I kindly ask if anyone has succesfully installed a custom wheel rim (Sparco, Omp, Momo and so on....) on a Podium hub (and eventually an advanced paddle module...) to use it with a Fanatec Wheel base.
Thank you !!
Hi, I am mainly curious about compatibility with the sparco f 10 , that has three holes.
Over the net until now I have found only few examples of custom wheel installed on a fanatec hub, so every info (also for other brands/types of steering wheel) is really appreciated.
On this forum there are many very skilled modders, so I hope someone can help me.
For example I saw that the very talented JohnnyV has managed to mod an F10, so I hope he can tell me some useful info.
Thank you in advance
F10 is a 3x50.8mm Podium lists 3x50mm which technically is the same thing.
There's 50.8mm, 52mm, and then 70mm, There very well might be some unique weird patterns on some off brand unique one of rims, But unlikely this combo wouldn't work.
Thank you, so I can be sure F10 will fit perfectly on the fanatec hub ?
(Can you explain why it is technically the same thing ?)
Thank you very much !!
Ok, thank you very much: what do you think about Force Feedback when using Sparco F10 on a Csw 2.5 (by Hub plus APM...) ??
Can it be too heavy for the Csw 2.5. motor ??
(ACC user Here....)
Thank you very much to Moxley6969 & JohnnyV for their kind help.
(JohnnyV, I see on this forum that your wheels are really very well made....congratulations !)
If anyone is going to mount a custom wheel on the Fanatec Hub, please report your experience
If I go on with my project I will inform you.
Best regards !