see the true Vettel. They will bring up Monza 2008, yet they know a wet race is anyones race, look at Spyker 2007, led every wet lap until it dried off in the last few ones.
and please Vettel a "legend" status....omg...wow, I will accept he is decent until I see him try to win, or win a WC in a much inferior .800+ off pace car and without Helmut, Newey or Horner, and watch all the fans try hards defend it.

Vettel will never reach the respect and status that REAL legends set up about to become, Alonso, as hated as he was, EARNED the respect, Vettel would probably be up there..but you know, you gotta back stab your teammate...this is where Schumacer made a difference, in Australia he made Rubens give him 1st place, yet he RECOGNIZED and had Rubens take the top podium and throphy, even if he took the bullets of booing....but RECOGNIZING where he did wrong is what separates him from Vettel....sorry but multi 21 is a permanent stain, no matter what records you break...and he wouldn't even bother to pick up his teammate...reprimand or not..shows his sportsmanship.

so yeah, let the Booooos flow, they are allowed as much as cheering, and they are more than justified.
It's the respectful thing to do. Whether you like Vettel or not is irrelevant. Booing someone while they collect their trophy or while they are being interviewed is pathetic and childish. I despise Michael Schumacher. Always have always will. He's done way more things in racing than Vettel that are unsportsmanlike and selfish but I would never ever even consider booing him if he was up on that podium.
alas ! and don't forget people pay to watch F1 and or attend an F1 race, so let the Booooing flow. He deserves it anyways...you know multi 21...that permanent stain.

Your golden boy Alonso once criticised Schumacher as being the worst thing to happen to Formula 1, and it upset me, and left a permanent stain, but I would never have booed him.

But you will be the first person on here to criticise Alonso being booed in the same situation, everybody here knows it, so you cannot throw stones from your glass house mate ;)

We all think that you might be related to Alonso as well, as he is the only one who ever does something right in your eyes... Is he your son? Maybe your name is infact Diego Alonso.
Also, bringing up a man directly implicated in Spygate and Crashgate, and who it was reported had a direct veto over his teammate so he could maintain No. 1 driver status, in a conversation about sportsmanship is remarkably foolish.

Let's not forget that in Silverstone 2011 Webber also ignored team orders and chased after his teammate, but he was celebrated as a renegade and true racer taking no orders.

At the end of the day, people can boo all they want, it doesn't matter. And whether or not people think Vettel is a 'legend' doesn't matter. The trophies downstairs, those matter.
This vid sealed it for me in my opinion on the driver in question,
Little pressure of he goes.

Show me an F1 WDC who has never made a mistake. You can't. They have all made mistakes in their careers. They are human.

Only experience I have if you can call it experience is computer games such as f1 or gt5,
Ive raced people online using cars with 100pp less and still won them,
That's the difference,
SV has 500pp everyone else has 450pp lol

What the heck is 100pp? 450pp and 500pp? Is this some computer racing slang for talent? I have never heard it used in the real world. Plus the drivers only used 10% of their skill? Says who? You? LOL ... you clearly have no idea what racing with G forces is like. I only experience 2-3 Gs in my Rotax DD2 kart in races which are much shorter and this is a far cry from the 5-6 Gs the F1 drivers experience. But 2-3 Gs is still plenty to physically strain you throughout a race and I can only imagine what 5-6 Gs must be like. When you are ready to join us in the real world let me know because the real world and your virtual computer racing world are two completely different things.
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At the end of the day, people can boo all they want, it doesn't matter. And whether or not people think Vettel is a 'legend' doesn't matter. The trophies downstairs, those matter.

F1 has always been about the total package. It's never been about just the driver. But clearly Vettel + Red Bull are a winning package. Vettel and Red Bull are doing something right when the partisans start hating them. That means that they are good, that they are winners.
The hole idea of a race is to see who has the best man and machine combination and who can get to the end of the allotted distance first.
But what is missing today that made the 60s,70s,80s and 90s so great to watch is the element of danger,competition between others to fight for the lead, adrenaline ,pressure,because it depended on 30% of the drivers skill to win unlike todays cars they only depend on 10% of the drivers skill to make a difference.
If they made a mistake back then there highly likely to die but today the safety is that high there is little risk to the drivers so removing the element of risk removes there achievements as a winning driver and makes them more of a passenger.
This vid sealed it for me in my opinion on the driver in question,
Little pressure of he goes.

Only experience I have if you can call it experience is computer games such as f1 or gt5,
Ive raced people online using cars with 100pp less and still won them,
That's the difference,
SV has 500pp everyone else has 450pp lol

Oh you mean like this?

Or this?

Or this?

This vid sealed it for me in my opinion on the driver in question,
Little pressure of he goes.

Show me an F1 WDC who has never made a mistake. You can't. They have all made mistakes in their careers. They are human.

