Fanatec Clubsport Formula V2 Wheel is not identified by Clubsport V2.5 Base

My drivers are up to date and when i have my bmw gt2 wheel on the base, it works totally normal and shows the wheel rim normally in the game controller. after putting on the formula rim, it either shows the elite p1 wheel as connected or i get a notification that the base cant identify the wheel rim. any ideas?
Not sure what you mean with "drivers are up to date": on the CSW page you have v328 available, but on the Formula v2 page there is a v334, I guess you would at least need that one for the rim.

I'm only talking about stable drivers but they released many beta drivers since those, you have to dig in their forum. Fanatic could really make it easier, it's easy to get lost!

If your driver is newer than 334, then sorry: not sure what to suggest.
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