Fanatec Podium DD1 vs Podium Racing Wheel F1

I’m investigating purchasing a Fanatec DD wheel base, but really fancy the wheel that comes on the Podium Racing Wheel F1, (which is the wheelbase suitable for use with the PS4 (there is a slim chance I would connect to a PS4 but its not a driver for the decision)

The DD1 Wheelbase with Formula Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2 and advanced paddle mount is slightly cheaper

The question I have is the wheelbase used on the Podium Racing Wheel F1 the same as the DD1 wheelbase ? or more simply am I missing out on features of the DD1 if I go for the PS4 compatible version ?


Skid Solo
From my understanding, the PS4 version is a DD1 with the needed licensing to run on PlayStation. You can't upgrade a regular DD1 to PS4. The wheel has blue accents, but that is the only difference I am aware of. The bases use the same motor and drivers.
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To be honest, given the PS4 special edition F1 wheel with blue alcantara cannot be purchased separately, you could always get the DD1 PS4, sell the wheel minus the podium paddle module for more than the V2 costs and still end up paying the same price.

IMO, since the PS4 wheel cannot be sold separately, you could probably sell it for $500-$550, meaning you could get a Formula V2 and still have $100 left over, but have the PS4 compatible DD1 version.
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