Only experience I have if you can call it experience is computer games such as f1 or gt5,
Ive raced people online using cars with 100pp less and still won them,
That's the difference,
SV has 500pp everyone else has 450pp lol

What the heck is 100pp? 450pp and 500pp? Is this some computer racing slang for talent? I have never heard it used in the real world. Plus the drivers only used 10% of their skill? Says who? You? LOL ... you clearly have no idea what racing with G forces is like. I only experience 2-3 Gs in my Rotax DD2 kart in races which are much shorter and this is a far cry from the 5-6 Gs the F1 drivers experience. But 2-3 Gs is still plenty to physically strain you throughout a race and I can only imagine what 5-6 Gs must be like. When you are ready to join us in the real world let me know because the real world and your virtual computer racing world are two completely different things.
PP is performance points. It's how GranTurismo 5 rates a cars performance. It's a severely flawed mechanism as they see increasing downforce on a wing as increasing performance point s, which is not always the case. Like I said... this kelaroost is just some kid playing on his PS3 who thinks he knows everything about cars, racing and formula 1 when truth is he knows nothing.
I'm not a fan of any particular driver and just enjoy the sport. I think it's impossible to argue with the fact Vettel's just a great driver, if this was any other moment in history people would be falling over themselves to praise him. He's always flawless and even though I was a bit disappointed to see another German flying away with it I just have to respect the man's talent.
Hallo all,

Well there has been a lot said here. I think you pay your money you attend the race, and because you payed you are free to boo or cheer for whoever you want. Let's face it the cost of going to a race is astronomical, I know, I have been to a Spa GP. Did I boo or cheer anyone, who cares? I am not going to judge anybody for booing or cheering. Booing or cheering doesn't injure anyone, it's a way of expressing your opinion, it is non violent and as far as I know it never killed anybody.

The fact of the matter is, Vettel committed an absolutely unforgivable act in Malaysia. If the fans want to forgive him for it, cheer or boo him for it, t's their good right to do so. Who are we to judge?

Hallo all,

Well there has been a lot said here. I think you pay your money you attend the race, and because you payed you are free to boo or cheer for whoever you want. Let's face it the cost of going to a race is astronomical, I know, I have been to a Spa GP. Did I boo or cheer anyone, who cares? I am not going to judge anybody for booing or cheering. Booing or cheering doesn't injure anyone, it's a way of expressing your opinion, it is non violent and as far as I know it never killed anybody.

The fact of the matter is, Vettel committed an absolutely unforgivable act in Malaysia. If the fans want to forgive him for it, cheer or boo him for it, t's their good right to do so. Who are we to judge?

Booing is derogatory. It's demeaning. Put yourself in Vettel's shoes. You've just won a race. The adrenaline is flowing. You're elated. Ecstatic. Over the moon. You go onto that podium to receive your trophy...people boo you. You shrug it off. Out comes Eddie Jordan or such and the interview with you begins. You get booed when you speak. What would you be thinking? Feeling? If it were me...I'd be doubting whether I deserve this trophy. Whether I'm wanted in F1. Whether people enjoy watching me race. Whether people are sharing the same excited feelings that you are. It may not affect other people in the crowd. But I can sure as hell say that it affects the drivers, no matter how good their poker face is.
Im 43 born 1970 and been watching f1 for over 25 years and the last 4 years have been the most boring because of the red bull dominance.
It become pointless to watch because if red bulls in pole its clear who is going to win because of there extra rear down force.
SV is a good driver but is he a deserving 4x world champion i don't think so.
Untill he can win a championship in a slower car he will allways be bood,
I wouldn't do it myself because you cant blame the guy for doing his best but you can boo the situation reb bulls dominance has.
Just watch the on board camera during the race its a walk in the park and anyone driving on track could do the exact same thing driving his car from his team not mark webbers car team there useless.
Ive said what i think im no longer going to comment on this so don't bother tagging my comments i will no longer respond because there is no getting thought to SV fanatics.
Im 43 born 1970 and been watching f1 for over 25 years and the last 4 years have been the most boring because of the red bull dominance.
It become pointless to watch because if red bulls in pole its clear who is going to win because of there extra rear down force.
SV is a good driver but is he a deserving 4x world champion i don't think so.
Untill he can win a championship in a slower car he will allways be bood,
I wouldn't do it myself because you cant blame the guy for doing his best but you can boo the situation reb bulls dominance has.
Just watch the on board camera during the race its a walk in the park and anyone driving on track could do the exact same thing driving his car from his team not mark webbers car team there useless.

Still grasping at straws I see.

Where do you have any physical proof that Red Bull have more downforce than Ferrari? Just because Vettel is dominating isn't proof of that. The only reason his car is behaving better than anyone's, including Webber's, is because he understands how to give feedback about what the car is doing.

Vettel is just better than Alonso, Kimi and the others, and you dissing him all the time isn't going to make that go away like in some kind of fairy tale ;)
Kind of speaks for itself


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