AC FC1 2009 Williams FW31 0.9b @Spa GP Sun 24th May 2015

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
For sure I'll be there on future races but I just wanted to remind everybody that especially with cars like this one everything happens so fast. You cannot brake as late as you brake when you're hotlapping when you're battling for places. You have to be patient. With a bit more respect these races would be so much fun! Winning is not everything.
I watched the replay I had light contact with you on lap 2. I am sorry for that. You got a good tow and I did not defend and didn't attempt a re-pass. It appeared to me you lost the rear coming off the turn and I couldn't react quick enough for your sudden drop in speed. I really thought you would be quicker through that section of track. I was really just trying to keep pace to repass next time around. I again apologize for the contact and i am sorry your race was ruined.
I watched the replay I had light contact with you on lap 2. I am sorry for that. You got a good tow and I did not defend and didn't attempt a re-pass. It appeared to me you lost the rear coming off the turn and I couldn't react quick enough for your sudden drop in speed. I really thought you would be quicker through that section of track. I was really just trying to keep pace to repass next time around. I again apologize for the contact and i am sorry your race was ruined.

No problem. It was only once and mistakes happens to all of us.

I don't blame anyone specially. Just the overall attitude what everyone could easily see today. Two crashes can still be coincidence but if there are three, can't see it as a coincidence anymore. The lack of respect is never a good thing. But when we all, me included, understand this one, we have lot more fun in the future.
The a fore mentioned contact with Ville-Samuli was pretty indicative of how my race went. I qualified okay. I did not have a good setup for this car. I turned some laps with the s1 car on this track and used that one. I ran way wrong top gear and too much df for the race. The pit stop went well, except I ran out of gas on the penultimate lap and had to splash and dash. Oh well. Still fun.
@Si I have had those issues as well. Not every track but most of them. Las time we did Spa with these cars I had those things at Eue Rouge. And it started after half race. Its like car becomes lower suddenly and start to bottom.
And I remember how Dragos noticed same kind of behaviour. Remember how He said that he found a new bumb from track?
@Si I have had those issues as well. Not every track but most of them. Las time we did Spa with these cars I had those things at Eue Rouge. And it started after half race. Its like car becomes lower suddenly and start to bottom.

Yeah, those ones sounds familiar.

I've explained it to myself like this:
When your fuel load gets lighter, the car becomes more front weighted on high speed corners and the front end of the floor (Jabroc) (which is always really low) starts scraping the track surface.
Well the physics guy at Formula Corsa has told me its completely normal, its the car bottoming out, he also told me what to change to fix it!

"The car is bottoming out, it's completely normal! there are many ways to fix it :

higher heave rates/offsets, lower packerrange, stiffer bumpstops."

Remember how He said that he found a new bumb from track?
I do remember those very words! :thumbsup:
here you go guys, this is the issue I had!
Very strange indeed!

Was there any slight touch into a kerb..? Could be part of the kerb of death - issue...
I would have said that's a AC kerb issue, but...
absolutely no touch of a curb!
And I remember how Dragos noticed same kind of behaviour. Remember how He said that he found a new bumb from track?
I do remember that. I hope we'll find where it's come from, it must have been very frustrating @Si, not knowing why your car behaves like so...

Its like car becomes lower suddenly and start to bottom.
Maybe the fuel load/tyre pressures/wheel rate/height make the car touch the tarmac? I think AC behaves strangely when it come to the contact between the road and the very bottom of the car...

EDIT: Whoops, I didn't see your reply @Si, at least we know what to change!
@Si, It looks like the rear is a bit too soft or/and low, and that your front has much more grip.
Here is my setup for the race, low aero. No once I've encountered this trouble with it. But I've already felt that with others setup!
When your fuel load gets lighter, the car becomes more front weighted on high speed corners and the front end of the floor (Jabroc) (which is always really low) starts scraping the track surface.

You are probably right. But it's annoying when you set up your car so that it won't bottom with high fuel load, but then it will at low fuel
Well guys new physics are incoming soon, with a complete new build of the mod!

Something to look forward to for "F1 Sundays"
here you go guys, this is the issue I had!

so yup, as others have said, i can only assuming this is a car bottoming out issue, as it's happened to me on parts of the track with bad bumps.
in the race it happened once, at eau rouge, when i took a wider entry into the right hand bit up the hill and there are harsher bumps - car 'jumped' and i realised not to venture out there again.

it does it at silverstone going into the maggots/beckets bit where there are some odd bumps there, car suddenly spazes out and you're flying onto the run off at 200mph.

i assume its a setup issue but i have zero idea how to fix it - this was my first ever online AC race with a pitstop (i had zero idea what to expect when i went into the pits, fortunately the menu that came up was quite user friendly!), with this car, for the setup i was just using softs and 65L for both stints, default setup other than reducing front/rear wing by 3 clicks, i softened both ARB's by 2 clicks, brake bias on 57, and that was it. i don't do setups, no clue!

so if you'd have left it on default you'd have been fine.
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